Author Topic: AP Valley-An African animal RP-16 Species!{Apps OPEN!}Please Read Everything!  (Read 94038 times)

Offline Goon

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Yaayy we finally get an Aardwolf, adorable little things.

And I love how great she looks! =D

"I has a sad :["
"Asian hug of friendship! <3"


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I did not get a pm
I did read what you put up on DA tho :D
« Last Edit: October 12, 2011, 09:13:21 pm by Lizzy »

Offline Goon

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Username: Goon
Character name: Sirahlivai APV (Seer-ah-lehv-eye)

Species: Serval
Gender: Male
Age: year and a half
Description: Tall, long-legged serval with lots of scruff and fuzz along his neck. Huge ears with white spots like most servals do, which he uses to communicate when hunting. Short, fuzzy tail, as well.
His voice doesn't really suit him well, being rather deep and smooth sounding.
Personallity: Sirahlivai is a very... Derpy serval. Despite the species being great problem solvers, he sometimes lacks the ability to think things through, often finding himself in situations in which he's going to get eaten by lions. Even so, he can still act as a quick thinker when needed and is actually very loving, and would rather be a lover than a fighter. Saying that... He can act like a huge flirt and charm his way into things, or a vicious feline when in danger.
He can't resist small moving things and will chase them and play with them often, mostly in a sadistic game of swat-the-tiny-creature-to-death. Even with all his energy he still has horrible moodswings and can go from loving to antisocial in seconds, sitting alone for long times to think.
Watch your fuds/hearts too, for he's a sneaky bastard. <3
History: He fell into a truck. It just happened to be driving by here.
Mate/Offspring: nope
Yuta likes fishies.
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: loner, social but not social enough for general pride/pack/group/etc.
Your character is best at?(Optional): tracking and falling into trucks. Also hunting snakes, fetching/receiving, and acting as a look-out.
RP sample:
Sirahlivai trotted along the tree branch, the limb bouncing lightly and shaking its leaves with every one of his steps. The metal creature below him was at a halt, its loud purring echoing through his large ears. But, he didn't care, for in the back of it was a large, dead animal, and he was a small, alive hungry animal.
Nodding at his logic, he hopped to a lower branch, then another, soon enough nearly touching the top of the odd, rumbling machine. It had its back turned, so he pawed at the kill, testing its awareness.
"Stupid thing," He murmured at it, "You can't even hear over your own growling."
With that, he pawed at it again, and this time lost his grip.
As if hitting the cold metal wasn't enough, the creature growled louder, obviously angry, and the side of it slammed shut. Something inside moved about it, perhaps its tongue? He didn't care, just pressed himself low as it started jolting forward.

I hope my screenshot is fine. I couldn't help but to draw... D;
« Last Edit: October 13, 2011, 12:46:20 am by Goon »

"I has a sad :["
"Asian hug of friendship! <3"

Offline Wildcat26

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Den claiming and group applications are now open!
Look under the Applications post on the first page of the thread or here on DA for complete info:

Goon and Foxfang, accepted!

I did not get a pm
I did read what you put up on DA tho :D

I send it to you on DA. :3 The forum was being stupid x3

User name: Scrub
Character name: Nukilia APV
Species: Aardwolf
Gender: Female
Age: 3 years
Description: Her looks were common of any other aardwolf, a dirty grey coat with stripes and dark markings on her face and tail. Her neck was long, making it easy for her to forage the ground for food. She was an insectivore.
Personallity: She wasn't very vocal, much on the quiet side. Nuki was very polite and respectful; she was quite prudent. Not a judgemental kind, she tolerated others and other species, but remained wary for safety.
History: Curiousity got the best of her when she strayed off too far from her gang, and although she could find her way back she kept running into danger when trying to return home. For now, she seeks safety.
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: Looking to join
Your character is best at?(Optional): Sense of smell
RP sample: The sun rose gently, as she was only beginning to grow tired. She lay resting in the dirt after feeding on the termites beneath. The aardwolf picked herself up and shook off her fur, and retired into a small underground den. Nuki peeked out of her den to gaze at the dawn, reminding her that she must not give up searching for a true home.

Looks good, but you forgot one thing, a passphrase you must post with you app to show you read everything.Once you edit that in, you're accepted. :3
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Offline Steak

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Updated Yuta some. Also leaving Nero's app. APV has 2 islands

Username ::
Steak in-game :: Steaky /or/ Yuta-Kun on forums. However my forums name changes from time to time.

Character name ::

Species ::
Lion x Leopard hybrid; Leopon

Gender ::

Age ::
Around two years ; Subadult

Description ::
Smaller build then his lion purebred kin. Yuta's pelt is an lighter shade of brown splattered in lightly darker leopard like spots. His eyes are colored an bright shade of baby blue. He also sports an tiny puff of mane on his head and chest along with tufts in a blondish color.

Personality ::
A rather talkative youngster who fallows his heart more then his instincts. Tends to take life in a slow pace and is overly lazy usually found sleeping in tree's or logs along the lakes and rivers. Don't take him seriously. He adores the taste of river fish and would chose a fish head over an slab of zebra any day.

History ::
Born to an young lioness, Yuta was one of four cubs in her first litter. She raised the cubs away from her pride due to the father being an leopard, however she couldn't stay away from her pride forever. She returned to the pride when the cubs where old enough, only to be attacked by the new pride male. In the chaos Yuta got separated from his mother and siblings. To this day he has little clue as to what happened to them or if they are alive. Currently Yuta is an loner who lives off the rivers and lakes.

Mate/Offspring ::
None / None.

Loner/Looking to join pride/pack? ::
Loner at the moment. Is willing to join a group or pride.

Your character is best at? ::
Being lazy Fishing from rivers and gathering

RP sample ::
Rain poured from the murky sky's above, waking the young Leopon who slept lazily on the branches of an old Baobab tree. He rolled slightly on the branch into a back laying position, letting out an loud yawn while stretching his legs outs. Today would be another same old some old day starting with an unwilling wake up time late in the day. Next the hunt for late breakfast would commence. Then right back to sleep.

Username ::
Steak in-game :: Steaky /or/ Yuta-Kun on forums. However my forums name changes from time to time.

Character name ::

Species ::

Gender ::

Age ::
7 years ; Adult

Description ::
Lean and elegantly built. Nero's pelt is golden with black leopard spots. Cream underbelly, neck, frontal muzzle, tail tip and toes. Olive green eyes. Lastly has an tuft of 'mane' on in black on top his head.

Personality ::
Nero's an perfectionist, If one rock is misplaced in his territory all hell breaks lose. He's also nitpicky about appearance and won't hesitate to walk right up to a stranger an lick his mane down. Hard working and often overly serious, this cat needs to loosen up a bit.

History ::
He was raised like any normal leopard would be. He was an only child to his middle aged mum who was losing hope on ever becoming a mother. She was overjoyed to finally have the cub she always wanted, And raised him with great caution to insure his survival. Once old enough he said farewell to his old mom and left for his own life. He settled in on a small spot of territory, and not to soon after fell in love with an young lioness. They mated, however his love felt ashamed of what she did. She left never to be seen again with his heart and unborn cubs.

Mate/Offspring ::
Malana [Deceased] / Yuta, Jasper [Deceased], Natato [Deceased], Lillian [Deceased]

Loner/Looking to join pride/pack? ::
Forever a loner.

Your character is best at? ::
Organizing anything.

RP sample ::
Nero's paws ached. Today was the day he took note of everything in his territory and renewed the scent markings, however his extreme urge to make everything perfect slowed him down and made sure he moved every small rock and fern he could that came into his path.
He plopped down on the side of an boulder after finishing his days work. Leaning up against the rock he watched the sun start to go down as he rested. But alas he narrowed his eyes and turned to the large boulder, "You would be much better if I moved you."

« Last Edit: October 13, 2011, 04:24:57 pm by Yuta-Kun »

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Looks good, but you forgot one thing, a passphrase you must post with you app to show you read everything.Once you edit that in, you're accepted. :3

Aye aye.

Offline evelynn

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Character Name/s or Group Name: Galen
Den Name: Beach Den

Pet's name: Lillina
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!
Come back horsie!!!

Offline IvyWolf

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User name: IvyWolf
Character name: Alexi APV
Screenshot: (I possibly will be changing her apperance into a preset soon, though.)
Species: Ethiopian Wolf
Gender: Female
Age: 4 years
Description: A Ethiopian wolf with a white underbelly, pastelish cream eyes, fire like ears and back tail tip and nose. Eyes grey,
and quite fluffy.
Personallity: A bit cruel, not very kind, Ignorant, Will protect her friends, a little insane, thinks she is "The one", a little clumsy.
History: Unkown, she isn't one to share her past.
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: She would like to join a pack, but doesn't mind being alone.
Your character is best at?(Optional): Swimming, Sneaking, Hunting.
RP sample: Alexi looked up into the blazing sky, her eyes squinted. "Huh, sunny day then.." She muttered with a moody tone. She leaped off the rock and
looked around, eyes still squinted. Today was boring- who and when could she tease anybody? She ran through the trees, fully focused on running.


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Character Name/s or Group Name: Artemis (Art)
Den Name: Deadtree
Screenshot of Object: (Only if you aren't claiming a named den)

I put a note on DA too :) this thread kinda forced me to figure out my password for DA haha
AND I've completed the survey :)

AND...sorry haha so many edits...this saturday I play a pen and paper rpg with friends (star wars saga) so I may not be able to participate in our RP here. We usually don't play till too late so I may catch the tail end of anything here.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2011, 11:10:16 pm by Lizzy »

Offline Wildcat26

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A list of claimed dens will now be posted under the den claiming app, and a 2nd choice field has been added to the den claiming app!

Scrubk and Steak accepted!

Evelynn and Lizzy your den apps have been accepted!

User name: IvyWolf
Character name: Alexi APV
Screenshot: (I possibly will be changing her apperance into a preset soon, though.)
Species: Ethiopian Wolf
Gender: Female
Age: 4 years
Description: A Ethiopian wolf with a white underbelly, pastelish cream eyes, fire like ears and back tail tip and nose. Eyes grey,
and quite fluffy.
Personallity: A bit cruel, not very kind, Ignorant, Will protect her friends, a little insane, thinks she is "The one", a little clumsy.
History: Unkown, she isn't one to share her past.
Mate/Offspring: None
Loner/Looking to join pride/pack?: She would like to join a pack, but doesn't mind being alone.
Your character is best at?(Optional): Swimming, Sneaking, Hunting.
RP sample: Alexi looked up into the blazing sky, her eyes squinted. "Huh, sunny day then.." She muttered with a moody tone. She leaped off the rock and
looked around, eyes still squinted. Today was boring- who and when could she tease anybody? She ran through the trees, fully focused on running.

Looks good, but you forgot one thing, a passphrase you must post with your app to show you read everything. Please read again and edit it in, once you do you're accepted. :3
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