Author Topic: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!  (Read 93097 times)

Offline Wildcat26

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?Welcome to AP Valley?
?Introduction?Rules?Current Plot?Annoucements?
AP Valley is a multi-species semi-realistic RP that takes place in Africa.
It's a literate long- term and is an entirly in-game based RP.
There will be a rainy and dry season.
This RP is in one of my custom maps, so you must be able to download and install custom maps to join the RP.
Prides, packs and clans may have ranks or jobs such as hunters, gaurds, healers and leaders of course. ;)
This RP will have alot of flexibility. It's not a feline VS canine RP! The animals will be intelligent and may choose who to ally with.
Members of a pride/pack may be of different species, or maybe consist of loners or normally solitary species that choose to work together and not your standard group.

?APV Rules (Subject to Change!)?
?-You must follow all FH rules.
?-This is my RP and my map, if I ask you to stop doing something, please stop.
?- As a notice the map IS PUBLIC, so anyone may be in the map at any time. this is why the APV in your charrie's name is important, it lets us know you are a part of the RP! Others are not to bother us if we are in a RP; if they do we will tell them NICELY that we are in the middle of a RP.
?-Classique-Cat is the co-owner of this RP, she is 2nd in command and you have to listen to what she says. Treat her with respect, when I'm not around she's in charge.
?-NO chat speak or typing in all capitals (CAPS)!!!
?-You may play 2 characters, no more.
?-No forming prides/packs/clans, killing your character or having cubs/pups without asking me first. (I would prefer no characters getting killed,
but if you wish to kill your charrie off, I need to know to keep updated on things.)
?-If your character takes a mate, please tell me, again so I can keep things updated.
?-Members should check in with the RP at lease every 2wk, if your are gone longer then that without a reason, you'll be moved to an in-active list.
If you don't check in with in another 2wk you'll be removed from the RP.

?RP'ing Rules (Subject to Change!)?
?-This RP is PG13. No strong cursing; do not abuse this or it will be taken away. If you must do an RP mating, do it in whisper! Don't go overboard with gore or blood in fights.
?-There should be NO fighting or cursing towards others in OOC(Out of character).
?-No godmoding, auto-hitting or powerplaying etc. RP.
?-No special powers or abilties; your character can't be immortal and can't be the best at everything.
?-No RP'ing another player's character unless they say it is ok.
?-General chat will be used for RP 'actions' only; local for RP speaking and local 'actions'. Party and/or Group(Not sure if the group glitches are still a problem) will be used for OOC.
?-I don't expect full paragraphs every time, but try to put at least a couple full sentences per post. Know this can be hard, I have trouble with it myself, but we'll get better if we just practice.
?-If you are posting a full paragraph and run out of space in the chat box, putting -C- or Cont. at the end will let others know you are not done with your post.
?-This is a LITERATE RP, that means... You are expected to use proper grammar to the best of your ability.


?Current Plot?
The setting:
APValley is the site of a newly formed wildlife reserve.
It's the rainy season.
The Plot:
The area, once destroyed by humans, has now been restored and turned into a wildlife reserve. There are a few small herds of prey that exist in reserve, but it is lacking in predators. Therefor some animals have been transported in by the humans to repopulate the area. Some will have found their way in on their own, the promise of new unclaimed dens, territory and water draw in creatures of all sorts.

How will the new residents settle in? As they find a new home, new families and allies... maybe even new enemies.

And the question remains... Are the humans still watching......?

It will be your choice whether your character is transported in or traveled in on their own. Just keep in mind how this will affect them.

You have a suggestion for this plot? Let us know!

10/18 Latest updates!!!:

Some big updates here!:

APV has it's own DA group now!

This is my first try at an RP, so I know things aren't perfect.
Feel free to suggest things or tell me if I've fogotten anything..
Suggestions on rules or a good plot are welcome. :3

Wild <3

« Last Edit: October 22, 2011, 01:57:58 am by ?Moonlight~(Wildcat26) »
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Offline Wildcat26

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« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2011, 07:57:26 pm »
?These are the species I'm currently accepting. If you have another species you think I forgot or you can realisticly pull
off with the FH models, feel free to suggest.

?Lion(Regular & White)
?Leopard (regular & black)
?Cheetah (Regular, King, white, black and gray)
?Caracal ( Pic )
?Serval(Regular ,white & black)


?African Wild Dog - Pic
?Jackle (Golden - Pic , Black-backed - Pic & Side Striped - Pic)
?Ethiopian Wolf - Pic
?Fennec Fox
?Cape Fox - Pic
?Bat Earred Fox - Pic

?Hyena (Spotted, Striped & Brown - Pic )
?Aardwolf - Pic
?Meerkat - ( Pic )

?FelinexFeline OR canineXCanine hybreds(As long as at least one parent is from african) MAY be accepted, just ask. :3
?No felineXcanine hybreds or fantasy stuff( Werewolves, hellhounds, gryphons etc.) though.
?IF the Hybred is half non african animal, there must be an explanation on how they got there in the animal's history since such hybreds wouldn't be possible naturally.
?This is a semi-realistic RP, so the colors must be natural, so no bring neon colors guys, sorry. x3
?Lighter, darker and tinted varations of natural colors will be accepted in most cases.

?Eyes may be any natural color; Any natural pupled eye is accepted.
?No glow, pupiless, orb or oval, cross, ring, and swirl eyes.

?Extra markings that aren't normal to a species may be accepted. White or black extra markings must be small; more subtle markings maybe be larger or more numorus.
This will probably come into play more if your character has a preset.

?A realistic size is also important, so no mini-lions/hyenas/wild dogs (unless a cub) or giant foxes/servals.

?Character Applications?

You may apply to join the RP by submitting an app...

Here on the FH forum thread.

On my DA?Link |All DA Apps MUST be noted to me! Apps posted in comments will be ignored.|
RP'ers of all experience and levels are welcome!
User name:
Character name:( Please put APV at the end of your charrie's name :3)
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional):(Groups may be made up of different or  normally solitary species also ;) )
Your character is best at?: (Hunting, fighting,healing, watching cubs/pups etc.)
RP sample:(Required;Try to put at least 3 complete sentences please.)
Code: [Select]
User name:
Character name:( Please put APV at the end of your charrie's name :3)
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:
Your character is best at?(Optional): (Hunting, fighting, healing, watching cubs/pups etc.)
RP sample: (Required;Try to put at least 3 complete sentences please.)
Once your app is accepted, it will be posted on the RP thread on the FH forum.
On DA a screen along with your charries app will be posted.

?Den Claiming Applications?

??There are 21 named dens in the map. Look here to see all the locations:
??Den claiming only applies to IC RP'ing. If there's no RP going on, any den may be used by anyone!
??Any one may use any den but you will need group with a certain number to claim medium and large dens.
??Dens will be claimed on a first come first served bases, so if you like a den, be sure to put in your request soon as they are open to get the one you want!
??In order to claim a medium den you must have at least 3 group members. These are: Acacia Den, Paramount Den, Treeroot Den, and Trishade Den.
??In order to claim a large den your group must have at least 5 group members. These are: Amberrock Den, Bigfern Den, Oceanridge Den, and Reflection Cave.
??Although it would be nice to see it used by a leopard, the Leopard Den is actually claimable by anyone. It was called this because it was made to be similar to a realistic leopard den.
??All of the other named dens (with exception of Sonya's and Hawke's), may be claimed by a single animal. These are: Beach Den, Cliff Den, Deadtree Den, Hidden Den, Island Den, Leopard Den, Log 'Den', Sandhill Den, Slantedrock Den, and either of the Serval Island Dens.
??Once we go through the initial claiming, it will be your job to keep the den once the RP starts. You may be challenged for your den at any time by another character or group.
??If a den dispute comes down to a fight, remember all RP rules apply! If you like you can get a Mod to watch the fight to make sure it is fair.
??If you win or take over a den, you need to notify us that you have claimed it so we can update things. We will check with the original den owner to make sure it was taken fairly.

??If all the dens are taken or your character doesn't want an actual den, you can 'claim' a rock, tree, or log. But remember, no actual territory claiming. x3
??If you are doing this I will need a screenshot to know where you are claiming; not 'this tree by the rock by the water' sort of thing!  If you want the underside of a rock , take a screen with your charrie there. A tree? Climb in it or stand next to it and take a screen!
If you want to claim a non den object, a screenshot is required for location purposes.
??If you're claiming a den that requires a group, the Den application will be put as Pending until all the members can be contacted; this will change to Accepted once your group app gets approved. :3
Character Name/s or Group Name: (If claiming a medium or large den, remember you must have a group with the minimum number to claim it.
Den Name:
Screenshot of Object: (Only if you aren't claiming a named den)
2nd Choice: (This is in case the den/place you chose is taken)


Code: [Select]
Character Name/s or Group Name: (If claiming a medium or large den, remember you must have a group with the minimum number to claim it.
Den Name:
Screenshot of Object: (Only if you aren't claiming a named den)
2nd Choice: (This is in case the den/place you chose is taken)
On DA, all group apps must be noted to:

On the FH forum all apps should be posted in the thread.

?Claimed Dens/Objects List?
These dens/objects have been claimed.
??Beach Den-Galen{Evelynn}
??Sandhill Den-Artemis(Art){Lizzy}
??Hidden Den-Jack{Goon}
??Island Den-Malawi{october_wind}
?? Awesome tree -Albus{Keru}
??Link- That big rock- Sirahlivai{Goon}
??Cliff Den- Lala{Dubstep.Freak}
??Slanted Rock Den- Drum[Copper4me}
??Jolly's log- Jolly{whobei}
??Deadtree Den-Natari{Simbah}
??10 Serval Island Den-Ash{marzishadow}
??Measuring rock- Mufasa{Copper4me}
??9 Serval Island Den- Stevie{Samsung}
??Log 'Den'-Flower{Meerkatstar}

?Pack/Pride/Group Applications?


??Any animal can form a group; they can be all of the same species or multi-species.
?? Groups will be a minimum of 3 members; if only 2 members that aren't mates wish to work together they will be called companions. :3
??Having a group gives the ability to claim medium and larger dens in the map.
??As of right now there's no territory claiming.
??Groups can choose whether they have ranks/jobs or not. See here:
??All group applications will be put as Pending until all the members can be contacted; this will change to Accepted once your group app gets approved. :3
Group Members:
Group Name: (Optional)
Screenshot of your Group: (If possible)
Ranks/Jobs: (Yes/No/Not decided)

Code: [Select]
Group Members:
Group Name: (Optional)
Screenshot of your Group: (If possible)
Ranks/Jobs: (Yes/No/Not decided)
On DA, all group apps must be noted to:

On the FH forum all apps should be posted in the thread.


??As of currently, there will be no app for taking a mate in the RP.
??We would like you guys to inform us thought if you and another member make your characters mates. This is to keep the RP updated an all. :3
??You do have to ask first if you decide you and your mate want to have cubs/pups/kits.  Again this is to keep the RP updated. :3

Now this RP will probably have prides/packs/clans/groups.
But unlike most RPs that the groups has set ranks for each member, in APV groups may choose to have ranks/jobs or to not; it'll be totally optional.

?The reason I also have 'Jobs' in there is so if they don't want to use them in the way usually thought of as ranks. As in where ranks is like a chain of command within the group, with some being higher then others or have certain privileges.
Where as a a member may have a certain job, but they're treated equally as other members with different jobs.

?When a group is formed, it will be decided whether or not the members will have ranks or jobs by the group as a whole. Everyone must agree on whether ranks or jobs will be used.

?There should be NO fighting when deciding this!!! If you do not like the groups' decision you can always leave to join another or just be a loner.

These are the ranks that currently can be used by all groups. Some are kinda obvious. lol

?Leader=Leads the group of course.
?Hunter=Hunts for food for the group.
?Guard/Fighter= Fights and protects the group from attacks.
?Healer=Tends to injured or sick group members. Finds plants and such to heal.
?Den Nurse/Babysetter (xD)=Watches the cubs/pups while the others are away and help's the mothers take care of them.
?Scout=Keeps a look out for prey or danger. They alert the others when they find the prey or an enemy.

Applying for ranks will be done after a few people join the RP.

 If you have an rank/job suggestions, please tell me. :3

« Last Edit: October 25, 2011, 08:51:17 pm by ?Moonlight~(Wildcat26) »
Livestream FH mapmaking!
Wanna know what Happen to me? CLICK! HideNseek Group-> MapMaking Tutorials-

Offline Wildcat26

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« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2011, 07:57:41 pm »
« Last Edit: October 20, 2011, 04:44:50 am by ?Moonlight~(Wildcat26) »
Livestream FH mapmaking!
Wanna know what Happen to me? CLICK! HideNseek Group-> MapMaking Tutorials-

Offline Wildcat26

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~Characters+Clans/Packs/Prides~ Cont.
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2011, 07:58:12 pm »
?African Wild Dogs?
? ? ?
User name: Justice
Character name: Krowsof APV
Gender: Male
Age: 3 years
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking to join a African Wild Dog pack
Complete App & History:Link

 ? ? ?
User name: Lizzy
Character name: Artemis aka Art
Gender: Male
Age:not sure of an exact age but a teenager
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: looking to join
Complete App & History:Link

?Bat Earred Foxes?
 ? ? ?

User name: Sethos
Character name: Vulrich APV
Gender: Male
Age:2 years 3 months
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:  Loner, at least for now
Complete App & History:Link

? Cape Foxes?
 ? ? ?
User name: DancerOfTheDead
Character name: Zaire
Screenshot: http://i56BannedImageSite/nyz94x.png
Gender: Female
Age: 2
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Loner
Complete App & History:Link

?Ethiopian Wolves?
? ? ?

User name: Hibiscus
Character name:Honey APV
Gender: Female
Age: 2 Years
Mate/Offspring: No
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Currently loner, probably wanting to join a pack
Complete App & History:Link

 ? ? ?

User name: IvyWolf
Character name: Alexi APV
Gender: Female
Age: 4years
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: She would like to join a pack, but doesn't mind being alone.
Complete App & History:Link

?Fennec Foxes?
? ? ?

User name: GraySkies
Character name: Twitch
Gender: Male
Age: Nine months
Mate/Offspring: N/A
Loner or Looking to join pride/pack?: Loner- Will stay with anyone in his travels.
Complete App & History: Link

? ? ?

User name: Dubstep.Freak
Character name: Lala APV
Gender: Female
Age: 2
Mate/Offspring: Killed, Not Really Looking For Another, But She Wouldn't Mind At All, Perhaps Make Her Happy Again
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?(Optional):Loner For Now, Likes The Company Of Other Foxes And Smaller Canine/Feline.
Complete App & History:Link

? ? ?
User name: krazydelaney
Character name: Shennec Fox APV
Gender: Female
Age: Not born yet
Mate/Offspring/parents: N\A/N\A/mom is Lala
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: too young for any
Complete App & History:Link Coming soon!

? ? ?
User name: Goon
Character name: Jake APV
Species: Black-Backed Jackal [<3]
Gender: Male
Age:about two years
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Loner, doesn't want a pack would rather pester them.
Complete App & History:Link coming soon!

? ? ?
User name: copper4me
Character name: Drum APV
Species: Lab/Ethiopian Wolf cross
Gender: Male
Age: 5
Mate/Offspring: None?
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Loner
Complete App & History:Link

? ? ?
User name: xxsnowstripexx
Character name: Iratu APV
Species: Striped hyena
Gender: Male
Age: 3 years
Mate/Offspring: None but looking.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Wants to make his own pack.
Complete App & History:Link

? ? ?
User name: Bruton
Character name: Tau APV
Screenshot: http://i53BannedImageSite/b4hhmc.png
Species: Spotted Hyena
Gender: Male
Age: 2 months
Mate/Offspring: Way too young :p
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: I guess he would be looking for a pride/pack.
Complete App & History:Link

? ? ?
User name: Justice
Character name: Aditi APV
Species: Striped Hyena
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking to join a hyena pack/clan
Complete App & History:Link

 ? ? ?

User name: Shyra44
Character name: Curse APV
Species: Striped Hyena
Gender: Male
Age: 3yrs (Young Adult)
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: He is looking for a pack.
Complete App & History:Link

? ? ?
User name: Deondrey
Character name: Jarza (APV)
Species: Spotted Hyena
Gender: Female
Age: Four years
Mate/Offspring: None at this time
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Willing to join a clan
Complete App & History:Link

 ? ? ?
User name: JPAkita
Character name: Tajiri APV
Species: Striped Hyena
Gender: Male
Age: 2yr
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Loner.
Complete App & History:Link coming soon

 ? ? ?

User name: Samsung
Character name:  Stevie
Species: Spotted Hyena
Gender: Female
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?:
Complete App & History:Link

? ? ?
User name: wolfdemon287
Character name: Rusty APV
Screenshot: http://oi54BannedImageSite/16a6yvn.jpg
Species: Spotted Hyena
Gender: Female
Age: 2 1/2
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking to join pride/pack
Complete App & History:Link coming soon!

? ? ?
User name: AngelDemon
Character name: Somnium APV
Species: Spotted Hyena
Gender: Female
Age:2 year old (very young adult)
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking to join a clan, but a loner at the moment.
Complete App & History:Link coming soon!

? ? ?
User name: marzishadow
Character name: Ash
Species: Spotted Hyena
Gender: Female
Age:Young Adult
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Currently Looking
Complete App & History:Link coming soon!

 ? ? ?
User name: Scrub
Character name: Nukilia APV
Gender: Female
Age:3 years
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking to join
Complete App & History:Link

? ? ?
User name: MeerkatStar
Character name: Flower APV
Screenshot: http://i53BannedImageSite/6f8i77.png
Gender: Female
Age:2 years old
Mate/Offspring: None yet
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Could i start a new clan and could i be domanant female?
Complete App & History:Link

? ? ? ? ? ?

(PS. If you want a symbol next to your charrie's name, go here, then post or PM which you would like to use.)

« Last Edit: October 20, 2011, 05:13:21 am by ?Moonlight~(Wildcat26) »
Livestream FH mapmaking!
Wanna know what Happen to me? CLICK! HideNseek Group-> MapMaking Tutorials-

Offline Wildcat26

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« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2011, 07:58:26 pm »
?African Plains Valley Map?

?DA Gallery?Link
?Gallery 2?Link
?Video?AP Valley Preview - Feral Heart Map
(If you want to be surprised and explore the map yourself, DO NOT watch the video, it shows all the dens and pretty much everything.)
?There are 20 claimable dens of all sizes.
?Medium and large dens will require a certain number of animals in order to claim it in this map.
I'm not sure yet if I'm going to allow territory claiming, the map may not be big enough.
I'm actually wishing now I had made it a bit bigger. If, IF the RP does well and there ends up being alot of active members I will probably make a bigger map, and maybe even a multi-map pack.

?Full map description and download link(it's the 4th map under 'Public maps' 2nd post)?link

For those who are active and stay with the RP, I may offer to make presets for their APV RP character if they like.


?Banners ? Art ? Screenshots ? Videos?
APValley Banner 1

Code: [Select]
[IMG]http://i56BannedImageSite/2rdc42g.jpg[/IMG] ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 11:50:27 pm by ?Moonlight~(Wildcat26) »
Livestream FH mapmaking!
Wanna know what Happen to me? CLICK! HideNseek Group-> MapMaking Tutorials-

Offline Wildcat26

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-Literate RP Tips-
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2011, 07:59:01 pm »
Literate RP Tips+ History
?-This is a LITERATE RP, that means... You are expected to use proper grammar to the best of your ability. -?

Now I'm no expert at RP, but it's not that hard to write descriptive and understandable sentences.
If you need help with writing a good RP post and want to practice, let me know I'll help you work on your RP'ing skills. I could use the practice myself.
But to start, here's some ground rules to go by.
??Try, try to use proper complete sentences.
Capitalize the first word of your sentence, and end it with the proper punctuation. Do not capitalize every word or make long run together sentences with no punctuation or just commas. These are messy and difficult to read.  
An example of a run-on sentence:
'In the evening the leopard climbed up the tree and ate a gazelle he caught earlier, then took a nap, he woke up the next day and went to find more food since he was hungry again he found a bunny in the grass, he decided to chase it this was very fun and made him happy he smiled.'

This would be better:
In the evening the leopard climbed up the tree and ate a gazelle he caught earlier, then took a nap. He woke up the next day and went to find more food, since he was hungry again. He found a bunny in the grass, he decided to chase it; this was very fun. It made him happy and he smiled.'

??Txt talk and chat speak are a big no, no.
It's not that hard to type your words out and your post looks much nicer.

??If you're unsure, don't be afraid to look a word up if you don't know how to spell it or don't know the meaning.
I keep a dictionary on the table next to me while on the PC, I use it all the time xD

??Use interesting words to describe your character, what s/he is seeing or feeling and the world around them.
     "The lion ran through the leaves making lots of noise."
"The tawny lion galloped swiftly through the auburn fall leaves, crunching and crackling with each paw step"
Which do you think is the better sentence?

?Just to show you read everything!-> You must post
 'Reflection Cave is an APV den'
Your answer must be posted in White! So when you pick a color to post in: color=White. If you can't post in color, just say in White. xD
Now that you have everything, you've read all the posts and can post your app now! :3

 ???  ???  ???  ???  ???
Sonya's app as an example:

User name: Wildcat26
Character name: Sonyador(Sonya)
Screenshot: Link
Species: Leopon
Gender: Female
Age: Young adult;Around 2yr
Description:Deep blue eyes and a golden nose.Sandy pelt; light creamy underfur and tail tip.Light orange-ish brown leopon markings; darker and more visible on her tail and head. A bit larger then a normal leopard, but not a bulky as a lioness and slightly faster. She's supposed as to be a leopon, for this is what she looks like, but it's believed she could have some cheetah in her blood, no one knows for sure...
Personallity:A loner; does what she wants and usually doesn't care what others think. Short temper and hardheaded. Dislikes fighting, but will fight if she has to. If you get to know her she shows she truely is kind and sweet and doesn't really want to be alone all the time. Has a playful side she'll show once she's comfortable
around you. Sarcasic and likes to make jokes. Loves night time and rain; both together even
History:Sonyador, or Sonya as she's better know, was born in captivity; part of an experimental breeding program to make big cat hybreds. When she was almost 6mo old it was found out by researchers that she was going to be able to breed, something not alway possible in these hybred cats. Because of this , it was decided she would be moved to a different location. She was to be placed in a large wooden crate, then transported by ranger truck, to another facility almost 200 hundered miles away. There were no paved roads, it was 3 day journey rough dirt trails through the open plains and savannah. In the middle of the the night on the 2nd day, the truck was caught in a wildebeast stampeed. It overturned and the wooden planks of the crate carring Sonya broke open, just big enough to squeeze out; she escaped into the wilderness. Little more then a big cub, she had no idea how to hunt or even survive in the wild; after three days she passed out from hunger. She was found by a female gray cheetah. The cheetah had just lost both of her young cubs to hyenas. Out of kindness she decided to take in Sonya, still having milk from her lost cubs, she would be able to nurse her. The cheetah's name was Mauwha. After a few days she was back on her feet thanks to Mauwha's care. She was a very skilled cat and taught Sonya many great assets to help her survive. How to hunt animals great and small ,to find plants for healing; and to fish, a skill not many knew well. Sonya lived with Mauwha for a year. Then one afternoon Mauwha went to hunt, by the next day she still hadn't come back; Sonya went looking for her. She found her dead, mauled by another animal, along with half eaten gazelle carcass. There were many scents around, lion, hyena, jackel... She couldn't tell who had killed Mauwha. From that day Sonya was wary of the animals who's scents she had smelled. She stays in the area; using Mauwha's old den and a secret hiding place where she could retreat safely from anything.
Mate/Offspring: None/None
Loner or Looking to join pride/pack?: Loner
Your character is best at?(Optional): Hunting, Healing & Hiding lol
RP sample (Optional):Sonya was awoken by soft splatters of rain drops on her nose; she slowly glanced up as the golden sun was dipping below the horizon. The sound of thunder could be heard in the distance, an incoming storm had aroused her from her afternoon nap with perfect timing.She had been curled up in one of her favorite spots, a place she spent more time in than her own den, though only a couple dozen yards from it. She sat up
in the fork of a massive tree with a large fern in it, looking across the plain to see what if any animals were about in this weather. She was hoping to maybe spy her next meal for she hadn't eaten since yesterday.

???  ???  ???  ???  ???

None yet! The RP just started XD
« Last Edit: October 24, 2011, 05:28:45 am by ?Moonlight~(Wildcat26) »
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Re: AP Valley -A multi-species African animal RP- {Apps CLOSED}(WIP)
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2011, 04:57:02 am »
Yay :D I shall edit this post with my rp info soon!
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Re: AP Valley -A multi-species African animal RP- {Apps CLOSED}(WIP)
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2011, 03:11:33 pm »
Won't me modify my own post. Stupid forum.

User name: Koylan
Character name: Hawke

Rest assured the spots are there :P
Species: melanistic leopard
Gender: female
Age: 2
Description: A dark reddish brown pelt, with black leopard markings on her head, body, and tail. She is rather full in muscle, but still relatively small. Her spots should be a little hard to distinguish from her normal color.
Personality: Quiet at times, she is rather shy. When she comes out of her shell though she is playful with lots of energy.
History: Now equipped with the lessons her mother taught her before she abandon her to adulthood, Hawke is learning decision making on prey and the rules of territory on her own. Being female she is smaller than most bigger cats in africa she must choose her battles wisely for she has always been one to get into trouble while mother was out to hunt. She is weary of snakes after losing her sister to a rock python, though not marred by it. She still has a lot of kitten left in her.
Mate/Offspring: (None yet)
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: (Leopards are typically solitary unless mates come around, but I'll join a pack if there ends up being one)
Your character is best at?: (Hunting, fighting, healing, watching cubs/pups etc.): I'd say watching offspring and hunting, though sharing might be an issue :P
RP sample (Optional): The sun was just peering over the horizon. Hawke's eyes closed in on the impala that had ventured too close to her territory. Typically they didn't come so close to dense forest, but she was never one to shun a meal that was this close. Suddenly the animal's head perked up but not entirely in her direction. Hawke let her body sink to the ground, touching the grass and dirt against her belly. Her lip was twitching with anticipation as she stalked, trying to close the distance as much as she could before she chased the animal. As with any meal she knew, there was always chasing. A depressing thought, but far from her mind at this second. This was it. The final 2 meters were in sight. The topi's head rose, she sunk down, but ready to pounce. Just as the animal's ears came up in alert, she sprang out with such force she knocked it down before she got her mouth locked around it's juglar. Within the seconds her bone crushing jaws had killed the animal. She pricked up her ears in contentment, complimenting herself. "Another fine job done."
Didn't you hear? "Sonya loves the rain"
« Last Edit: September 14, 2011, 03:46:42 am by Classique »
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Re: AP Valley -A multi-species African animal RP- {Apps OPEN!}
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2011, 03:29:54 am »
User name: Copper4me
Character name:( Please put APV at the end of your charrie's name :3) Jack APV
Species: Leopard
Gender: Male
Age: 6
Description: Jack is a Black Leopard wanting to make a Leopard pride and Be the King of the Pride
Personallity:Nice, Mean, Grumpy, and a Take Charge Type
History: Jack was a Young Leopard, and he saw that the Lead Leopard Is Cool, so Ever since he was a Cub he was dreaming to be Lead Leopard and He still gos for it, and then Now He Lives in the African Plain's and then Loved that Place and lived there.
Mate/Offspring: no1
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking for Pride or wanting to start 1
Your character is best at?(Optional): (Hunting, fighting, healing, watching cubs/pups etc.) Fighting Hunting and taking charge like a Leader
RP sample: (Try to put at least 3 complete sentences please.) Jack Walked the Plain's Boredly and a Little Sleepy He noticed a Log so he walked Over to it Crawled In and Fell asleep. the Next day He Got up and Went to the Small Animal Island to find a Lot of Small Animals there, But, He didnt Enjoy it so then he jumped in the Small log by the island and it floated back to the plains then He Just walked off into the Sunset.

Last time I did the Rp sample I forgot the .'s :P
Sonya loves the Rain
« Last Edit: September 14, 2011, 01:35:19 am by copper4me »

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Re: AP Valley -A multi-species African animal RP- {Apps OPEN!}
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2011, 07:35:13 am »
User name:jopajecool
Character name:DamuAPV
Personality:Damu is cold doesent like too mutch company he doesent like to fight but when he must fight he will never back up.
History:Damus parents were killed while he was a cub he was exepted into a pride witch took care of him when he grew up they banished him he is liveing like a rouge now his greatest fear is that he will be banished from his new pride again.
My character is best at fighting if provoked but he is a good hunter also
Rp sample:Damu woke up he was in pain he had two incompleatly grown wounds he walked pass the others they smiled but as soon as he turned around the fake smiles dissapeard he was sorry because of his coldbloodedness at his angriest he tought "i dont need anybody else"he layed down on a rock looking at the sunrise he cloudnt find the right word to discribe it.