Author Topic: HIGHWAY 550 - A Western Stray RP  (Read 2301 times)

Offline leda

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HIGHWAY 550 - A Western Stray RP
« on: January 10, 2019, 05:52:48 pm »
updated april 16. 2019

(^features screens by lochfenrir and foxxey-mist)

our last ad was too wordy, so I present to you the introduction you are greeted with upon entering our opening map instead.  The rest of the role play you may choose to read about and experience if this interested you enough.  A discord link lay at the bottom, as well as additional map screenshots.

To put it simply, this is a realistic to semi-realistic canine role play, primarily stray dog, set in the deserts of New Mexico.  If I could describe the RP in a simple blatant sentence, I'd say it's basically a cowboy western take on stray dogs but ya know, not actually.

We now hold two packs in our role play: 

Los Sabuesos (Lows suh bway sohs) is the pack of old and of legend.  El Viejo, the first dog to take to the desert, started Los Sabuesos.  They dwell on an abandoned ranch and have a fair bit of resources that have helped them survive, but still they can struggle in the hunt.  All dogs who walk the highway are taken in by Los Sabuesos, all dogs are seen as a Sabueso at heart.  Although, some dogs have shown distaste for wolf-dogs and coy-dogs, believing that they won't truly walk with El Viejo in their death, because of how 'their kind' treated him...
This ''distaste'' to say the least, helped in the creation of the new pack.
El Estrago (El Eh Stray Go). They believe that not all dogs are of El Estrago blood, and that they must prove they are through trials of strength.  They live in the lands of outcast and lesser resource, the lands of coyote and lobo alike, in an abandoned mine, and they seek to create a new blood of stronger dogs.  They believe El Viejo would be disappointed in what Los Sabuesos is and has become.  They were originally started when wolf-dogs felt they were being treated poorly, and had a call to arms that forced them out of the territory.  But they take all dogs willing to prove themselves... all dogs willing to face the consequences if they fail.

In our role play, we offer the opportunity to read about lore, or simply learn about everything naturally just as your character would if they were taken in by the stray haven of Los Sabuesos.  Our staff play plot advancing, lore friendly characters that show our story to offer an interactive and advancing environment without being overwhelming.

You have the option to have personal character development and casual small RP sessions, to drama-filled, intense, plot-wide event sessions that are scheduled if you'd like to show up and participate in those as well.  We try to offer spotlight to different members in said plot sessions when we can, trying to give equal opportunity for everyone's character development.

Lastly, our role play offers a no-pressure environment.  You aren't pressured to be online, we don't kick for inactivity.  The most we do is server sweeps to keep things clean.  Beyond that, this is an "at your leisure" RP that is great for those of you who have jobs, school, etc. 

Our role play needs a few more members for some interesting but still member-driven plots that are being planned, one taking place on this Friday evening (tomorrow!)
Chapter Two of our role play is now beginning.  You can view a full plot recap under our forum's plot info board here!

To join, simply hop into our discord and see the getting-started channel.  Keep in mind a realistic dog character will be asked of you, and a willingness to download the map pack.  You can then send a request to our in game group, Highway 550.  We are literate, but don't require samples.  If not joining through in game recruitment you will need to submit your joining character to the character-approval-center!

If you'd like, you're welcome to view our complete site of information, but you aren't required to if you'd prefer to learn about it through RPing.


- Can I make a wolf or coyote character?
Because lobos aren't specifically in this region in mass amounts if at all, wolf characters are limited to a family group.  Auditions for them are currently open.  You're pretty much almost guaranteed a lobo if you present a fully completed audition.
Coyotes are very common, you can have one, but it can't be your main character.  Just ask a staff member before you make one, and before they do any pack interactions to make sure it doesn't affect any plot stuff or other stuff that could be happening.

- Do I apply?  Send an RP sample?
We prefer and enforce a thing I call "eventual literacy" in that you don't need to join and already be a great RPer, we accept those who may need improvement, we don't require any RP samples.  Just hop into the discord and paste a short description, optionally a picture or screenshot under los-sabuesos-bios. 

- Can my character be a loner?
You'll miss out on a lot of the plot by having a main character as a loner, so we don't allow it.  Loners are not permitted to stay in the pack's territory and 'use resources' so pretty much all loners are often previous pack members who deserted or were sent to exile in the outskirt territory of Rabid Ridge.  In other words, have a main character be in the pack, you can create a side character that is an exile/has somehow failed pack life, if you wish.

- What kind of dog can my character be?
Upon joining you can be literally any dog that is realistic.  We do allow all eye colors, but the rest of the dog, it's backstory, it's behavior, all realistic.  We got chihuahuas, we got caucasian shepherds, we got big staffordshires, we got elderly hounds, we got tiny border terriers, we got three legged mutts... The only thing we never allow is poodles and komondors because matting can be deadly, and albinos because skin and health conditions.  You also are not allowed a half dog half wolf immediately upon joining because we have certain rules to keep wolf dog to dog ratio realistic, but you can make one after having a normal dog character.
If it's not an albino, poodle, komondor, or half-wolf, and it looks realistic, we'll work with it.

- Can my character be found by the pack?
Yup, just find a place for your character to be found by a scout in your chosen pack.  Keep in mind new and young pack members are given another pack member to teach and mentor them in the ways of the pack, called a blood brother. You can find your own mentor OOCly, or ask someone who has their characters up to teach.

- Can my character be a pup?
Pups need an NPC mother, or you can play their mother, or you can seek out a mother.  Either way you just need to acknowledge they have a mama, and then sure.  If they aren't nursing any longer, their mother can be recently deceased from dehydration or something.

- Am I allowed items?
Any items are allowed as long as they were given to the dog by their owner and the dog has an attachment to the item.  For example, someone in the RP has a hat, completely fine because that dog has an attachment to the hat.

- Can my character be a wolf-dog or coy-dog?
half dogs can only be made after you have a normal dog character to keep the ratio near realistic.
Coyotes are far more common and can be made at anytime, each user is allowed one coy-dog and one coyote.


On a final note, I leave you with some additional screenshots some of our members and I have taken.  However, I'm not going to put it directly into the post and make it too image heavy, so click here for some more awesome and pretty previews!

We hope to see you in our discord!

« Last Edit: April 16, 2019, 03:42:34 pm by leda »
find me in game as user leda, or see my feral heart dA, !

Offline leda

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Re: HIGHWAY 550 - Unique Stray RP
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2019, 04:17:57 am »
added more map previews !
find me in game as user leda, or see my feral heart dA, !

Offline leda

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Re: HIGHWAY 550 - Unique Stray RP
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2019, 06:52:01 am »
just added some cool new screenshots!  Our closing plot to Chapter One takes place on Friday evening, so catch us before then and be there for the start of it all, the end of the beginning !
find me in game as user leda, or see my feral heart dA, !

Offline leda

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Re: HIGHWAY 550 - A Western Stray RP
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2019, 02:56:05 am »
redid the ad for the third time lmao
find me in game as user leda, or see my feral heart dA, !

Offline Ulmaria

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Re: HIGHWAY 550 - A Western Stray RP
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2019, 11:41:19 am »
Oh my, this sounds really cool! I'm very interested to take a look! But the Discord invite doesen't seem to be working for me.

Offline William

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Re: HIGHWAY 550 - A Western Stray RP
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2019, 10:40:02 pm »
Hello! I'm wondering if this roleplay is still active?

Offline twidgeo

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Re: HIGHWAY 550 - A Western Stray RP
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2019, 07:12:32 pm »
Hello! I'm wondering if this roleplay is still active?

Yes! we are most certainly still active
If you wish to contact me, please contact me on my discord Twidgeo#0468 .

Offline leda

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Re: HIGHWAY 550 - A Western Stray RP
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2019, 03:41:06 pm »
updated !  come join!
find me in game as user leda, or see my feral heart dA, !