Author Topic: ?Sunclan? - A Warriors Clan - Literate+  (Read 7430 times)

Offline Lemming

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?Sunclan? - A Warriors Clan - Literate+
« on: August 25, 2011, 02:38:13 am »

As the sun crests over a meadow of emerald green, it casts a golden sheen upon a single lone maple and pine. This large field, dappled with wild flowers, is rimmed by a thick line of tree's going around the entirety of the inhabitants territory. Along the western boarder, a river bubbles by on it's merry way, as prey mice and hare's scamper off to take refuge from the heat of the sun's radiance.

There is bird song, as grass taller than a cat's tail in some spots, bends and dances with a passing breeze.
Suddenly, the air becomes choked in silence.  
Prey and earth have hushed, even the wind seems to have momentarily died down.

Then, movement.

From the wall of grass, steps a feline who was neither large, nor small. A tom, with a hideous series of scars running from his left eye, down across his neck, to his shoulder. With that scar, his ear has been torn asunder as well. There is a radiance coming from his tan painted pelt, the blanket of white across his back, gleaming so brightly that one would have to wonder how they did not see him coming.

"This is the realm where the cat's of Sunclan reside," he speaks, voice all but radiating a warmth of his own, "Do not let the beauty of our lands be mistaken for the weakness of my clan. Or else, I will personally see you leave our boarders with scars of your own." A single emerald eye narrows at you, the other concealed. Or perhaps, not there at all.

"I am Badgerstar, speak your business, then leave our land." At his final words, the foliage rustle all around, and from the shadows, you find yourself surrounded by the Sunclan Warriors' piercing gazes.

- - - - - - - - - - Rules - - - - - - - - - -
1. Literacy - We are a literate to advanced clan, and thus you are expected to keep yourself at the level considered literate. We do realize there are many definitions for 'literacy' - ours is simple. Please know how to spell (yes, mistakes are alright), and use your grammar properly. We also expect that you are able to give a role play post of more than 3 sentences. While we don't expect a novel for each post, please give us something to work with.

2. Courtesy - You're not talking to computers, my friend, you're talking to people. Please show us all a little bit of respect and keep fighting out of the clan. If you have a problem with a member, please contact Lemming, but don't bring your anger onto the guild boards. We'd like to have a nice, relaxed atmosphere.

3. Cats - You may have up to 5 cats, but you must be able to keep track of them! You can start your cat at any rank (except for deputy, leader, and medicine cat/apprentice. To apply for those, message or talk to me in-game first), though please don't create an apprentice who's 5.9 moons old just to get a ceremony for them. Winged cats, odd colored cats, and cats with jewelry (such as spiked collars, etc., unless deemed otherwise for a plot) are a no. Kittypets may have collars, but if they've joined the Clan, there's no reason for them to keep them.

4. Activity - Members are expected to post in game or on the forum at least once a week, unless they have a reason for inactivity. The more active you are, the better! Plots tend to run alot more smoothly when we have characters there to play them out. We will have member sweeps. If you're going to be gone for an extended amount of time, please let Lemming know! She won't get mad, she promises. :D

5. Role Play - Please don't just change the role play. It's frustrating if you fast forward a plot, time, or season without adequate permission. Weather is a different story; if it's cloudy, allowing it to rain is perfectly fine. However, if it's clear skies, and then it suddenly starts raining, that's a bit annoying. Please make sure to follow the weather, time, season, and plot at all times. Otherwise... it's going to end up kind of crazy!

6. OOC/IC - As a role player, you should know the importance of OOC/IC as well as you should know that god-moding and power-playing are against the rules. Please make sure to use these acronyms when appropriate and in the way they should be used. For reference, OOC means "out of character", IC means "in character". There are different styles of these, and we're okay with all of them, as long as we know when you're speaking OOC as opposed to IC.

- - - - - - - - - - Territory/Map - - - - - - - - - -

Work In Progress, should be finished Next Week.

- - - - - - - - - - Application - - - - - - - - - -

Code: [Select]
[color=#669900][b]Name //[/b].............[/color][color=#FF9900](Cat Name)[/color]
[color=#669900][b]Gender //[/b]...........[/color][color=#FF9900](Tom, She-Cat)[/color]
[color=#669900][b]Age //[/b]................[/color][color=#FF9900](How many moons? exp: 5 Moons)[/color]
[color=#669900][b]Rank //[/b]...............[/color][color=#FF9900](Loner, Kit, Apprentice, etc.)[/color]
[color=#669900][b]Mate //[/b]...............[/color][color=#FF9900]?(None or cat's name)?[/color]
[color=#669900][b]Kits //[/b].................[/color][color=#FF9900](None or kits' name)[/color]
[color=#669900][b]Kin //[/b]..................[/color][color=#FF9900](Family not consisting of Mate/Kits)[/color]
[color=#669900][b]Eyes //[/b]...............[/color][color=#FF9900](Eye Color)[/color]
[color=#669900][b]Pelt //[/b].................[/color][color=#FF9900](Long Fur? Short? Rough? Smooth? etc.)[/color]
[color=#669900][b]Apprentice //[/b]......[/color][color=#FF9900](None or make a request)[/color]
[color=#669900][b]Owner //[/b]............[/color][color=#FF9900](Your Forum and In-Game Username)[/color]
[color=#669900][b]Personality //[/b] [/color][color=#FF9900](Character's Personality)[/color]
[color=#669900][b]History //[/b] (Character's history, doesn't have to be lengthy, but there needs to be at least 3 setences minimum.)[/color]
[color=#669900][b]Other //[/b] [/color][color=#FF9900](Anything else you want us to know?)[/color]
[color=#669900][b]Appearance //[/b] [/color][color=#FF9900](Screenshot, if unable to take screenies, talk message Lemming, or talk to me In-Game.)[/color]

- - - - - - - - - - Cats - - - - - - - - - -

Gender //............Tom
Age //.................37 Moons
Mate //................?None?
Kits //..................None
Kin //...................Brother (Thorntail)
Eyes //................Emerald
Pelt //..................Long, especially at the tail.
Apprentice //.......Currently None
Personality // Weary, suspicious, level-headed, sometimes harsh, and often has the temper of... well, a badger. Protective, and vengeful to those that bring harm to his clan.
History // Badgerstar grew up in the clan all his life. As an apprentice, his loyalty and dedication to the Sunclan had been questionable, as he was often seen talking to rogues and loners as if they were fellow members. However, after proving himself in battle multiple times, he was eventually accepted as a Warrior. Known as Feathertail, his questionable allegiances never changed, no matter how many reprimands and punishments he received. Then one day, when on a patrol with his apprentice Stormpaw, the warrior Pondclaw, and the then leader Galestar, a disaster happened. A particularly angry badger crossed their path. Stormpaw and Pondclaw joined Starclan that day, while Galestar lost two of her lives, leaving Feathertail unconscious in the Medicine Cat den. For nearly 6 moons, the gravely injured tom could hardly move and had to be helped to with even the most basic of need. Then, as if the attack had not been enough, an illness swept through the camp. The cost of which was drastic as they lost not only member of the clan, but Galestar's last life as well. While vigil was being kept for the deceased, the question of who would be the new leader came up. Immediately it was though to be the deputy. However, as the half-moon rose high against the sky, a miracle happened. The immobile Feathertail stalked into the clearing, the moon lighting his pelt like silver fire. The message from Starclan was clear. The only thing Badgerstar remembers from that night, is waking up, sitting next to Galestar in silent vigil. Since his awakening, this stubborn tom has become drastically protective, and endlessly loyal to his clan. However, to this day, he has yet to take on an apprentice, after what happened to Stormpaw.
Other // The scars Badgerstar has from the attack as a warrior, go in a long trail from his left ear, over his left eye and cheek, and across his left neck and shoulder. His left eye is useless, and he keeps it closed so not to offend or disgust the members of his clan.
Owner //.............Lemming

- - - - - - - -
Open - Talk to Lemming In-Game or via PM before applying.

- - - - - - - -
Medicine Cat
Open - Talk to Lemming In-Game or via PM before applying.

- - - - - - - -
Medicine Cat Apprentice
Open - Talk to Lemming In-Game or via PM before applying.

- - - - - - - - - - Elders - - - - - - - - - -

None Yet

- - - - - - - - - - Queens - - - - - - - - - -

None Yet

- - - - - - - - - - Warriors - - - - - - - - - -

Age //................ 46 Moons
Mate //............... ?None?
Kits //................. None
Kin //.................. Mother: Jayeyes Sister: Dragonreed
Eyes //............... Deep Green
Pelt //................. Short, smooth fur. A dark smokey gray color with cheetah like markings.
Apprentice //......None
Personality // Ragewind usually has a quiet temper. He tends to bottle up his anger which can result to more anger and stress. He follows orders well and is gentle around kits. He does not tolerate loner cats very well and can have quite the attitude towards them.
Other // Ragewind knows a few medicine cat skills and can fish as well.
Owner //............ Justice

- - - - - - - - - - Apprentices - - - - - - - - - -

Age //................6 Moons
Mate //...............N.a
Kits //.................N.a
Kin //..................FallenLeaf(Mother-Missing), ShadowFang(Father-Dead)
Eyes //...............A very pale green, with gold flecks surrounding the pupil.
Pelt //.................Medium-length, some feathering around tail and stomach area. Mostly smooth and short everywhere else
Mentor //............To be chosen soon...
Personality // Fawnpaw is a rather sweet she-cat, she adores her clan and attempts to please each and every cat to her best extent, tending to hang around the medicine cat den for her fascination of herbs, and elders because she admires their knowledge, experience and story telling abilities. She very rarely mixes with cats her own age, since she feels a little different from them. She's quite intellectual  despite her youth, often spending her time watching other cats hunt to better articulate her own moves later.

Fawnpaw enjoys learning, and having fun. Amongst her love for learning, she manages to make it fun. If she has to collect something, she'll make a game out of it. How many rooks in the trees? Skylarks singing? Squirrels chattering? Or maybe she'll just run around in a few circles before coming back and doing what she needs to. Sometimes, even what she's supposed to do is a game. Hunting? Sure, how many mice can she stalk without them being noticed, and catch them? Fawnpaw is a hyperactive little she-cat, rather small for her age. She loves to move around and run, but she is actually very quiet when not around her friends.

Fawnpaw can sit and concentrate when she really needs to, and her mental capacity is more than enough to take in what needs to be learned. She loves to hunt, but would rather not fight due to disliking violence, being quite a pacifist.

Other // Though being an ordinary apprentice, she spends most of her time hovering around the Medicine Cat den, throwing questions at the Med cat(Annoyingly.) about what herb does what, and so already knows a few basic herb remedies and their purposes. She's very modest about her slight knowledge, however.
Owner //............EvilSock

Age //................6 Moons
Rank //...............Apprentice
Mate //...............?None?
Kits //.................None
Kin //..................Reedstep (father) x Willowfur
Eyes //...............Blue
Pelt //.................Fur of medium length, feathering around her legs, ears, and tail
Mentor //......None
Personality // Rosepaw can be smart when she wants to, be prefers to be light-hearted and goofy, enjoying the company of others. She loves to work and is afraid of dissappointing others, which gives her a good work ethic. Rosepaw is very shy with the opposite gender and makes friends easier with those older than herself due to her self conscious behavior.
Other // C: nope! I hope the history isn't too dramatic? x.x
Owner //............PinkRose137 and PinkRose137 (or Fanta?)

- - - - - - - - - - Kits - - - - - - - - - -

Age //................(4 moons)
Mate //...............?None?
Kits //.................None
Kin //..................Whiskerwillow [mother/missing] Windstorm[father/missing]
Eyes //...............Blue
Pelt //.................Short and glossy with a satin-like look and feel, due to being a Burmese.
Mentor //............Too young.
Personality // Rainkit is very optimistic. There is never a time you can find her staying sad at something unless it's really important to her. She is very curious and is easily amused. She is also very energetic, often seen running for no apparent reason. Another thing is, she sometimes acts like a dog, but that's very rare.
Other // -----
Owner //.............>>>Kat<<< | Katez
« Last Edit: August 31, 2011, 02:25:21 am by Lemming »

Offline Lemming

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Re: ?Sunclan? - A Warriors Clan - Literate+
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2011, 02:43:54 am »
*Was totally supposed to be working, but decided to make a clan instead* XD
My job is hard! D:<
... kinda. :x

Anywho, yes, Sunclan!
I've been feeling very Warriors-oriented lately, mostly because I'm re-reading the series.
Again... :D

I'll be posting up Badgerstar's design/screenie, as soon as I get home in... 2 hours. xD

Offline Justice

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Re: ?Sunclan? - A Warriors Clan - Literate+
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2011, 02:08:34 pm »
Name //.............(Ragewind)
Gender //...........(Tom)
Age //................(46 Moons)
Rank //...............(Warrior)
Mate //...............?(None)?
Kits //.................(None)
Kin //..................(Mother: Jayeyes Sister: Dragonreed)
Eyes //...............(Deep Green)
Pelt //.................(Short, smooth fur. A dark smokey gray color with cheetah like markings.)
Apprentice //......(None)
Owner //............(Justice)
Personality // (Ragewind usually has a quiet temper. He tends to bottle up his anger which can result to more anger and stress. He follows orders well and is gentle around kits. He does not tolerate loner cats very well and can have quite the attitude towards them.)
History //(Ragewind and his sister Dragonreed were raised by their mother. He never knew of his father as his mother never spoke of him. When Ragewind and Dragonreed turned 12 moons old, their mother died of greencough, leaving them to fend for themselves. Dragonreed and Ragewind got seperated during a forest fire, never to see each other again. Ragewind still likes to search for his sister to this day but remains loyal to his clan.)
Other // (Ragewind knows a few medicine cat skills and can fish as well.)
Appearance //
Bane is my idol.

Offline EvilSock

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Re: ?Sunclan? - A Warriors Clan - Literate+
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2011, 03:39:50 pm »
Name //.............Fawnpaw
Gender //...........She-cat
Age //................6 Moons
Rank //...............Apprentice
Mate //...............N.a
Kits //.................N.a
Kin //..................FallenLeaf(Mother-Missing), ShadowFang(Father-Dead)
Eyes //...............A very pale green, with gold flecks surrounding the pupil.
Pelt //.................Medium-length, some feathering around tail and stomach area. Mostly smooth and short everywhere else
Apprentice //......N.a
Owner //............EvilSock
Personality // Fawnpaw is a rather sweet she-cat, she adores her clan and attempts to please each and every cat to her best extent, tending to hang around the medicine cat den for her fascination of herbs, and elders because she admires their knowledge, experience and story telling abilities. She very rarely mixes with cats her own age, since she feels a little different from them. She's quite intellectual  despite her youth, often spending her time watching other cats hunt to better articulate her own moves later.

Fawnpaw enjoys learning, and having fun. Amongst her love for learning, she manages to make it fun. If she has to collect something, she'll make a game out of it. How many rooks in the trees? Skylarks singing? Squirrels chattering? Or maybe she'll just run around in a few circles before coming back and doing what she needs to. Sometimes, even what she's supposed to do is a game. Hunting? Sure, how many mice can she stalk without them being noticed, and catch them? Fawnpaw is a hyperactive little she-cat, rather small for her age. She loves to move around and run, but she is actually very quiet when not around her friends.

Fawnpaw can sit and concentrate when she really needs to, and her mental capacity is more than enough to take in what needs to be learned. She loves to hunt, but would rather not fight due to disliking violence, being quite a pacifist.

History //Fawnkit was born from a beautiful shecat named Fallenleaf. Her fur was auburns and browns, mixed with oranges and dark yellows. Two bright green eyes poked from her fur and shined down on Fawnkit. A father named Shadowfang truly accepted her as a daughter, making sure she was happy at all times and that Fallenleaf was just as well. When Fawnkit was four moons, her mother fell ill. Greencough, the medicine cat told her. It was nearly a sign of death for Fallenleaf. When the sickness was cured from her mother, Fawnkit rejoiced happily.

Another event later following a rival clan quarrel, Shadowfang returned from a bloody battle. He dropped dead as soon as he stepped into camp. Fawnkit gave a wail and mourned her father alongside her mother, who later disappeared. Fawnkit was left distraught without her mother, but allowed it to pass hoping that she'd return one day. Young Fawnkit decided never to be unhappy again, and to do the things she needed to the way she wanted. When she became apprenticed, she found that the strength needed to be a warrior did not fit her, and she did not enjoy fighting. She dreams one day to become a medicine cat apprentice, though she doubts that her dreams will become a reality, and can only hope to further increase her skills of fighting to serve the clan in other ways, or to confront her desires to Badgerstar

Other // Though being an ordinary apprentice, she spends most of her time hovering around the Medicine Cat den, throwing questions at the Med cat(Annoyingly.) about what herb does what, and so already knows a few basic herb remedies and their purposes. She's very modest about her slight knowledge, however.
Appearance //
« Last Edit: August 25, 2011, 03:56:09 pm by EvilSock »

Offline Lemming

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Re: ?Sunclan? - A Warriors Clan - Literate+
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2011, 06:54:41 pm »
Lovely characters, I found myself interested by both of their stories. ^-^

Both of you have been accepted, Welcome to Sunclan!

May I ask both of your general time-zones/availability?
That way I can start to work out a sort of... plan/schedule to organize the plot around.~

Offline EvilSock

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Re: ?Sunclan? - A Warriors Clan - Literate+
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2011, 07:53:08 pm »
My time-zone is GMT, I'm very much active during the day, but I may be limited for awhile now that school is starting up again. If we can get a schedule though, I'm sure I'll be able to sort it all out. .o.
& Thank you for accepting! ;D


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Re: ?Sunclan? - A Warriors Clan - Literate+
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2011, 03:04:13 am »
Name //.............(Rainkit)
Gender //...........(She-cat)
Age //................(4 moons)
Rank //...............(Kit<3)
Mate //...............?(None)?
Kits //.................(None)
Kin //..................(Whiskerwillow [mother/missing] Windstorm[father/missing])
Eyes //...............(Blue)
Pelt //.................(Short and glossy with a satin-like look and feel, due to being a Burmese [I love these cats<3])
Apprentice //......(None or make a request)
Owner //............(>>>Kat<<< | Katez)
Personality // (Rainkit is very optimistic. There is never a time you can find her staying sad at something unless it's really important to her. She is very curious and is easily amused. She is also very energetic, often seen running for no apparrent reason. Another thing is, she sometimes acts like a dog, but that's very rare.)
History // (Her parents were sent into a fight with another clan when she was about two moons. They have never been seen since. Her Clanmates take care of her since she is still just a kit and has no parents.) <Cannot think of anymore to add as of right now>
Other //
Appearance // ()

(Wow, I really failed at spelling, I revised it so, there shouldn't be any problems now...)

Offline RaivenWings

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Re: ?Sunclan? - A Warriors Clan - Literate+
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2011, 05:20:14 am »
I am soooo joining Lemmy! 8D
I've been meaning to make my own clan recently. Strangely named Moonclan XD Well, more like revive it, as it was doing pretty well on Gaia 'til come people decided to troll it. >> Stupid trolls...
ANYWAY. YES. I will be making two characters for this :D two sibling warriors, m'kay?

Check out my preset commissions! Currently 50% off!]

Offline aelitastar

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Re: ?Sunclan? - A Warriors Clan - Literate+
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2011, 05:24:44 am »
may join, sounds really fun.
I am not who I was when I last left here, from the years '11 through '13. I sincerely apologize for how rude and disrespectful I had been, and hope whoever I have wronged before can forgive my previous bad behavior.

Offline Lemming

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Re: ?Sunclan? - A Warriors Clan - Literate+
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2011, 05:47:04 pm »
Rainkit has been accepted, welcome to Sunclan Kat! ^-^
I love Burmese to! They are sooooooo soft. ~<333

And hurrrrr, perhaps if you still want to make your Moonclan, we could do a joint territory thing. I'm going to make the map big enough for three clans, soooooooo, yeah. ;D
And of course you can join with your Warrior siblings.~ <3

Okie dokie Sukira, if you feel you can juggle this with your other role plays, feel free. ^^
« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 06:02:55 pm by Lemming »