Author Topic: Share Creepy stories that happened to you!  (Read 2021 times)

Offline ShadowPaws3

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Share Creepy stories that happened to you!
« on: December 29, 2014, 01:19:12 am »
Basically share scary stories that happened to you.

I was 8 when a random masked dude with a hoodie jumped over my fence into the yard, stared at me & my friends, not going away 'til we basically forced him away. He spoke no words. Us, not running or screaming sat there confused not doing anything 'bout it. He just stared, doing it again the next day, like he was spying us.

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Offline wolflover18178

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Re: Share Creepy stories that happened to you!
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2015, 08:30:14 pm »
One time there was a corn bug on my doughnut.
And I ate the whole thing.

Offline Kastilla

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Re: Share Creepy stories that happened to you!
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2015, 11:49:57 pm »
I'm not the one whom tells the petty little scary stories 'round the campfire, but I have witnessed some strange things, some of which I care not to remember... ... but, in all sense, there are some I am quite eager to talk about.
When I was a wee lass, about 7'r 8, my parents were drivin' down the road; we where near a corn(or wheat) field. When we reached the end, I happened to look to the right out the window, to see a skinny black dog enterin' the field. The whole gist'o this is that I've seen this dog many times before, entering a field of some sort, in the middle of nowhere, near a road. My belief of that dog and it's connection with a certain character'o mine is something I'd rather not mention.
'Twas nice, though, to share one of my many err... abnormal incidents.
stinky dog coming through, don't mind me!

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Re: Share Creepy stories that happened to you!
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2015, 01:00:30 am »
Two words: Lucid dreams. I've only had these types of incidents twice in my life, but man...

The first time, I was around 11, and i fell into this half awake/half asleep state..I was facing the wall, and my side lamp behind me was on (creepy part was i'm pretty sure it was off before, when I had fallen asleep. I suddenly came to find an odd mellifluous sound coming from the other side of the wall (the other side of the wall was the outdoors) and it sounded like..kind of like one of those big pianos they have in old churches, that has this long drawn out hum. It sounded like a whole symphony of those, and being the laid-back chick I am, I enjoyed the music and soon drifted off, coming later to realize that this phenomena is called "sleep paralysis".

Sleep paralysis happened to me again when I was around 13, and it was a much scarier one. I was laying in bed, same half-asleep state as before, unable to move.I was facing the wall and it was pitch dark, and i began to hear the light crunch of footsteps on the carpet behind me, approaching my bed. My first thought was, "better act like i'm alseep, that must be mom coming to check on me." But then, an instant later, I realized that my mom had gone to bed like an hour ago, and the last time i'd checked the clock it read around 1:15! This wasn't my mom! I jolted back into conciousness, whirling myself around and looking into the darkness. Nothing...just a figment of my woozy brain.

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Re: Share Creepy stories that happened to you!
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2015, 11:46:15 am »
Oh my goodness will my paranoia be acting up tonight!
But, I'll tell ya'll just for the fun. xD

Something insomniacs (I'm one) want you all to know is, when we're tired we see things and we get really creative. So, from time to time I would see things that are pretty scary. *-*

Also, whenever I get involved in something scary it usually gets stuck in my head and it bothers me. Recently, I've listened and read to the Creepypasta story, Stubb's Clubhouse [IF YOU'RE AFRAID OF CLOWNS, CLUBHOUSES, OR PARNORMAL STUFF: DON'T READ/LISTEN TO]. Click the spoiler if you want to continue. Warning: Disturbing and dark!
The story is about a kid who buys a movie from the movie story called "Stubb's Clubhouse", which had only 3 episodes. And the tape itself looked eerie and scratched up. The kid watched the first episode. It showed Stubb's a some kids at a playground. In the background, was the kid's house. He looked out the window and saw it. A kid was holding an imaginary hand, as if Stubb's was there. It turns out, it was a moment where it was like a camera filming live (Kind of like the news!).
Then the second episode was kind of darker. I don't remember what it was.
 The last episode was the most darkest and disturbing. Stubb's and some kids in a circle at a table. A little girl laid her arm out like Stubb's asked her and he pulled out a knife, digging it into the girl's arm. The girl was bleeding and screaming in pain for help. The other kids were plainly watching, like they wanted to see the end. Then it cut to a screen where Stubb's was suddenly in the kid's little sister's room, looking down at her with black, dripping eye sockets. And he looked at the camera... That was the end of the story.
My brother and I got so paranoid, that we started to hear and see things we knew we fake! It eventually came to the point where Jason and I couldn't go to the bathroom, at all. Nor even leave our rooms to go to eat or school.

Then, the day my house got robbed.
My family and some of my dad's friends were over. It was nighttime, and we all were sleeping. Suddenly, my mom shaked me awake..
"Honey wake up!" was what I remember her saying. She sounded so panicked. To her, I was a mirror. If she's sad, I'm sad. If she's angry, I'm angry. Etc.
I asked her what was going on and she looked out the window. Down our driveway was a line of cars, guys in black costumes getting out.
My mom woke up Jason (we slept in the same room with our older sister). I literally was only 5.
My parents and their friends gathered into the laundry room, which was in the basement. Gods, I hated that room so much!
So my mom and I snuck upstairs. I went to the bathroom and we went back down. On the way down, I was behind my mom, and I looked at the window to see what type of day it was. But what scared me was there was a completely black face with white glowing eyes and a red mouth staring at me. I screaming into my mom's back and ran downstairs. I never knew if that was my imagination, or a robber dressed up with makeup.

My brother goes to Ohio University. So everyday, he wakes up EARLY EARLY in the morning, flies to Ohio for school, and flies back when his classes are over. Well, he said to me that Ohio University isn't only the most nicest college in Ohio, but it's also the most haunted!
Back then around the 90's it was a mental asylum, and the people there were treated very poorly. But one day a girl was put in there, but she had no problems! So suddenly, she managed to escape and they couldn't find her. She locked herself in a top room and died there, her stain of the body forever left in the cement and could never be removed. Yeah, it's still there! And Jason has access to that very room!
But what scared me the most, was Jason said the time she was up there she carved letters and numbers into the window sill. He looked at the broken piece of the window sill and literally he took a picture and showed me. Something I noticed was that my last name was spelt on the plate! [/color][/font][/i]

Offline Kastilla

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Re: Share Creepy stories that happened to you!
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2015, 03:40:11 pm »
ha Creepypasta's are my bed time stories. and those Grim Brother fairy tales too, gotta a love those!
Err... off-topic? Woops.
But i like that haunted asylum school! I love the paranormal asylums. C:
« Last Edit: January 25, 2015, 03:42:16 pm by [ugly.wolfie] »
stinky dog coming through, don't mind me!

Offline Bluparrot

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Re: Share Creepy stories that happened to you!
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2015, 05:28:39 pm »
I don't know if this counts, but here is a rather intimidating dream:

I was with my Talonflame at some sort of...Pokemon Trainer gathering? I saw many people I knew there, as Pokemon Trainers. I thought this was pretty cool, because they were people I knew in real life. I was having a good time, talking to my friends and acquaintances and showing off our Pokemon, when here is when things get dark. I was called up to do something by someone, and I went. I don't really remember exactly what they wanted me to do, but whatever it was, I failed, and then they started to skin me like an animal for its pelt. I actually felt it in real life--it hurt a lot--and I was screaming and calling for Talonflame to help me. Talonflame obviously tried his best, but he ended up getting skinned like me. I believe I also heard him shrieking in agony. It was heartbreaking and painful at the same time. When I woke up, it felt like someone had scraped my back very hard, as if they were trying to remove the skin.

Shake it!
Blu Parrot - The Pokemon Fanbird of FeralHeart

Offline Vespian

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Re: Share Creepy stories that happened to you!
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2015, 06:21:04 pm »
Arf, let me share a tidbit. Vespian used to live in a haunted house (believe that if ye' wish or not). I no longer but when I still dwelled in that rickety old accommodation for those 2 years, I've had quite an interestin' experience here 'n there. Thus, I shall share one here.

It was in the mid of eventide 'n I was in my room on FeralHeart. Silent it was and I was aware the little boy 'n his mother were lingerin' around due to the air in the room grew thick. I paid little attention for the most part, they were harmless. The little boy was a bit mischievous however 'n decided to turn on me TV again that night. Then the volume kept goin' up 'n up 'n up till there Vespian sat, coverin' me ears and starin' at the TV for a few seconds as it blasted through the house, wakin' up me sis, before gettin' up to unplug it again. I admit, it unsettled me a little for I'm not a fan of loud noises at all nor did I enjoy havin' me TV turned on in the middle of the night again.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2015, 06:24:29 pm by Vespian »

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Re: Share Creepy stories that happened to you!
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2015, 06:33:37 pm »
Oh my Vespian, that must have been horrible.
For one, the electricity bill must've been high! xD
And two, I'm not a fan of loud noises either. (If I played music and it blasted into my ears, I'd scream and throw my headphones off then lower the volume to around 5, where it's better and doesn't bother my poor ears. :3)
That story kind of made me remember this last one!
When I was a kid, I loved the dark. But not now. (Seriously, I have a lamp in my room and at night before bed I turn it on (Embarrasing, I know). One night my lamp magically turned off itself. So, I changed the batteries and fixed everything (even if it wasn't broken). But as soon as I turned it on, it turns off 5 minutes later.
I'm just sitting there like
"*-* Can u not im trying to sleep like wow I have an exam tomorrow bruh"

Offline wolflover18178

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Re: Share Creepy stories that happened to you!
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2015, 12:02:56 am »
Le spoiler says my dark secret XD
I have a nightlight cuz I'm paranoid of fnaf chars coming to get me o3o

Aaaaaaanyways back to da game :P

1 time I had a dream that my parents and I were going 2 a new house, and I was playing
some rlly stupid video games e.o

da creepy part is, I heard a BANG on da roof, (my mom was outside and she screamed),
my dad went out 2 see what happened, and as soon as I turned da light off
and went outta da room, EVERYTHING went as dark as night...(even thou it was day)

Next thing I knew, I saw a blue light and I heard creepy laughing.
I tried to run to da door but it was locked
den I woke up o3o