Author Topic: General is... hostile -- A proposal.  (Read 5022 times)

Offline LordSuragaha

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Re: General is... hostile -- A proposal.
« Reply #20 on: September 26, 2012, 08:34:54 pm »
How would I go about sending in those screen shots? Is there a dedicated report email address or way to send in screenshots?
Yes all you have to do is send the screenshots via private message to any of the staff here on the forum. Here is a link to all the staff:
Scroll down and there's an option to send them a private message under each name. I tend to send it to the admins mainly since they have more authority on site. Just make sure it is for a valid reason.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2012, 08:37:11 pm by LordSuragaha »

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Re: General is... hostile -- A proposal.
« Reply #21 on: September 26, 2012, 08:38:23 pm »
I honestly do not think that this is just about some words thrown around in this chat Zar, this about something more and I believe the poster of this topic just wanted to enlighten something that so many simply push away for various reasons, maybe even don't mind, but the truth is this behavior is not really wanted in general. Sure there's those who take things to personal at times but in all honesty there's many things said that could've just been zipped shut all together.

At hand this topic was about how general chat can seem aggressive/hostile, it's not a positive subject exactly but I don't see how some of the replies in this thread helps. It's not a fiction exactly that General chat in a place like fluorite can be extremely hostile towards newer users, and it's very VERY rarely I see players try to give tips and help towards newer or just unaware users, instead it usually goes by yelling or trolling, almost scaring users away.

You can't just go up and talk about how there's two teams in this, especially since one of them is not exactly playing "fair", sure we should be able to discuss and share opinions, but just because something thinks it's "ok" to be a bumhole and that it requires two to start a conflict or argument, doesn't always mean it's a valid point of defense in this. We want users to be polite, even if it's the internet or users are sitting behind a screen, and this topic was about how users appeared hostile in this chat, no names mentioned or fingers pointed in the thread.
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Re: General is... hostile -- A proposal.
« Reply #22 on: September 28, 2012, 02:36:59 am »
I'm not going to lie, and most that see me on FH know it. I'm rather.. rolepaly picky. I mean I don't mind semi-lits at all or even illiterates. I usually just ignore them and move on. The thing that really gets me annoyed and usually causes me to come off rude towards illiterates and other styles of roleplays; has to do with powerplaying. Not even in a roleplay. Like when you're simply sitting there and out of nowhere you get someone who jumps on you for no reason. Like legit I've had people come up to me and be all "*bites neck and kills no take backs*"

And it's like.. What? I wasn't even roleplaying with you..? Where did you even come from? It's usually those sort of scenarios that get me fired up and sorta turn me in to a literate/grammar nazi arse. Which ends up me trolling them.. So I can see how I suppose that could be taken as bashing. Whats bad is when you try and explain you're not roleplaying with them or into it they accuse you, yourself, of powerplaying/godmodding. I mean really that just ticks me off so bad. Learn your definitions before flinging them around.

I mean I don't mind iliterates, like I said I usually just avoid them and stick to strictly literate roleplays. Heck I don't even mind roleplaying with and helping illiterates and semi-literates try and better their roleplaying skills if they're up to it. Offer advice and such.

It's just those.. seriously, down right annoying ones who get me fired up personally. So in advance I'm sorry if I've ever come off as rude to anyone. x: I know this isn't aimed at any one person, I just sort of feel guilty now for being one of those rather rude illiterate bashers. What skill people choose to roleplay shouldn't really matter.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 02:38:35 am by ZombieKitteh »