Author Topic: Cubs, Kits, Pups, Etc.  (Read 2582 times)

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Cubs, Kits, Pups, Etc.
« on: August 07, 2013, 01:13:08 am »
 So, you're advertising for a pride, pack, clan, etc. and you end up including cubs, kits, pups, and what not. Then you return to your camp, den, where ever you live, and that's when the drama and annoying stuff happens. -.-'
     Like honestly, I don't mind having a bunch of "Young Ones" in my group, but when they start sneaking off, challenging intruders, getting injured, etc. etc. etc. It's gets tiresome. I mean, if you do it once or twice then fine, stuff happens. But when you sneak off Every. Single. Night. Or try and attack intruders, or have the group hover over your dying corpse every single minute then there's a problem.
     Like the today I was chosen, unfortunately, as a Cub Watcher and 4 different cubs I was given to watch snuck out constantly and defied practically everyone. I got really tired and my Queen finally cut me some slack and lectured all of them for me.
Have any of you had annoying people like this?

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Re: Cubs, Kits, Pups, Etc.
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2013, 01:34:32 am »
In every warrior roleplay I've been in (which is quite a lot) at least 10 kits sneak out a week(in all the Clans) and I'm tired of hearing She sneakily hides in the shadows and doesn't get caught. Which pretty much means that the Clan will never know of her escape, which bothers me :/ Also in many wolf RPs pups try to sneak out without getting caught. I mean.. If your character is 'sweet,' and 'follows the rules,' they never sneak out. Well I've seen so many goody-two-shoes sneaking out it's not even funny. Sorry this kind of turned into a rant xD

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Re: Cubs, Kits, Pups, Etc.
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2013, 01:40:12 am »
RPing as the young of any animal can get quite boring actually, since most younglings realistically speaking sleep & eat for 75% of the time. So the cubs/kits/pups sneak out, or break a rule, or do something to get in trouble, just to have something fun to RP. I sometimes find the overactive young members annoying, but more often than not I'm annoyed in a different way; the cub/pup/kit expecting to immediately have a mother in the group. This can be frustrating when there are no current females able to accept offspring, and the resulting overpopulation of young can be often three times the number of adults.

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Re: Cubs, Kits, Pups, Etc.
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2013, 01:53:50 am »
RPing as the young of any animal can get quite boring actually, since most younglings realistically speaking sleep & eat for 75% of the time. So the cubs/kits/pups sneak out, or break a rule, or do something to get in trouble, just to have something fun to RP. I sometimes find the overactive young members annoying, but more often than not I'm annoyed in a different way; the cub/pup/kit expecting to immediately have a mother in the group. This can be frustrating when there are no current females able to accept offspring, and the resulting overpopulation of young can be often three times the number of adults.

Yeah, I know what you mean. Sometimes I make a group and all I get are young ones.
     Now that I think about it the ones that don't have parents or a parent usually are the ones that get into the most trouble. And if you think about it logically it makes sense. So thanks for your feed-back :D

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Re: Cubs, Kits, Pups, Etc.
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2013, 02:46:37 am »
I've got no issues with cub/kit/pup RPers...Just the one -type- that I keep seeing over and over. It's the same type that made me /facepalm at least fifty times a day in WoW and other larger MMOs.

The whole 'My parents were killed by so and so, so I'm going to hate everyone and yell and rant non stop about how angry I am and how I want revenge.' thing is just too cliche, especially when it seems like every other youngling is using that same story. I think the only non-angsty cub/pup I've seen so far is my own... Probably because I already had a definite personality for her, and a simple backstory having to do with another of my characters. While my cub may be out on her own, she's not actively searching for danger/excitement to ease her boredom. If she comes across someone, she's wary and keeps her distance, no running up all cheerful towards potentially dangerous strangers for her! (Which is something I keep seeing, mainly from the many kits running around in the cat clans...Suicidal kits! Crazyness!) About the only time she's not apprehensive around strangers is when she's simply exhausted, and even then she's just a quiet, sweet, well-mannered cub.

The long and short of it - There's no problem with people rping as cubs/kits/pups, it's more how people choose to RP them. Not everyone RPs the same, so once you get past the stereotypical types people choose, it really just comes down to personal preferences and individual interactions.

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Re: Cubs, Kits, Pups, Etc.
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2013, 02:50:02 am »
Yes, I agree, it's so annoying when they get hurt and sneak off every other minute! I mean, geez attention seeker much? Why not play as an adult..? I find playing with young players quite annoying most of the time....

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Re: Cubs, Kits, Pups, Etc.
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2013, 02:56:27 am »
I don't allow cub/pups/whatever's into my ROw unless they have a parent or willing parent/guardian. Otherwise it's to much work. The go and get themselves killed all the time. Although older ones , or teen ones aren't nearly as bad. If they are bored they then can go watch training sessions or help gather herds. Actually if you assign them to do things they only die once a day. Big improvement. Some people can TO as a cub/pup better though.

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Re: Cubs, Kits, Pups, Etc.
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2013, 04:21:43 am »
You want to know what my biggest issue with the pups/cubs/etc? Far too many of them act like "infants" rather than children. Its like they go from "Im a baby and can be a pest because I dont know any better" to angsty teenager to "adult" [And from what I can tell for a lot of people, "mary sue adult" >_>]

Now, I can understand if you're RPing a very young cub or pup who can hardly walk and talk but how often do you see a 1 year old infant make a comedy-movie type of escape from its parents and into trouble? You don't. Yes, children can be a handful and can "disappear" but they're not ninjas at one year of age, which would probably be about even with a few-months-old cub character who can hardly communicate. In other words, your "infant" cub shouldn't be an escape artist! Now if your character is an older child but not quite a teenager and has some motivation to escape, THAT is another thing entirely, that is slightly different but still irritating when everyone does it at the SAME time.

This brings me to another thing....I've noticed most of the cub and pup character's Ive come across, the characters themselves have no aspirations or motivations. Children have motivation and aspirations of their own. Now, one could argue that's a little more difficult to come up with for an animal character but lets think for a minute. If you're being realistic, I think realistically a young animal's only motivation is to learn from its parent, stay where its meant to stay, and be quiet. Otherwise, guess what happens in the real wild if they don't? They get caught and they get eaten! As for semi-realism and unrealistic roleplays it is so easy to give your cub character something OTHER than harrasing mom, dad, and the "pack/pride" to do such as..... Welll lets say you have a "healer" in your group. Maybe your cub has an interest in that job and shadows that other character, going on trips to find herbs with them or something like that. Or have them ask an older member to teach them how to fight or use magic or something /other/ than "Ima run away YAAAAY 8DDDD" which is irritating for every party involved except you. And that's just not right.

I was RPing with a friend a few weeks back and one of the cubs in her pride escaped. My character was acting as a baby sitter, so she ran to fetch her and brought her back. Fine. Dandy. I can deal with that. Except after a while she does again and when no one pays attention to her, she remarks again that she ran off. I told her OOCly that I wasn't sending my character after hers again, that I viewed it like attention seeking and I doubted anyone else wanted to deal with it. Sure enough, she said "Nevermind I never ran off" (or something to that effect) and came back.

I don't tolerate that kind of behavior for very long.

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Re: Cubs, Kits, Pups, Etc.
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2013, 09:06:22 am »
I do not act like that when I play as a pup or a cub! I act pretty much like a nice little character with a personality. Like cody. He is parr of the south side. He wants to be a fighter someday so he will become very strong. Oh and also when a played as a lion cub and I think his name was Tovu I am not sure but then he met 3 other cubs and they vrew up together. I remember when Iyesha fell down the hill at bonfire and her leg was cracked open I think...But yeah. When we were teens my friend was on the edge of the hill about to fall and I tried to save him then we fell down together. We were alright. When we were adults Iyesha was alive and we fell in love and then we were mates and she got pregnet (sorry if I mispelt that) so now we looking for a cub to be born and the circle of life continues.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2013, 06:47:52 am by EpicWolfie »

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Re: Cubs, Kits, Pups, Etc.
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2013, 06:34:19 am »
I've got no issues with cub/kit/pup RPers...Just the one -type- that I keep seeing over and over. It's the same type that made me /facepalm at least fifty times a day in WoW and other larger MMOs.

The whole 'My parents were killed by so and so, so I'm going to hate everyone and yell and rant non stop about how angry I am and how I want revenge.' thing is just too cliche, especially when it seems like every other youngling is using that same story. I think the only non-angsty cub/pup I've seen so far is my own... Probably because I already had a definite personality for her, and a simple backstory having to do with another of my characters. While my cub may be out on her own, she's not actively searching for danger/excitement to ease her boredom. If she comes across someone, she's wary and keeps her distance, no running up all cheerful towards potentially dangerous strangers for her! (Which is something I keep seeing, mainly from the many kits running around in the cat clans...Suicidal kits! Crazyness!) About the only time she's not apprehensive around strangers is when she's simply exhausted, and even then she's just a quiet, sweet, well-mannered cub.

The long and short of it - There's no problem with people rping as cubs/kits/pups, it's more how people choose to RP them. Not everyone RPs the same, so once you get past the stereotypical types people choose, it really just comes down to personal preferences and individual interactions.

D--> I definatly agree with you on that one. I've seen too many of those kind of characters as well. To me, that kind of character sounds like a "please pitty me" character. Not trying to sound rude, but it just does.

D--> I know exactly what you mean by this. I too have experienced my fair share of these "trouble-making youngsters" in many roleplays that I've joined. I see it happen all the time in the Warrior cat roleplays I join; a kit or many kits sneak off, just to see if anyone is going to say anything about it, or give them attention for it. It's the same with some people who play as lion cubs, wolf pups, and any other baby animal. Most of the time, people who play as young characters who sneak off all the time, get themselves hurt, or act like their guts are falling out are just seeking attention. I've seen a case where this one clan kit was doing it so much that it was disrupting the plot of the RP. She kept sneaking off, defying the leader and warriors, getting hurt, and whining/crying for someone to help her with her injuries.The leader, as well as everyone else, got so fed up with it that they kicked her from the group and blocked her.

D--> It's true that out in the real world, baby animals will find themselves getting into mischief or trouble whenever they sneak away from their den or their nest. But in reality, baby animals do not go picking a fight with intruders. Most baby animals have the instict to hide away from danger; they don't want to be eaten or injured. I've seen too many cubs/pups go up and challenge a big adult lion, wolf, hyena, cheetah, bear, coyote, tiger, ect. and they often times powerplay or godmodd. Out in the real world, if a big male lion were to come near a nest of baby cheetah cubs, the cubs aren't going to show themselves and try to fight him. They are going to go silent, lay low, and hope that it doesn't find them and eat them. Did Simba and Nala fight the hyenas when they were cubs? NO! They ran for their lives, because that's what cubs do when they feel threatened.

D--> If I ever play the role of a cub/pup/kit I do things realistically. I will hide when I feel threatened, or sometimes I will bark/yap/mew angrily at an animal much bigger than my baby character- but I won't fight them. I'm not going to godmodd or powerplay, because I do not stand for such a thing.
Okay. I'm done sharing my own opinion.