Author Topic: Leogui and Leoheyth  (Read 8386 times)

Offline Delay

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Leogui and Leoheyth
« on: January 18, 2011, 04:28:44 am »
The Leogui and Leoheyth species
Leogui = lee - oh - goo - eye
Leoheyth = lee - oh - heth

These are species mixed with genes that of a lion and that of a beast/dragon. Throughout the generations, the Leogui and the Leoheyths have grown in ranks and have rarely mastered elemental skills, as well as traditional powers that each species knows.

In the olden ages, Leoguis and Leoheyths roamed about the lands like any other animals. They were many in number, and both species lived together just as any other closley related creatures would. Eventually, Leoheyths adopted a belief of an all-powerful being simply called The Bonded. The Bonded was represented by a legendary being who was half Leoheyth and half Leogui, and its title The Bond represented the everlasting alliance between the cousin species.
This religion, however arose slight conflicts between the two species, such as the fact that not all Leogui accepted this new religion, yet the conflicts went over peaceful debate for years.
However, centuries later, due to events that had happened unexpectedly involving a demon possessing one of the Leoguis, the Leoheyths took this as a sign that the Leoguis were unholy beings, and thus declared war against their cousin species. The Leogui's, now seen as evil monsters, really are just trying to seek the Leoheyths trust once more.

.:.The Species Today
Nowadays, both species run low in numbers and are rarely seen. It is unsure as to how many reside on the planet today, however there have been sightings of each species in random areas on the earth, also promising nothing known on their natural habitat. The rumoured locations for each races include dark forests and caves for the Leoguis, and snowy mountain ranges for Leoheyths. All other information on the two is unknown; the only reference for such info is taken from the olden tales written in medieval times of the species.


Leogui are the more common of the two species. They consist of slim built, tall felines of dark colors and bright markings.

:Ingame requirements:
::Build (I, II, III)
--Muzzle: shorter than normal(default).
--Chin: your choice.
--Nose: largest.
--Forehead: your choice.
--Ears: your choice.
--Eyes: your choice.
--Weight: thinner than normal(default).
--Width: your choice.
--Height: taller than normal (default); very long legs.
--Length: your choice.
--Tail: Lion Tail.
--Mane: Your choice, except NO FULL MANES, EVEN FOR MALES.
--Ears: Leogui ears.
--Tuft: Your choice.
--Eyes: Black slit
**All markings up to you - most common leogui markings are stripes.

::Color (IV)
--Pelt: Any shade of grey between:
R:10 G:10 B:10 --> R:100 G:100 B:100
--Underfur: Any shade of grey, including white and black.
*Note that underfur darker than pelt is rare.
--Eyes: Any color, however must stand out; no dull
--Nose: Any color
--MARKINGS: Any color you choose, however it cannot be a shade of grey. Must stand out.
--Mane: Variation of the marking color. i.e. red marking means a shade of red for the mane.
--Tail tip: Basically same as mane.
--Above eye:
*MALES: variation of the marking color
*FEMALE: variation of the marking color
--Below eye:
*MALES: variation of the marking color (most commonly the same as Above Eye color)
*FEMALES: black




First off: you can NOT make one without my permission! Application Password is 'laylay'.You can't even ask! I will give people the say-so of whether or not I will allow them to make one. So don't even ask!
*note: This may change later, but it will be this for now.

Once I gave you the permission to make one, go ingame, follow the guidelines above, and create yourself a leogui/leoheyth. Once you're finished, post a screenshot here and fill out the below form.


*Note: ONE leogui/leoheyth per person!

Species (c) Delay
« Last Edit: June 22, 2011, 12:22:47 pm by Delay »