Author Topic: Anawako .::.All felines RP.::. Literate,longterm and realistic. ACCEPTING  (Read 1613 times)

Offline Roxiiee11

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Starting a new feralheart RP,it's an all feline RP. Here you go. :::..:.::::.::----------------::.::::.:..:::
This RP is Literate,wich mean atlease 3phrases per post.
Be realistic,no blue,purple,green...etc marking on your caracter.
White/black lions are NOT accepted,however,if your caracters are a really light color,the more chance you'll get to get a very light brown lion wich will be considered white,brown lions are acceptable.
No powerplay/godmodding. This will make you KICKED RIGHT AWAY.
Even if you're dead,you cannot RP as a ghost,spirit...etc,it is considered as powerplay.Cubs without parents in RP are not accepted,to be without parents you must atlease get abandonned IN THE RP or your parents died in RP,there's no ''in the pass'' thing. The past is in the RP,please.A cub passing in our territory will be kicked,or killed,if the Queen decides to let it alive and keep it,it will be so.
King- Leader of the Pride,his word is law.

Queen-Second Leader of the pride.

Younglings- Cubs of the King and Queen,the oldest will pass on as king when the King dies.Other cub (Brother/sister) will be second in command.

Warriors- Warriors are the male lions in the pride,they will fight on loners and such,without mercy!

Huntress- All females must be in this rank,even if given a second rank.

Apprentices- Female cubs train to be a huntress,but,they can choose the path as a warrior if they want and think they have the skill for it. Males are hand chosen to be warriors,without doubt,they can become a rogue and not train.

Leader Patrol- Leader patrol is ordered by the Queen only,to seek around the territory for any intruders or report where the prey is near,far or on the move. They choose lions/lioness who will come with them to seek guard in territory,Maximum or Lion/Lioness allowed to go with them are 5,and only 1 Leader patrol.

Patrol- You can become one if you want,but must atlease be a teen and know a few fighting moves and know how to keep quiet.

Elders- Elders remain in the Pride territory at all time,teens serve them food,and must be respected at all time.

Sitter- Sitter is the ''cub-sitter'',they usually take care of the cubs while there mother's absence. Max of them are 3. 4 if there's alot of male cubs.

Pregnant lioness (MUST HAVE SOMEONE TO RP CUB AND HAVE A MATE)- Must be remained in the den for awhile,until you have given birth to your cub(s) and they're allowed to eat meat.

Slave- Captured lion/cubs/lioness/any other feline...etc. Will only eat when everymember of the pride has eaten,and will be released after punishement.

Cubs- Little guys,aren't they cute? But troublemaker too...! Must look like there parents alot,and behave the way they were taught. If your parents are calm and harsh,be sure not to be a troublemaker... Riighhttt? bO u O

Rogues: Rogues are male lions who decide to not be in a Pride/clan,and wonder around. They don't care about the Priderules and go on there territory and face there dangers as they please. They are normally alone,but if many rogues know each other,they are allowed to start a pride.(Loners have same description as this topic.)

Other felines- Other felines listen to the rules and don't go on the territories,they can form clans whenever they please.But,they must watch there cubs often. Lions respect these felines,they won't attack if you're okay.

No Cap rage or in real life story in the RP,keep that personal for yourself.

Before killing someone,you must whisper the user.

That's all for now,any questions feel free to ask.
YES,we do have a map,it. is. huge. Bigger than 35000,no joke. e u e
To join please fill this up
Rank you would want (QUEEN IS TAKEN.)
Pride/Clan starter or member? If Starter Tell me the name of it:

Love is like cuffs,Once your in,you need the right key to get out.

Offline bravelion22

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Name: Rako
Username: bravelion22
Rank: Prince (i want to apply for this rank)
Specie: Lion cub
Hello, i want to join this pride  :)