Author Topic: What do you think about Peer Pressure in Groups/Rps?  (Read 2309 times)

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What do you think about Peer Pressure in Groups/Rps?
« on: November 08, 2011, 03:11:36 am »
Yes, you've read he title right. Peer pressure in FH? A computer game of rpgs? Come on, man! (It doesn't have to be just rp-only, it can be just anywhere in the game as well)

This is not a hate-thread or anything, but more of a discussion anda bit of storytime about peer pressure experiences ingame (and how it can be handled in various situations).

Confused about how such a horrid thing that can ruin such a fun rpg?

Here's an example:

I know this happened quite a long time ago, but I'm just going to finally LET IT OUT even after 6+ months of holding it in. XD

Okay, on of my very old characters, Faust, I was rping in a wolf rp as usual. Since I'm not too fond with romance, I like to leave my characters single, but it can be annoying when random girls start flirting with me/begging to be their mate, but I always shrug it off. However, this was to be pushed TO THE LIMIT when an entire GROUP wanted me to have a mate and family. No, they were demanding or threatening me to have them, but their attempts to make the plot "more interesting" (even though there was already two active couples doing that to the rp) and for my character to have a "better life" was quite annoying.
First, it was the alpha who talked to me in local and even whispers asking me if I liked either one of these shewolves. I said "no" to both, and in an instant, he tried to presuade me to have mates so I could have puppies. I said that Faust isn't that great or has that much patience with puppies nor does he want a mate.

Instead, the guy said the unthinkable: "You can abuse the pups if you want, that's fine with the pack." O____O

I ended this conversation on the spot with "When I'm ready" to make him shut up and continue with the rp. However, a day after that, the whole group started asking me the same questions over and over again, and always try to "make" Faust have a mate by sending messages that he liked somebody or use hints like "-nudge nudge-" towards Faust, and soon after, the girls suddenly started to hit on me. Of course, I got fed up with this and left the group.

Those few days were just like wow. Can you not be so high school-girlish during an rp that was going so well?                                          

Sorry for my venting, but I wanted to get this out and set an example of peer pressure.
Anywho, what are your thoughts about peer pressure in groups/rps?

Putting up a story of your own peer pressure experiences ingame that's clean and obeys the forum rules is fine as well. This is a dicussion about the subject after all. :3

Addtionally, I know I'm at the age to know and such. But I would like to ask one important question as well: Was this harrassment or something in the RPG that I took too personally? If so, did I do the right thing? )X

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Re: What do you think about Peer Pressure in Groups/Rps?
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2011, 04:11:46 pm »
this happened to me with a pokemon rp i was on. (hope i'm not being rude but i just HAVE to let it out).
it was a shiny pokemon rp so i made a shiny riolu and when i went to the maps we were rping in the leader of the group asked me if i had a bio and i said no but then she/he went on saying "but you have too!!!" and after 3 times i finally did my bio and so did the other rp member but then i asked the leader where his/her bio was and he/she said that they didn't have one yet. (didn't make the bio until 10 minutes later) after me and the other rp member finished our bio's the leader wanted us to do a battle and asked us what our attacks,HP and level was. i said my level was five, i had 100 HP and i had 3 attacks but he/she said that i MUST have 4 attacks then he/she gave me a whole bunch of rare candies so i would level up to a level 100 then once i did (i wanted to stay lv 5) he/she practicly forced me to evolve and i said no every time he/she told me to. and once all that was over he/she did her bio and i think she/he had 5 or 6 attacks and i said that wasn't fair since he/she said that we must have 4 but then he/she said that she (i think it was a she) didn't have to do it the same way as they original pokemon series and the games. my expression was just like this: -_- "that is soooo unfair". i thought she was being super pushy the whole time of the rp

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Re: What do you think about Peer Pressure in Groups/Rps?
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2011, 09:36:38 pm »
 Yeah I agree, pressuring people into doing things in rps they or their characters don't want to do is wrong.

Most of the time if things are forced it doesn't end well, and it's hard to make characters behave in ways that they normally don't. It's just awkward.

I don't really rp on FH but I do have some things I can share.

I've encountered it multiple times where people have wanted me to change a characters personality even though they KNOW what they're getting into and I've warned them beforehand of what said character is like. It's really irritating when they want to force you to change a character just to suit their needs/wants/bla.
It's understandable if a character can be too much for them, and they politely ask that they don't want to rp anymore, but when people make a huge, whiny deal out of it then it's aggravating.

Another time, in a nutshell, someone was trying to tell me how to play a werewolf :\ because apparently to them I was doing it wrong >_> we ended up getting into an argument and that was that.

Finally, what's hard, is when someone wants you to do something for a character/characters/rp plot and they think it's a great idea, but it really doesn't work/suit your character and you don't want to say no because you don't want to hurt their feelings x_X

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Re: What do you think about Peer Pressure in Groups/Rps?
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2011, 04:48:11 am »
It honestly gets agitating. All of my characters are single just for the sole fact that I'm not into that whole "mate" thing over a game. A lot of people don't understand it.

But I count it as harassment and also forms of mate-begging, which gets on everyones' nerves lol!
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Re: What do you think about Peer Pressure in Groups/Rps?
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2011, 06:29:47 am »
I had this issue once a while back.

I was in a rather nice Lion RP, and there was this one female who kept pestering me on having
my character become her mate. It got so bad, that the head of the group kicked her for harassing me.
She thankfully left me alone after that...

And I normally aswell keep my characters single. Mostly for the fact that most I've run into in-game, don't understand the fact that it's roleplay. They take it as a real relationship half the time. However these have just been my encounters,
I'm sure there's players on the form that don't think like that, as I've seen it before.