Author Topic: Old friend  (Read 2665 times)

Offline Riku.

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Old friend
« on: June 26, 2013, 08:24:37 am »
Okay here is the deal.

You have friends they get promoted to a mod.
They forget you.

« Last Edit: July 01, 2013, 10:12:02 am by XvXAutumnXvX »
i'm kat and i have an undying love for kingdom hearts & danganronpa. i don't even play fh anymore lmao

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Re: Old friend
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2013, 02:23:41 pm »
I don't think they forget you, I think they take on a job that wants a lot of their time and attention. Happens in real life a lot.

Offline LordSuragaha

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Re: Old friend
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2013, 03:05:58 pm »
I've heard a few users tell me this in game about myself & other mods before. Speaking for all the staffies~

Not to give anyone an excuse for possibly neglecting their friends but being a mod/admin means you have alot of responcibilities. Of course one should always make time for their friends and never take their friends for granted but we also have to be mature enough to not only make time for leisure but time for the duties that come with being a FH staff member. There are many public maps that need to be monitored along with the zooming chats, users often whisper us in game for reports or seeking help/advice, and we also have responsibilities on the forum itself with answering messages, reviewing reports, maintaining order on the forum etc... Any good friends of a staff member would understand these things about their mod/admin friend and wouldn't be so hard on them over it. I will not lie there are days I get overwhelmed when friends are gathering around expecting conversation with me while I'm trying to handle multiple individuals whispering me about their map trouble or reports etc. My friends all understand that while I love to chat, derp, and just hang out with them a user having trouble or needing help takes priority over any leisure.

Users often expect way too much from mods/admin to the point that when we finally do start trying to have some fun we get bashed about it. I often see people being harsh to the other mods/admin when they are trying to have a little fun time with their friends finally and saying things like "The mods are always at N/Z. They don't do anything. I don't see red text anymore. Omg where are the mods! FH mods are lazy blah blah etc-" Just because we're staff doesn't make us anymore different from the rest of the users in the community aside from a few more responsibilities expected of us. We have lives outside this game and when we finally have some limited time in game some days we need alone time, most days we're really busy etc. Users need to try putting themselves in our position instead of always giving us a hard time. (Not directed at you Autumn :3 Just saying this in general.)

What I'm trying to say with all this is if you have a mod/admin friend try to be patient and more understanding of their situation. Don't jump to conclusions that they don't care about you anymore just because they might not have as much time as they used to to hang out with you anymore. Chances are they just have alot going on but I'm sure once they have the time they'll come on by to you. I always tell my friends that they are more than welcomed to join me anytime but I apologize if I'm not talking for a bit or just distracted with some other business. Once I get things done I always make sure to make up for all that lost time :3

Just try to be more understanding of the staffies guys. Be fair.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2013, 03:11:10 pm by LordSuragaha »

Offline Feareh

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Re: Old friend
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2013, 03:54:48 pm »
Heck you don't have to be a mod/admin to get swamped in whispers and chats. But in general, mod/admins do have a priority it the game and that's to help around when needed. So as much as I want to hang with some of my good friends that so happen to be in this section, I know that they are "working". Like already said above, these are regular people too. Wanting to derp around and chat as much, but if they so happen to not respond to ya during FH game time that dosnt mean they care or forgotten ya.

So really, I think you should give them some time to respond or so cause they do really have ALOT to deal with in game. Hey...they are staff for a reason. Perhaps if they are on here send them a PM and have a quick simple chat(sometimes what I do).
I Stalk from time to time...I have moved on to other things but do miss this place. Good times
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Offline LordSuragaha

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Re: Old friend
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2013, 04:13:08 pm »
Also if you've been feeling neglected by this certain friend try talking to them instead of posting a post like this. Just be bold and tell the person how you feel. Honesty is appreciated.

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Re: Old friend
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2013, 10:03:14 pm »
What I'm trying to say with all this is if you have a mod/admin friend try to be patient and more understanding of their situation. Don't jump to conclusions that they don't care about you anymore just because they might not have as much time as they used to to hang out with you anymore. Chances are they just have alot going on but I'm sure once they have the time they'll come on by to you. I always tell my friends that they are more than welcomed to join me anytime but I apologize if I'm not talking for a bit or just distracted with some other business. Once I get things done I always make sure to make up for all that lost time :3

Just try to be more understanding of the staffies guys. Be fair.

Heck you don't have to be a mod/admin to get swamped in whispers and chats. But in general, mod/admins do have a priority it the game and that's to help around when needed. So as much as I want to hang with some of my good friends that so happen to be in this section, I know that they are "working". Like already said above, these are regular people too. Wanting to derp around and chat as much, but if they so happen to not respond to ya during FH game time that dosnt mean they care or forgotten ya.

So really, I think you should give them some time to respond or so cause they do really have ALOT to deal with in game. Hey...they are staff for a reason. Perhaps if they are on here send them a PM and have a quick simple chat(sometimes what I do).

Couldn't have said it better myself. You're definatly right, Feareh. You don't have to be a mod/admin to get swamped with whispers from different friends. It happens to me sometimes, especially when I am leading a roleplay. Whenever I would play as a leader in one of my Warrior Cat roleplays, almost everyone is trying to get my attention. It's always "Pharaohstar this..." or "Pharaohstar that." "Pharaohstar, I need a ceremony. Pharaohstar, this clan wants to attack us. Pharaohstar, I need your help! Pharaohstar! Pharaohstar! PHARAOHSTAR!" DX When will the madness end?

I am friends with some of the staff members, and I understand that they are busy most of the time since they have the job of making sure everything is in order. If they are ever too busy to hang around, I just stay out of their way. We could always hang out later.
Just because they have the job of taking care of the community, answering questions, helping people with the game, reviewing reports, monitoring chats, monitoring the forums, resolving issues, etc, it doesn't mean they have to ignore their friends. The mods want to have some leisure time too, you know. But it's hard to find it when you have a job to do of taking care of the game, and dealing with other matters in the real world. They are people that want to have fun too, but duty is always calling them. They can't help it.

Offline Riku.

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Re: Old friend
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2013, 10:08:27 am »
You know just forget I even Being active on the darn forum.

-Le sob-
i'm kat and i have an undying love for kingdom hearts & danganronpa. i don't even play fh anymore lmao

Offline F a t a l

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Re: Old friend
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2013, 02:51:02 am »
Autumn, I don't think this is something that's worth getting too upset about. Like others have said, it's not that whoever this is has forgotten about you, it's that they're busy.
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Re: Old friend
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2013, 09:28:04 am »
I highly doubt the individual you're talking about hasn't forgotten you, but truth be told here, if you keep on with begging for their attention (especially if they're a MOD/Admin who burdens a lot of responsibilities), they'll get annoyed with you and only then you really won't be their friend. I, by no means, say this just to be harmful though it's the bitter truth. Like Suragaha and Feareh has stated before me, it'd be best you realize that they are most likely busy being swarmed by whispers/chats, having to keep a constant watch for any rule-breakers in publicity, having to answer private messages on the forums and handle any reports they might get, organizing the forum, I can keep going with this. The best thing to do is remain patient and they'll respond to you sooner or later. Friends don't bluntly forget each other unless it's for a good cause. Being promoted to a MOD/Admin is not one of those causes. You're not being that good of a friend for bluntly deciding that they hate you now, ignore you, want nothing to do with you. That right there is putting much stress on them, I'm sure. The best thing to do right now, like stated before, is to be patient and wait on them to become not so busy, perhaps slip in a small chit-chat or two now and again. You can also help them by showing them reports, keeping an eye on the members by their side, etc. Little things like that is enough to restore what's been lost. I wish you luck.

Offline Alphawolf13

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Re: Old friend
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2013, 07:49:08 am »
Its alright c: if that friend forgets you, their not good enough. They dont deserve you as a friend. You may miss them but better loyal friends await you~
.:~Life is life a camera..
Focus on whats important..
Capture the good times..
Develop from negatives...
And if things dont work out
        Take another show <3:.~
 (I do not own this poem :3)