~~::WARING::~~ This is NOT meant to offend ANYONE! Not the members, not the staff, no one. Thank you.
Ok, so, I ahve been playing FH for a long time, and let me say, I do enjoy it, but there is some problems I have with it, so please, hear me out, and correct me if I am wrong.
So, I joined the game when I was little, so, eeyup, I learned rolplay and stuff.
The Maps: The maps are ok, I guess. Sometimes they seem to flat, to sharp, to unrealistic, or to plain. For example, the snowy map, South Pole, forgot what its called, it waaaaayyy to plain. All it is is a snowy place. There could have been Ice, Rocks, and maybe dead plants, but its just to plain.
Report thing. To be honest, I would like it better if there was a report button. If I am correct, there was once a report button, but I guess there isn't now. Now, I feel the system of reporting someone is to complicated for some people, including me.
Getting rid of General. Here is what made me mad. If I am correct, they got rid of it because it was causing spam, now there saying dont cause spam witht the movie maker. Of course there will be spam, getting rid of general caused more spam! Heck, I have another tab open with the game, and there is spam right now! I think it would have been better to KEEP general, and get rid of Movie Maker, I think it would have been a little better.
Updates with Contests: Everytime I see the update for contests, I think it would be better to change the name title. If I am correct, its called 'Updates and Kewl stuff' but the update is a contest, which confuses people, thinking its a game update, I think it would be better being called 'Contest updates and Kewl stuff'
Also, I have a question. Can you add more people to the team, or do you need the scource code? No, no, no, I am not hating on the MODs and ADMINs, but I am just wondering, because, the more the merrier, it may helpout the Website and Game
I will type more when I think of more stuff
Have a good day!