Author Topic: What is considered movie clip spam?  (Read 796 times)

Offline bamboogummy

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What is considered movie clip spam?
« on: January 21, 2020, 02:47:44 am »
I've been trying to start my own roleplay groups recently, and I would post a movie clip every time my movie clip was out of sight in the chat box. Once I remember seeing someone who kept posting lots of movie clips, so I told them kindly to stop spamming, but they told me that they weren't spamming because they were closer to where everyone was and on their screen they were posting their movie clip every time it disappeared from view.

I accepted this and apologized, but today I was told I was spamming by someone who said that since they were far away from where everyone was, for them I was spamming and could get banned. I'm really scared and confused, because I want to advertise my roleplay groups, but I don't want to annoy anyone by spamming the chat with my movie clips, neither do I want to get banned. Both of these people seem to have pretty different views on what is spamming and what's not, so I want to know, what is considered movie clip spam?
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Re: What is considered movie clip spam?
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2020, 05:42:06 am »
Generally when it comes to making movie clips and trying to figure out what is spam and what is not, you kinda have to look at it from both sides. What is seen as spam and what is not can vary greatly depending on the situation.

Let's say if a user tends to post 5+ clips in a row, and continues to do so over and over again even though you are in a populated area where the chat is moving quiet fast. That surely could be seen as spamming and action could be taken on the user.

If you are in the corner of the map and the chat isn't hardly moving, and let's say every few 30 seconds or so a user is posting their movie clips. To you, this could be seen as spamming as your chat could not be moving very fast at all, when really it's technically not enough to be labeled as spam.

Really when it comes to trying to find a happy medium in movie clips and trying not to spam, try to consider posting just one clip every couple minutes or so. This helps to not clutter up a fast moving chat, as well as lighten the amount of clips other users will receive in a slower moving chat.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2020, 05:46:53 am by Ame88 »

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