Author Topic: GlisteningMoonPack&MysticDawnPackReborn|Website,DA&ForumPage|  (Read 1907 times)

Offline wolflover124

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Two Packs...United


-A young female shuffles through the snow, her paws bitterly cold. As she made her way to nowhere the icy,frozen ground cut her paw pads. The wind blew harshly at her,head on making it harder to see and with it bringing more snow. Ice and snow clumps stuck onto her face,tail,pelt and ears.The snow felt like ice whipping across her face with the harsh gusts. The storm was chipping away her energy, for every step she got weaker. Exhausted the female spots a cave, she trots to it hoping it can provide shelter from the icy grip of  Old Man Winter.She peers into the cave making sure not a single soul was occupying it,the female sniffed the cave as she entered, the scents were a few days old.The she-wolf thought she would be safe from any other least for a while.The she-wolf makes her way to the end of the cave and curls up,closes her eyes and in the matter of asleep......(Time Skip).....Hours later she woke  near a tundra wolf. Panic had set in and the she-wolf jumped up,pinned her ears back and snarled. The white  wolf to her left looked at her and spoke. "Your awake." -It took a step closer and sat down. The she-wolf snapped, the white wolf jumped back.- "Relax....I'm not going to hurt you..." -The male looked at her brown pelt and asked- "Where are you from?" -The female relaxed a bit and stopped snarling...but adrenaline was still there in case she needed to run. She spoke quietly.- "....I'm from the forest to the south..Where am i?" -the male quickly answered- "Glistening Moon Territory....Why are you here?" -The female lowered her tail and head showing submission. She sensed the males flare of aggression.- "I was exiled." -she said sadly.- "" -He paused and continued- "There is an empty forest near here. Its not to cold and your pelt will blend you have others with you?" -the female shook her head, still keeping an eye on the male.- "Oh...I haven't introduced myself. I am WhiteStorm. And who are you?" -He sat down again near her.- "My name is AmberPelt." -She began to shiver as the wind changed directions.WhiteStorm began to walk away, he turned and nodded a 'come with me' sign. As they both traveled through the icy grounds it began to snow  again. The white snowflakes drifted in the sky and landed gracefully on their pelts. Every so often they would shake off and rest to keep their strength up.In a few hours they reached their destination. A nice forest with a big lake. "This is what i was telling you about." -AmberPelt stood amazed by the forests beauty.- "It is time that i have returned. I will leave you now." -WhiteStorm nodded a good-bye and was already on his way back to the tundra. AmberPelt cried after him.- "Wait! Your not just going to leave me here all alone are you!?" -she ran after him repeating what she said again.WhiteStorm looked back over his shoulder and yelled- "I must return to my pack. They need me. I wish you well." -And with that WhiteStorm sped off. AmberPelt panted and slowed down knowing she couldn't catch up.She stopped and sighed....she looked toward the lake. 'Water would be nice...' she thought. AmberPelt walked to the rocky shore of the large lake. She crouched and lowered he head to lap up the crisp, clean, beautiful blue water.After a while in the new forest...she felt alone.By now it was night and the moons reflection rippled in the water. AmberPelt looked at the reflection. It made her feel even smaller...She threw her head back and howled with all her might, then looked for a place to sleep. While the leaves crunched beneath her feet, she heard a faint distant howl.Her ears perked, the howl was low. 'It sounds like a male...but i could be wrong' she thought.She sat down thinking....should she go greet this wolf? Or leave it be?...She started to walk in the direction that she last heard the howl, she walked through the grass for about a half an hour. AmberPelt spoke softly not wanting to frighten the wolf- "Where are you?"-She stepped softly looking around a little scared herself.She heard nothing....then *Crack* a branch broke, it was behind her. She whipped around and crouched ready to attack if needed. She saw a dark brown pelt with a lighter underfur, and dark blue eyes.- "Who are you...!?" -the wolf spoke. 'This is a horrible idea...' she thought.- "A-AmberPelt" -She lied on the ground and lowered her head in a submissive posture.The wolf stepped out of the shadows loosing its temper.- "I am ThornClaw.." -He dipped his head in  greeting.AmberPelt stood up letting her tail stay low.-"Are you the one who howled?" -she asked and sat down.- "Indeed i am." -he answered.He took a step closer and sniffed the air.He knew she was female.- "I just wanted to see who was i followed your call." -AmberPelt said softly- "Oh. I see...You are a loner as well?" -he questioned.The she-wolf nodded in reply.ThornClaw looked at the skinny AmberPelt.- "You look hungry....Do you want something?" -As he said that her stomach growled.- "Hehe...I guess so." -she laughed. And with that the male sped off already on the trail of something she concluded.She looked for a make-shift shelter, she spotted  a few logs on top of a rock. 'That will work' she decided. The she-wolf padded her way to the shelter and peered inside. Nothing. She gave herself a happy nod and went in. She lied down, head in paws, relaxing.A few moments later she was asleep.In about forty-five minutes she woke up with a nudge on her side and the sent of rabbit. She blinked a few times and sat up. The male pushed the rabbit to her with his muzzle.- "Here you go." -he smiled.AmberPelt looked at the rabbit, lied down and grabbed it in her jaws. She placed it between her paws and looked up at ThornClaw.- "Thank you." -she smiled and returned her gaze to the rabbit. She began stripping an area of fur. Once the area was cleared of the rabbits pelt she took a bite. With that the male walked out of the make-shift shelter and sniffed the ground. He perked his ears. ThornClaw was on another trail, he ran off without anything being said.A few seconds after she finished the rabbit he returned with a squirrel hanging from his jaws.He did the same as she did. Lied down, placed rabbit between paws, strip hair of area and dig in.With a happy sigh the female curled up again to get a good nights rest.-...(Time-Skip)....-She woke at dawn a bit moist from the overnight dew, The night wasn't cold enough to freeze the water.AmberPelt was still groggy....She woke up with the male next to her.The she-wolf wondered why...she didn't even know him. She nudged him and he woke up..eyes half way open he yawned.- "Oh....Your awake." -He sat up- "As a matter of fact i am.." -she said a little confused. AmberPelt sat up,stretched and went to look outside.She trotted to the lake and lapped up the clean water.The she-wolf walked to a near by hill to watch the sun rise. AmberPelt was amazed by its sheer beauty. To her surprise ThornClaw walked up and sat next to her.He also wrapped his tail around her legs. AmberPelt looked down and thought...'What should i do now..?' She looked back up at him and smiled. Then she leaned on his shoulder...they both watched the sunset rise.(OK....if you didn't get that ill make it simpler. WhiteStorm found AmberPelt and helped her reach the forest. They became friends and now that her and ThornClaw are starting another pack. They are allied(friends)                

1:No god-modding.
2:Be mature. I don't care what your age is.
3:Don't just hate on people for no reason xD
4: Respect others.
5:There are no other rules..RUN FREE xD

+Things Accepted+

3:Trying to take over the pack
4: Trying to rank up by killing another pack member.


Alpha Male: Lead the pack to success
Alpha Female: Lead the pack as well.
Betas: Second in command.
Deltas: Third in command
Sentenals(or guard):To keep watch around the territory.
Healers: To take care of any sick or injured pack members.
Elders: To fill in any extra ranks.
Hunters/Huntresses: To provide the pack with food.
Scouts: To look ahead to keep the pack away from danger when traveling.
Warriors: To respond to any enemies.
Subordinates:These wolves don't have ranks.
Pup-Watcher: Watches the pups.

+Body Language Meanings+
Horizontal Stiffly Held Tail Position: I am going to attack.(used in hunting as well)
Wagging of the tail: I am Relaxed.
Somewhat Drooped Tail Position: I am Somewhat relaxed.
Fully Drooped tail: I am fully relaxed.
Half Tail Tuck Along With A Partially Arched Back:I am not fully fearful
Fully Tucked Tail Along With A Highly Arched Back: I am completely fearful
Crouched, Growling, Tail Half-Way Horizontal And The Other Half To The Ground: I am being attacked!
Ears Pinned Back, Half-Way Crouched,Snarling, Tail Fully Tucked Under: I am threatened!(or can be  defensive posture)
Tail Horizontal,Biting Wolf On Front Of Neck While Its On Its Back: I Pinned you. (Used in Full out Fighting)
Lying On Back,Tail On The Ground,Ears Normal: I submit. (Used when you want to give up.For example, Another wolf threatens to attack you. Before you could get severely injured you submit)
Running Normally: I am playing (Wolves usually play hare and wolf, when the wolves run after one another)
Running, Back arched,Ears Pinned Back, Tail Tucked Fully: I am running in fear!
Half-Way Crouched, Ears Pinned Back,Half Tail Tucked, Muzzle cautiously raised toward the more dominate wolfs maw: I am actively submitting to you.
Front Legs On The Ground, Raised Hind Quarters, Tail Wagging: I want to play with you.
Half Way Crouched, Ears Pinned Back, Tail Drooped: I submit. (This is used when a dominate wolf passes a yearling.)
Brushing Tail Under Chin:(Being a flirt)

+Other Things You Need To Know+
1:We are realistic
2: We have maps
3: I occasionally ask if anyone has a map request to expand our territory.
4:Maps so far: Tundra,Forest. Work In Progress: Tree-House, Sky Map, Wetlands,Desert,Mountain,Island and a Plains.
5:There is a limit on how many characters you can join. Its 4.

Description or Picture:
RP Sample:

If You Were A Part Of The Pack Before, Comment or Message Me!~


Others are a work in progress don't stress it :3
« Last Edit: August 01, 2011, 02:02:05 am by wolflover124 »

Offline Black-wolf

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Re: GlisteningMoonPack&MysticDawnPackReborn|Website,DA&ForumPage|
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2013, 07:25:51 am »
Name: Rein
User-name: SonicSoundWolf
Parents: Samori (F), Vega(M)
Pack: MysticDawn
Siblings: None
Description or Picture:  <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http://i49BannedImageSite/16ie6op.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
RP Sample: Rein careful picked her way through the bracken, relying on the dawn shadows to hide her black fur. The warm sunlight bathed her fur, and it felt good to be able to be out in the forest like this. The she-wolf suddenly stopped dead in her tracks, a snow snarling noise sounding behind her. She turned, and in the faintest light, she could see a pair of bared teeth. "What are you doing here?" the creature snarled.

Offline Black-wolf

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Re: GlisteningMoonPack&MysticDawnPackReborn|Website,DA&ForumPage|
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2013, 07:27:21 am »
Name: Rein
User-name: SonicSoundWolf
Parents: Samori (F), Vega(M)
Pack: MysticDawn
Siblings: None
Description or Picture:  <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http://i49BannedImageSite/16ie6op.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
RP Sample: Rein careful picked her way through the bracken, relying on the dawn shadows to hide her black fur. The warm sunlight bathed her fur, and it felt good to be able to be out in the forest like this. The she-wolf suddenly stopped dead in her tracks, a snow snarling noise sounding behind her. She turned, and in the faintest light, she could see a pair of bared teeth. "What are you doing here?" the creature snarled.
Whoops XD Wrong link. Here's the right one.  http://i49BannedImageSite/16ie6op.jpg