Author Topic: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!  (Read 94031 times)

Offline zeitgeist

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Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
« Reply #250 on: December 27, 2011, 05:19:49 am »
Hey guys sadly my computer is still broken and I will be stuck playing the sims for a couple months but I may be active sooner then months like maybe a week too because my step-father has a big paycheck for Christmas. :) Hope the RP is gaining members and activity and happy holidays! :D


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Re: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!
« Reply #251 on: December 31, 2011, 12:45:21 am »
Just letting you guys know I had a hell of a time trying to get the game back as I had it after installing both FH+ and the newest patch! But I'm back! Now I'll just download the new map and I'll be ready to RP again!

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User name:Jessie Dagger
Character name:Tasha APV
Screenshot:(If someone could tell me how I would gladly put one)
Age:2 1/2 (human years)
Description:Tasha is a female Aardwolf,she wants to find,or make a pack of her own,and be leader of the pack.But if she only joins one,thats ok too in her mind.
Personallity:She is loyal,kind,cheerful,Mean (she has temper snaps..)and she trys her best to be helpful
History:She was brought by humans to the reserve,and doesn't like the humans anymore,they took her from her family,tranquilized her,shoved her in a crate,and flew her to the reserve.She will not tolerate anyone mean,or snapy.When they humans landed in the reserve,they left her in a thick patch of grass.She was then found by some other canines (can't say yet because it will happen when I enter the map :3)To be continued...........
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:Looking to join a pack
Your character is best at?(Optional):She is best at hunting,and 50/50 at fighting.Everything else she is ok at,but not her best.
RP sample:Tasha awoke slowly from the effects of the tranquilizer wearing off,everything was blurry.Out of the blur she could see aproching canines,she couldn't make out their species.They grabed her and pulled her to their pack,by then she was able to see a little better.she heard voices whispering around her,and she was afraid.Then a vioce asked her,Why were you in our territory?.She answered slowly."Y-your territory?I didn't know...Or intend to cross...I am new to this strange place.....Please do not harm me...I do not wish to be harmed,after all I am new to this...Uh where am I?"she asked cautious of her words.The voice answered,You are in A african reserve.(To be continued....)

EDIT!: Please ignore this post, I am going to join this role-play with a different character so tell me if I should like delete all the words..
« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 11:48:39 pm by Jessie Dagger »

Offline zeitgeist

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*Explosion of joy*
Our computer will be back online sooner then I expected! <3
Our good friend  has brought one to test the poor hard drive on to see if the tax stuff is okay.
Lemme hear a, few hallelujahs! :D
       Hope the RP is doing Fantastic! ;) Let there be many people online, sincerly
                Saylee :D

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wow, I keep forgetting to get on XD I have not checked in a while, but I dont really bother becuase knowones ever on... GET ON FOR ONCE PLEASE!


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User name: Nenet
Character name: NenetAVP
Species: African Cheetah
Gender: Female
Age: 9 years old
Description: Her coat is pale gold with tawny brown spots. She's rather small, and although she adores running, she's not very strong.
Personallity: She's quite reclusive, and prefers to observe others from afar. If approached, she'll most likely run, especially if there is more than one animal. Although, don't let her shyness fool you, she is far from sweet. She can be very cruel and a big pest if she feels that you cannot catch her. Her favorite passtime is annoying the local lion pride; they can never catch her.
History: Sold to a village man as a small cub, Nenet never knew her mother. She escaped when she was two, by chewing through her rope leash. She's now content to simply run through the savanna. She has no desire for a mate, or even to find her mother, if she's still alive.
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Absolute loner. She might hang around a select few on occasion, but she'll never consider herself part of a pack. When war breaks out, she takes no sides, except to perhaps help an animal that she is fond of.
Your character is best at?(Optional): (Hunting, fighting, healing, watching cubs/pups etc.) Due to her speed, she'd make an excellent hunter. Not so much for fighting, as stated before, she's rather weak. Gazelle are no problem. Lion/bigger cheetah: problem.
RP sample: Sadly I don't have an RP sample :( I've not been RPing on this site for long.

Offline zeitgeist

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Id like to ask that my character, Haruka APV Be removed from the RP please, and that this one take his place, I just got my comp back up, sorry for inactivity ^^

Screen Shot:x:
Character Name:x: Shojo APV
Gender:x: Male
Age:x:3 Years old
Description:x: He is a dark grey/black color with blotches of black splattered over his pelt.
Personality:x: More of a lone type, he grew up rather solitary being the only survivor of his litter.  He does have a hard time breaking the ice with other people and is distant, keeping to himself mostly, though on rare occasion he will approach other leopards in curiosity.
History:x: Originally born not to far from the African Plain Valley he grew up quickly having been the biggest in his litter.  When his mother had left to find a missing sister a human had found they're home and stolen away with them.  The human took them to a small safari village and raised them to be pets for the village with discipline and whips.  His smaller more helpless brothers and sisters died during the harsh training leaving him alone to make his way home.  He later attacked his so called "master" leaving only his throat-missing body behind.  He was capable of defending himself at this point being he was already 2-years old.  He traveled around for a year arriving at the African Plains Valley in the end.
Mate/Offspring:x: N/A
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:x: He may if its necessary for survival join a small group/medium group of his own kind.  Otherwise a complete loner.
Your character is best at?(Optional):x:  Being raised as a pet/slave in a safari village had great training, he is almost a master hunter excelling in speed and precision but lacking greatly in herbs and care, making him vulnerable to sustained injury such as, broken bones, sprains, etc.
RP Sample:x:  Shojo yawned, his dark pelt slithering across the crumbling leaves hearing the refreshing sound of crunching and popping leaves.  He sighed padding toward the plains he was hungry most in the morning and less in the afternoon.  He stopped, hearing sustained crunching nearby.  He crouched low his stomach flattened on the ground his back straight as he brushed over the leaves searching for the nearby presence.  His nostrils flared a large leopard like himself was padding nearby.  He hissed quietly moving towards it ready to pounce it was a male, he could smell the aggression coming from him already, he heard Shojo and was searching for him.  He growled, warning the tawny leopard of his presence.  The leopard hissed and snarled like a wild pig flexing long needle like claws.  Shojo stopped readying for his lunge and, springing.  He landed directly on top of it, his fang and claw embedding themselves into its flesh the warm bittersweet taste of blood gushing into his mouth.  There they went, in a clash of teeth and claw.  Shojo whirled the leopard slashing at his thigh he lunged at it, clawing into its face his fangs sinking in its muzzle he could feel bone and taste his own blood at the sides of his mouth.  He froze for half a second before smashing his lower jaw into his hold on the muzzle almost cracking the bones in its jaw. he released jumping back his body leaking dark messy blood his glossy pelt now covered with his opponents blood.   He growled limping towards his roost in the tree yowling lowly.
That's it for my new characters app, hope its detailed better then my last. Ive been practicing :3

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Hey guys! I know I'm not the mod but can we all try to meet *this up coming Saturday at 3:00 Eastern time??
* on January 21st?
Hope to RP with you guys!
« Last Edit: January 15, 2012, 06:29:38 pm by evelynn »

Pet's name: Lillina
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!
Come back horsie!!!

Offline Kula

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UserName- Kula
CharreName- Bianka AVP
Screenie- Link....>>
Species- White Lion
Gender- Female
Age- Adult
Description- Bianka is a rare white lioness. She has stunning blue eyes and has a slim figure however she is strong. Do not underestimate her.
Personality- Bianka seeks acceptance. She is a kind and caring lioness but recent events have lead her to be more..reserved and withdrawn. If you respect her she will respect you but if you dont..there WILL be a problem. Sarcastic sometimes, but over all she is a wise and down to earth lioness.
History- Bianka is a fallen queen.. Her mate, the king replaced her. Before hand she had been missing but to her he and the pride was missing.. Finally she found them, to her great dislike he was with another lioness..the new queen. She has been on her own ever since, seeking revenge and a new kingdom..where she will be Queen once again.
Mate/Offspring- N/A
Status- Loner but looking to start or join a pride.
Strengths- Bianka is a great leader. Strong, smart and understanding. Before being a queen she often scouted and watched the cubs when she had the chance.
Sample- The dry grass crunched and crackled under the weight of her blood crusted paws. She'd been walking for days now, no food and little water. It still came as a shock to her that she was no longer queen. Nevering being on her own before this all was new to her and she was doing her best to survive. A loud chuff escaped her lips, calling out for anyone else out there..her efforts failed.


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Hey guys! I know I'm not the mod but can we all try to meet *this up coming Saturday at 3:00 Eastern time??
* on January 21st?
Hope to RP with you guys!
Sure, I am up for it! I just need to get the map back running and Kahawa will be back up and running!
EDIT: Nevermind, I need to get FH itself back! *facepalm*
« Last Edit: January 20, 2012, 11:28:29 pm by Simba »