Author Topic: ~ Sparks of Imagination [My Characters] ~  (Read 1491 times)


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~ Sparks of Imagination [My Characters] ~
« on: October 16, 2011, 08:17:34 pm »
Due to the fact that I have a tendency to create quite a number of characters in these type of games, I'm breaking this up into two sections: Main and Side Characters. The Main characters are the ones I will play most often, the side characters are those that are either connected to a main character's story or are just spur-of-the-moment characters that I ended up liking a lot. I may one day have a "Retired Characters" section as well, if I ever get to that point.

If I roleplay, I generally do so in a semi-realistic manner. I try to stay within the confines of the behavior of my characters' species, while I also put their personalities in the forefront, as well as my own preferences.

Main Characters

[#1 Main Character]
Age: Unknown. Seemingly young adult.
Gender: Female
Species: Canine and Feline hybrid. Has the appearance of a canine, but the tendencies of a feline. This includes being able to make both canine and feline sounds, retractable claws, and other abilities.

Marisol is, in short, a representative of myself within the game. She reflects my personality, likes, dislikes, and morals. She'll probably mainly be used for just chatting or hanging out, instead of roleplaying. But she will roleplay if I feel like it. She also reflects my mood at the time.

She's friendly but quiet. You'll probably have to start a conversation. She will rarely approach strangers.

Her build is somewhere between that of a husky and greyhound. Her long but short mane give her a "bigger" appearance to count for her shorter stature.

Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male
Species: Lion

Brego is actually based after one of my equine characters. He's also the only character that I can figure out a preset for at the moment (Take a look!). He's more open for roleplay.

He has quite a complex personality, more so than I can say in a few words. Despite being a somewhat newer character, he's pretty developed story-wise. But, simply put, he's: Prideful, Sarcastic, Playful, Arrogant, Loyal, and a bit of a flirt at times. His attitude is based more on a reflection of the situation he's in. He can turn from playful and joking to serious at a moment's notice. He seems to get most of his persona from his mother, Gypsy.

He seems to be a mix of a more mythical type of lion and a natural lion.

Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Species: Lion

What can I say about Gypsy? She's the definition of the term. She's a wanderer, and hardly ever stays in one place for more than a month. She has a hard time keeping commitments, the only one she has ever eagerly accepted was with her only son, Brego.

Gypsy is, in a few terms: Independent, Prideful, Protective, Generally Calm, Secretive, and has shown to be Flirtatious at times. Her flirtatiousness has declined since the birth of Brego, though.

Her past is hidden well from those she does not know well. She came from a mid-sized pride of mythical lions, and left that pride at an early age. After a few months of wandering from pride to pride, she ran into Brego's father, Rimfaxe. The two shared a brief but strong love affair while she stayed with another pride. She finally thought she would actually be able to commit to something in her life, until he was taken away from her when a small war broke out between his pride and another. Knowing she would not be accepted by his pride, they separated.

She realized a short while later that she was pregnant with Brego. Panicking slightly, she tried to find her way back to her homeland, but to no avail. She came to a wide chasm with a fast-moving river at the bottom. She calculated the distance between the sides, and thought she would be able to make the jump. Carefully, she got a running start and sprang. She almost made it, but her paws slipped on the crumbling edge and she tumbled down.

She didn't fight the flow of the river, knowing it was useless, but did try to stay afloat. Luckily, the river didn't have rapids, it was just fast and strong. Eventually, she found herself in estuary, where she was able to find a foothold and drag herself to shore, thankful that she made it.

She eventually found herself with a small pride, where she gave birth to Brego and raised him for a short while, until he was old enough to move with her safely. They wandered from pride to pride, never staying anywhere very long. Soon, Brego grew old enough to go on his own, and although they still spend time together, they have begun to separate and live different lives.

Today, Gypsy still wanders, but not to a degree she once did. Will she one day be able to find stability? Will she ever see Rimfaxe again?


Side Characters

Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Species: Lion

Rimfaxe is Brego's father. He's a dark-colored, larger-sized very matured lion. His coat is plain and his most striking physical features have to be his size, those cold, bright yellow eyes against the dark fur, and the faded scars along his body.

You see, Rimfaxe was a warrior for an ancient, powerful lion pride. But even those prides have their flaws. They were involved in a number of feuds with other prides of similar stature. Those battles are the causes of those scars.

Possibly the most important event in his younger days was his brief love affair with Gypsy. He truly did love her, in a way, but when he was called away to another war his pride was involved in, he knew it wasn't safe for them to be together. She would have to risk losing him in a battle, and his pride not accepting her due to her origins. He told her it would safest for her to leave him. He didn't want her to lose her happiness over one silly male. They split, and he hasn't seen her since.

Eventually, the fighting between the prides died down, and internal fighting within the pride became a problem. The pride finally split, but Rimfaxe was neutral with the fighting, and did not know which side to leave with. He decided to join neither and left the land to become a loner.

Today he sometimes wanders through the lands of Feral Heart, but with conflicting emotions. Should he seek out Gypsy, or leave her to the life she must have found without him? Should he find a new life of his own as well?

He also doesn't know anything about Brego, his only son.


This post will probably always be a work in progress and will probably have more characters to come.

I want my characters action to be there own while roleplaying, but I will take responsibility for anything they do.
If you wish to contact me about anything concerning my characters, or just to comment on the characters, please feel free to reply here or send me a PM.

We hope to see you in-game!

« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 12:26:34 am by MadiFM »

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Re: ~ Sparks of Imagination [My Characters] ~
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2011, 12:35:54 pm »
Very Good MadiFM! Their history is quite exciting, I love their design & how unique they are. ^^
« Last Edit: November 06, 2011, 04:19:30 pm by Saphira »
Just because you know that she'll wait forever, don't make her.