Author Topic: [1.09] Neto's Island (island/underwater habitat)  (Read 4580 times)

Offline Sky Lily

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[1.09] Neto's Island (island/underwater habitat)
« on: August 11, 2011, 05:45:30 am »
EDIT:::  A new optional update to Neto's Island can be found at the bottom of this post, due to the latest FH+ Update.


Desolate Coast

Heart of Africa (cave habitat)

Neto's Island (you're here)

Sibeta's Meadow (mountains/forest/meadow habitat)

all my maps are for public use.

For those of you who were aware of the problem I was having with a hostile map-file beggar, this situation has been resolved.  DeviantArt administrators notified me of having given this person a harsh warning that if this behavior was ever done again, they would be permanently banned.  Thank you everyone for your support ^^

Before you take a look at my map, I would highly appreciate it if you read this letter:

Not too long ago, I had a rather nasty incident with one of the FeralHeart players over my custom map, Desolate Coast.  Now that I'm looking back on it, it was rather clear from the start that all she had wanted was to make a map similar to mine without actually lifting a finger to make her own world.

This person first introduced herself to me by briefly commenting on my map before immediately asking for the sky file that I had created to go along with it.  Not seeing the seriousness in sharing a sky, I emailed said file to her on the condition that she would give me credit.... for now, let's just call her Littletroubles.

Over a week later, Littletroubles returned to the same page, now asking if she could have my map folder with all its raw material, including the height map for Desolate Coast.

Now, those of you who have read the FeralHeart guide would have noticed this particular passage:

"What I do is go into the Watermill map folder and 'copy' the heightmap (The grey picture) and rename it. Be sure to name it 'MapnameTerrain' (Ex: SuferiaTerrain) This way you have it already preset to the correct size and format without having to make a new file. (DON'T steal anybody else's height-maps!)

Open this newly created map in Gimp, or Photoshop. This is where you edit the map and make it your own.

Grab the paintbrush tool and make it large. COMPLETELY erase the map that is already there by covering it over with black or a middle shade of gray. If you don't.... people have ways of finding out; and then things get ugly. Make sure every map is 100% your own!"
-The FeralHeart Staff

Now, that statement was obviously put there for a reason; people who put a lot of work into making a unique world for others to explore, would naturally be upset seeing clones of their creation.

With this in mind I politely declined Trouble's request to have my map folder.

Clearly upset by this, she resorted to asking for only my height map.  Again, I refused, earning only more very determined nagging for a copy of my map.  I continued to refuse, instead offering to still give my object files and even make a height map of a slightly different make-up that Littletroubles could enjoy instead.

She seemed to have trouble making her points clear.  Her response consisted of asking why it was such a big deal for her to have my height map, and also talking about all the things she would like to see in a custom map.  Mistaking this for a list of the things she would like to see in the height map that I was offering to make her, I responded as calmly as I could that I didn't appreciate her tone or attitude or the way that she had driven me to this point, and that with college classes fast approaching again I simply wouldn't have the time to make a map for Littletroubles in the first place.

Littletroubles responded first by telling me that my final post was too long for her to read before making an even longer reply.  She then went into long detail about how inconsiderate I was to be selfishly keeping my files to myself instead of sharing like a good FeralHeart member.  I found this incredibly bold of her, considering that the height map and mask were creations of mine and never meant for other people to have in the first place.

I'll have to admit that I was rather impatient at this point, so after telling Littletroubles in three sentences to fix her grammar, I blocked her from harrassing me further.

Littletroubles then reacted by creating a new account and responding to me.  This time, the words were malicious.  After being cursed out very thorougly, she parted ways with a threat; she would spread the word that I was a terrible person and that all my maps were fake, also stating that she would not give credit to the sky file I had given her a week ago.  I highly doubted she held such power, but when I went on the FeralHeart forum to see that my healthy collection of karma had been pulled down into the negatives, I knew I needed to speak out.

I have written this journal not so that I can have a "clean reputation" or to have an all out war, or to get back any karma points because that is not what I care about.  If I wanted a war, I would have exposed this person's name just the way that they are tainting mine right now.

What matters to me most is that people continue to enjoy my maps; they were never made for selfish use, and each one was made with the hopes of contributing to the FeralHeart community by sharing worlds with others.  Never would I have thought that this simple act of friendliness toward the FH community would actually not be enough to some people, or that simple refusal to give  up the originality of my worlds would cause a person to believe that spreading rumors about others is the noble way to go.

Please, all FeralHeart artists, whether you are painters or preset-makers or map-makers, never let anyone make you think that you are wrong to be protective over things you spent tender love and care into making.  Your art is your own, whether on paper, a photoshop file, or a three-dimensional map file.  

That is basically all I have to say on this topic.  You are more than welcome to see the actual discussion between me and "troubles" in my Desolate Coast deviantart submission.  The entire conversation should be in the earlier comments.
After some thought, I have decided to release this person's deviantart names because of the potential threat that she is to other people who enjoy making and sharing maps.  The two things that I will always fight for are artists' rights and people being bullied, and if there is one thing I have learned about bullies, it's that protecting their name never solved anything.

Map-makers must be aware of ~Umdreon and  her secondary account, ~L-ucario  .  If she asks to borrow any of your files, refuse it.  Don't be afraid of her or afraid to stand up for what belongs to you.  People can say all they want about you, but they can never change who you are or the brilliant talents that you own.  People who attack others mercilessly for not getting what they want are weak.  They expect other artists to make up for their own lack of work-ethic and artistic motivation.  They will hide like a coward behind thrown out insults like "b****", "retard",  "whore," "piece of sh**," or the very popular "go f*** yourself."  But when it comes to proving themselves worthy to be given something so precious as a world you spent hours, even days or weeks creating, they'll fall silent because they know that they deserve nothing of the sort.

Stand up for your art, and stand up for yourself.


Many miles beyond the Cape of Distant worlds lies a mysterious, abandoned island that only the strongest of heart and mind can reach.  It remained unknown to the animals of FeralHeart for thousands of years, but was rediscovered by the aquatic feline Neto, who has since then called the land home.  However, he remains peaceful, allowing all who desire to see the island for themselves free passage.

Just remember:  Full of life and mystery, this island is no ordinary place...


You first arrive near a fountain surrounded by comfy, natural bedding.

Speaking of said fountain, you should take special note of it; it's the only fresh-water source in this map, and your character might be thirsty after making the journey here!

The crystal in the mysterious floating bowl is thought to have some purifying purpose, and is evidence that the creatures who used to live here must have been very advanced in their intelligence and insight.

In one corner of the island is a cluster of seven dens.

Each den appears to have a small tree grown inside.  They have been dubbed 'cave trees' in the meantime for their odd capability to survive with little sunlight.  Clearly, these ancient people greatly valued the island's plant-life.

Also in each cave is a tiny crystal, perhaps once used as night lamps.

Hungry?  The circular garden in the middle of the den cluster grows plenty of plants, all edible and, strangely enough, able to survive underwater as well.... they are very hardy, obvious by the fact that they have continued to grow even when no one was left to care for the garden... until now, that is.

There is also a fun little formation of rocks on the island.  Younger characters may enjoy it more than the adults.

In the distance, you can spot some sea-life peeking from the water's surface.

I know what you're thinking; there's not much to this place at all besides the lousy island!  What's the point?

Well, perhaps you should take a look below sea level.....

A lovely population of coral reefs....

And..... what's this?

Artificial reefs for the plant life?!  Wow... these guys really cared about their ecosystem.....

An inactive volcano underwater for your dare-deviling convenience.

Some nice seaweeds of various shapes and sizes to go around.  Like the plants in the island garden, these are just as edible.  

Oh, and here's the giant coral reef.

Well, that seems to be the end of it.  I hope you enj- .... wait a moment.

Is it just me or does something seem to be... glowing?

Let's swim around to the front of the reef...

In fact, why don't we take a closer look?

What a peculiar place... was it perhaps some sort of temple for the civilization that used to live here?  Crystals seem to be very abundant in the smaller cave within.

The top of the cave can also serve as a nice little 'indoor island' within the larger cave.

Extra Info

1.  I only have default meshes, but it stands to reason that the abundant plant-life must attract a wide variety of sea creatures.  By roleplay terms your characters should have a real nice supply of prey to go around, let's just hope they can fish!

2.  In case you're curious, the 'ancient people' who use to inhabit this island were not humans or aliens.  In my world, they were the feline-like creatures of Impressive Title.  You have to admit, while IT's graphics weren't more advanced than that of FeralHeart's, its species certainly was.  With healing powers, items, and the ability to tame lesser animals, I could safely say that the creatures of Impressive Title surpassed today's felines and canines by a longshot.


1.  No fighting for territory.  Seriously guys, it's a little island in the middle of nowhere.  You really think you should be claiming space? xD

2.  If someone was already roleplaying in a certain area before you and your friends came, please be polite and allow them to finish their rp before you use that area for yourself.

3.  Be respectful to others, this means no harrasing, insulting, or powerplaying.  Also try to keep swearing/cussing mild, if you really feel that you must swear at all.

4.  Neto's pretty much the only character of mine that you're likely to meet in there.  He is a clouded leopard with aquatic abilities and an over-confident attitude.

FH+ Version Here!  (some flower shrubs were too massive.)

Download Here:
« Last Edit: October 19, 2011, 02:34:04 pm by SkyLily »

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Re: [1.09] Neto's Island(complete, Public)
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2011, 09:20:23 pm »
Nice map id like to download it but FH not working anymore on my comp
Will be inactive due to work and exams.

Offline Sashastriker

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Re: [1.09] Neto's Island(complete, Public)
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2011, 09:45:27 pm »
Nice! You've got a great story line to go along with this map, and all around nice design skills :3
-Downloads- =P

Offline Sky Lily

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Re: [1.09] Neto's Island(complete, Public)
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2011, 03:31:51 am »
I'm glad you guys like it, thanks!

Offline garydugan

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Re: [1.09] Neto's Island(complete, Public)
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2011, 05:03:46 pm »
you are epic

Offline Sky Lily

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Re: [1.09] Neto's Island (island/underwater habitat)
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2011, 03:37:20 am »
Thanks, Physx! ^^


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Re: [1.09] Neto's Island (island/underwater habitat)
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2011, 02:41:21 pm »
Brilliant <3

Offline Sky Lily

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Re: [1.09] Neto's Island (island/underwater habitat)
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2011, 05:27:39 pm »
Thank you, Darthside :'3

Offline kate3628

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Re: [1.09] Neto's Island (island/underwater habitat)
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2011, 05:59:17 pm »
this looks like a really cool map!!! =D i have a char named wave she originally came from the ocean so she can breth underwater =)
??Click plz??

Offline Sky Lily

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Re: [1.09] Neto's Island (island/underwater habitat)
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2011, 05:03:47 am »
Then I hope Wave enjoys this map! ^^