Author Topic: Share Creepy stories that happened to you!  (Read 2045 times)

Offline Morqque

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Re: Share Creepy stories that happened to you!
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2015, 12:21:45 am »
I was around 9 or 10 years old. I was chasing my cat
around the house for who knows what reason. He dodged under the couch and as I peeked
under, the room grew dark and for a split second I saw an ear-to-ear toothy grin and human-cat
eyes without a face flash in front of me. I ran to my Mom and was terrified of the cat for a while.

Thus one happens all the time.
My mind likes to make up these horrifying images of creatures and/or people and nag me
to beleive that they're actually there. Not a good thing to happen to a person with anxiety and
paranoia. So if I think of something like that and I'm in my room and I have to go out of
it for something in the middle of the night, I won't. And it's gotten so bad that one time I couldn't
even set foot off of my bed out of fear something will get it.
It's a rare chance but if the thoughts are keeping me up, I may or may not either see
the creature/image. But I useually see shadows out of the corners of my eyes.
Ugh. Horrible.

And other scary things include my dreams. In which I'll leave in a spoiler due to warnings.
This dream repeats over and over across weeks. It's happened 4 times already.
It's either about someone or myself killing my friends which scares me to death since the dream
is so realistic. Or, the worst, is that my best friend has commited suicide. THIS one has happened 6 times.
And the worst on was the most current in which she had done it over skype and I couldnt do
anything about it. Thank god it was just a dream. Though, it had driven me to the point of
not understanding reality for a few days. Dark times.

Yeeeaaah. xD

« Last Edit: January 28, 2015, 12:28:51 am by Zircon »