Author Topic: Group Qustions  (Read 3425 times)

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Re: Group Qustions
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2018, 10:13:03 am »
Hmm, interesting! Why not cx

Honestly, I think the name effects it a lot in some cases. Personally, I'm drawn to groups that have a catchy or neat name. Ones I remember most out of ones I was truly invested in are: NightRaid (I miss them ;-;) and Audacious Wolf Pack (later named Suavis Wolf Pack.) Ahh... I miss them both so much.. But then of course you had Benevolent Wolf Pack. Those are the three packs I remember most, Benevolent because of the name, and the other two, not only because of the name but because I loved those groups so much.

Personally, when it comes to custom markings, I don't really care for it. Especially if it's mandatory to have them on your character. Sometimes I'll have a character that I feel would fit perfectly with the group, yet... The markings are an issue due to me not wanting to change my character. But oh well. Every once in a while though I'll feel up to trying out making a character for the group with the markings. As for the second question, I prefer normal packs because they allow me to let my creativity flow more than as it would in a tribal based one due to restraints, but that's just me cx

When it comes to plots, I don't mind it at all. Sometimes, rarely though, a plot will catch my eye to where I will want to play along with it. Sometimes I can be picky pff. However, having a plot is nice. It gives you a platform to develop your character and put them through situations where you wouldn't have even thought of taking them, or you can just wing it and see what happens. Sometimes the best and funniest things come of it, too! However when it comes to fighting over a religion, I always try to avoid those situations~

Ehh, not really DX It's just not what I'd like to get wrapped up in. Personally, I prefer groups that are unmapped, and have a place outside of FH to talk, such as Skype or Discord for easy communication. A site is always nice, it allows for a place all members can go and talk specifically about the group, play games, place their bios to share with everyone, as well as have a library of information lied out for those who wish to know more, or must know more to do things within the group, and so much more~ I do prefer literate, but not so strict like some others. We all make mistakes, no need to worry about them and having to be perfect all the time! Dedicated is always nice because then you always have members around to talk to and RP with! That, and it doesn't feel so dead half the time, heh. The reason why I don't really like mapped groups is because sometimes it's a hassle getting the map and everything, as well as sometimes you can be limiting yourself out of how many people can join due to them not being able to download maps for whatever reason.

Thank you! c:
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Re: Group Qustions
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2018, 10:15:05 am »
Oh, jee. I just realized haven't been active in a grouped role-play in like 2 years. :( That just made me sad. I wish I had the time to, lol!

But, to answer your questions!:

The name sometimes affects me a bit. If a group has a cooler name, then heck yeah, I'm a bit more interested! It sounds cooler saying you're a member of, like, The NightRaid (stole the name from the other post bc I thought it was actually a super cool name) than something like ehh, Pretty Wolves, you know? But it doesn't have that much of a grasp over whether I would join a group or not.

To be honest, I LOOK for role-plays that have custom markings on their characters. If I'm not using a preset, I will definitely be using the mass markings pack & I would love for the other members to be already able to see me. :)

LOVE plots. Although random role-plays where you're just kinda bumbling along together are nice sometimes too! But, some-what loose plots are my favorites.
The more "mature" the role-play, the better, in my opinion. I just feel like you have the opportunity to do more.
I've never been in a role-play that had a religious aspect to it (unless you count Warrior Cats maybe, kind of?), but, I find it intriguing! Even more so if it's a made-up religion specifically designed for the role-play!

The description of what I'm assuming is your group idea sounds splendid! Multiple maps sounds intriguing. I, myself, prefer mapless role-plays. I've grown quite attached to the maps within the game & I think they're perfect for role-playing! Not that a user-created map wouldn't be... I've found that mapless role-plays have always been more active for me. :)

Thank you! c:
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Re: Group Qustions
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2018, 12:45:50 pm »
Despite the fact that I haven't joined ANY group yet, I think my answers might come in handy...

Does the name effect if you join or not?
A little. I look more at the story behind the roleplay and how the roleplayers advertise themselves as described in the other questions, though.

How do you all feel about a role-play having custom markings? Does it make you want to join? If the pack is tribal? That leads me to the question, normal wolf packs or tribal wolf packs?
I kinda like characters being able to have custom markings, even if I tend to never use them. Heh. If they are REQUIRED to join, my interest in the RP actually decreases a bit. As for the kind of packs... Between those two I'd much rather have a normal pack. There can be a tribal clan in the RP itself, I have no problem with that, but even then I prefer to join a non-tribal pack if there is one.

How do any of you feel about having a plot, that maybe includes some violence/ fights? Relating to religion?
I'm okay with some violence, fighting and such. Not a prob. Religion in RPs is a bit iffy for me though, and I'm not sure why. Again, I don't mind it being optional, but not as one of the focus points.

Last question would you be interested in a role-play that described itself as; Multiple Mapped, Literate, Tribal, Religious, Plotted, Sited, and Dedicated?
I prefer mapless RPs over mapped ones and loose plots over strict ones, but these aren't much of a dealbreaker in this list. What does make this a hard pass is... just... literally all other points in the list?
We've already discussed that I'd much rather have an RP that isn't entirely focused on tribalism and religion. As for "dedicated" and "literate" it'd depend on how much you ask, since that differs from RP to RP. The less freedom for mitsakes from a still learning RPer and the heavier the restriction on post length, the more likely it'll stop me from joining. Also I should mention that I'm very hesitant to join sited RPs, especially if joining the RP requires me to make an account on the site (which is most FeralHeart RPs I've come across by far). I refuse to make multiple accounts to have fun in one game unless there's a REALLY good reason for it, hence why I haven't joined any RP yet.
BTW, you forgot to add "ranks" to the list of descriptions. That's a good way to make it even worse. (Don't get any clever ideas.)
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Re: Group Qustions
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2018, 01:48:47 pm »
Does the name effect if you join or not?
The group's name doesn't matter to me if I had no choice but to join the group, such as if someone tricks me into being recruited, but I normally don't stay for very long if I'm tricked into joining.

How do you all feel about a role-play having custom markings? Does it make you want to join? If the pack is tribal? That leads me to the question, normal wolf packs or tribal wolf packs?
I don't mind either way when it comes to the markings. I don't mind whether or not it's tribal.

How do any of you feel about having a plot, that maybe includes some violence/ fights? Relating to religion?
I like violence in roleplays as it adds some action to the roleplay, but only in private chats. I don't mind religion, I like groups that worship imaginary beings.

Last question would you be interested in a role-play that described itself as; Multiple Mapped, Literate, Tribal, Religious, Plotted, Sited, and Dedicated?
I like Multiple Mapped, having territories for miles makes me feel happier with my territory. I like Literate, it's easier for me to read. I like Tribal. I like Religious. I like Plotted. I only like Sited if I don't have to register to the site. I can't dedicate my time to a group. If I could handle being in more than one group at a time, I'd join that group.

And I don't know what question(s) this answers(But I think it answers one or more questions here), but I like groups that have rituals, like gatherings or even sacrifices.

My presets.

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Offline Jacoby

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Re: Group Qustions
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2018, 02:07:03 pm »
Despite the fact that I haven't joined ANY group yet, I think my answers might come in handy...

Does the name effect if you join or not?
A little. I look more at the story behind the roleplay and how the roleplayers advertise themselves as described in the other questions, though.

How do you all feel about a role-play having custom markings? Does it make you want to join? If the pack is tribal? That leads me to the question, normal wolf packs or tribal wolf packs?
I kinda like characters being able to have custom markings, even if I tend to never use them. Heh. If they are REQUIRED to join, my interest in the RP actually decreases a bit. As for the kind of packs... Between those two I'd much rather have a normal pack. There can be a tribal clan in the RP itself, I have no problem with that, but even then I prefer to join a non-tribal pack if there is one.

How do any of you feel about having a plot, that maybe includes some violence/ fights? Relating to religion?
I'm okay with some violence, fighting and such. Not a prob. Religion in RPs is a bit iffy for me though, and I'm not sure why. Again, I don't mind it being optional, but not as one of the focus points.

Last question would you be interested in a role-play that described itself as; Multiple Mapped, Literate, Tribal, Religious, Plotted, Sited, and Dedicated?
I prefer mapless RPs over mapped ones and loose plots over strict ones, but these aren't much of a dealbreaker in this list. What does make this a hard pass is... just... literally all other points in the list?
We've already discussed that I'd much rather have an RP that isn't entirely focused on tribalism and religion. As for "dedicated" and "literate" it'd depend on how much you ask, since that differs from RP to RP. The less freedom for mitsakes from a still learning RPer and the heavier the restriction on post length, the more likely it'll stop me from joining. Also I should mention that I'm very hesitant to join sited RPs, especially if joining the RP requires me to make an account on the site (which is most FeralHeart RPs I've come across by far). I refuse to make multiple accounts to have fun in one game unless there's a REALLY good reason for it, hence why I haven't joined any RP yet.
BTW, you forgot to add "ranks" to the list of descriptions. That's a good way to make it even worse. (Don't get any clever ideas.)

Thank you so much for the reply! c:
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Offline Jacoby

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Re: Group Qustions
« Reply #15 on: September 25, 2018, 02:07:28 pm »
Does the name effect if you join or not?
The group's name doesn't matter to me if I had no choice but to join the group, such as if someone tricks me into being recruited, but I normally don't stay for very long if I'm tricked into joining.

How do you all feel about a role-play having custom markings? Does it make you want to join? If the pack is tribal? That leads me to the question, normal wolf packs or tribal wolf packs?
I don't mind either way when it comes to the markings. I don't mind whether or not it's tribal.

How do any of you feel about having a plot, that maybe includes some violence/ fights? Relating to religion?
I like violence in roleplays as it adds some action to the roleplay, but only in private chats. I don't mind religion, I like groups that worship imaginary beings.

Last question would you be interested in a role-play that described itself as; Multiple Mapped, Literate, Tribal, Religious, Plotted, Sited, and Dedicated?
I like Multiple Mapped, having territories for miles makes me feel happier with my territory. I like Literate, it's easier for me to read. I like Tribal. I like Religious. I like Plotted. I only like Sited if I don't have to register to the site. I can't dedicate my time to a group. If I could handle being in more than one group at a time, I'd join that group.

And I don't know what question(s) this answers(But I think it answers one or more questions here), but I like groups that have rituals, like gatherings or even sacrifices.

Thank you for your opinions! I appreciate it!
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