Author Topic: My personal opinions of FeralHeart  (Read 1331 times)

Offline donutforest

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My personal opinions of FeralHeart
« on: December 24, 2013, 03:34:15 am »
~~::WARING::~~ This is NOT meant to offend ANYONE! Not the members, not the staff, no one. Thank you.

Ok, so, I ahve been playing FH for a long time, and let me say, I do enjoy it, but there is some problems I have with it, so please, hear me out, and correct me if I am wrong.

So, I joined the game when I was little, so, eeyup, I learned rolplay and stuff.
The Maps: The maps are ok, I guess. Sometimes they seem to flat, to sharp, to unrealistic, or to plain. For example, the snowy map, South Pole, forgot what its called, it waaaaayyy to plain. All it is is a snowy place. There could have been Ice, Rocks, and maybe dead plants, but its just to plain.

Report thing. To be honest, I would like it better if there was a report button. If I am correct, there was once a report button, but I guess there isn't now. Now, I feel the system of reporting someone is to complicated for some people, including me.

Getting rid of General. Here is what made me mad. If I am correct, they got rid of it because it was causing spam, now there saying dont cause spam witht the movie maker. Of course there will be spam, getting rid of general caused more spam! Heck, I have another tab open with the game, and there is spam right now! I think it would have been better to KEEP general, and get rid of Movie Maker, I think it would have been a little better.

Updates with Contests: Everytime I see the update for contests, I think it would be better to change the name title. If I am correct, its called 'Updates and Kewl stuff' but the update is a contest, which confuses people, thinking its a game update, I think it would be better being called 'Contest updates and Kewl stuff'

Also, I have a question. Can you add more people to the team, or do you need the scource code? No, no, no, I am not hating on the MODs and ADMINs, but I am just wondering, because, the more the merrier, it may helpout the Website and Game :)

I will type more when I think of more stuff :) Have a good day! :D

Offline WhiteLightHeart

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Re: My personal opinions of FeralHeart
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2013, 04:21:17 am »
While I understand your intentions were for the better of the game, I need to go ahead and let you know that this thread, since it does discuss the removal of General chat, it will have to be locked.
Please refer to this announcement from one of our staff members.
I hope you'll understand once you've read this thread.

However, before it's locked, we will answer your other suggestions.

1.) The Public Maps
Arr.. We're very aware of the poor quality of our maps-- South Pole especially, with fewer than one object, and two lone portals even being placed in it. Many of our public maps were made with seeming haste on the creator's part, and we too wish that they could have more love put into them.
However, in order to truly update the game (which would include maps), we would need to have the source code, which KovuLKD has, but has not given to the game's staff.
This particular instance, we are limited with.

2.) A "Report Button"
There had been one, as you said. However, it never worked, and was removed from the game after some persistent asking in the game's first year.
I personally dislike the idea of this, though, since any user can just as easily be screenshotted (including their rule-breaking behavior) and reported to a staff member. This would take a lot of coding to make it fair and effective, and for it to provide a truly reliable way for behavior to regulated within the game (after all, a button available to anyone does not have the reasoning skills of a staff team).
Not to mention, it would also require a source code from LKD.

3.) General chat should not be discussed in our forums. We apologize, but this topic has proven to attract drama, rather than legitimate and level-headed debate. Again, refer to the link I posted above.

4.) "Updates and Kewl Sturf"
This has been a mere staple of the news/announcements threads since FH's first year (largely some of Red's lingo in there, as well).
The thing with this, is that they are not always just contests. This "update" can often be categorized as, yes, a game update (which have been regrettably ground to a halt in the past two years), forum updates, board updates, rule updates, contest announcements, or anything else that has been otherwise altered from its original form.
And so, while an update in a game's community may bring about the thought of an in-game update, this is not always the case, and a little bit of reading beyond the section's title will show exactly what has been updated on both the game and website, whatever the case may be.
So, I don't think that particular title needs to be altered to specify "contests" or otherwise forum things.

5.) New staff
Truly I say to thee, the staff is always seeking new recruits. No source code required, either.
However, there is a catch.
While we're seeking new staff, we will never simply hire an ol' buddy from another server, or set up "MOD applications" on the forum for anybody to come out and say they'd be great on the team. After all, anybody can fill out an application.
Because our jobs are solely for trustworthy individuals, with good heads on their shoulders, and need to be active, how will taking 20 minutes to fill out an application show that they're really here for the long haul, and here for the community? (As opposed to just wanting to "be" a MOD?)
The staff who are chosen for FeralHeart are the ones who have stuck around the forum and game, being kind, being helpful, selfless, abiding by game rules and encouraging others to do so, are the ones that will ultimately be looked upon as possible staff--and even then, they may or may not be asked to join the staff.
We want those who have proven their responsibility and activity on the forum, to become staff.
However, it takes time for these users to prove themselves, but it's for the best of the community in the long run. That's why we aren't hiring new staff left and right-- we need those who will be the best, to step up in their own time.

I hope this helped answer your questions, and I apologize that I have to lock this thread-- but, we have our regulations regarding the open discussion of General chat. Feel free to PM me if you have any further questions regarding this thread in particular.
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