Author Topic: It's time something is done about this  (Read 40864 times)

Offline Redlinelies

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It's time something is done about this
« on: November 12, 2011, 04:22:45 am »
I don't even know how to start this, but all I know is that this is pretty much me opening gates for a big flood of drama starting on the forums, but also probably me making the whole situation when it comes to the forum and game a whole lot worse.

I'm just a forum mod, I don't have any real work done with the actual FH game when it was made, neither do I claim knowing everything. I have just like any other person out there friends and enemies, I've also probably done quite a few bad calls when it comes to helping here on the site and in the game and I excuse for this, but now... I had enough, I never been one to cause drama for fun, but I will write a big post here expressing a thing or two that people deserve to know.

I have no idea what sort of impact this might have, I have no idea how some of my friends and people close to me will react to this either. I know this will be bad.. That's all I can say, but now it's time for the fist to hit the table and something to get done, and if I'm forced to take a depart while I'm at it because people demand it, then I will do so, but hopefully I will be speaking for more than just myself with this post. This will be a sensitive post for lots of people out there, and yes, it will be close to a bashing one.

So yeah.. What is this post about about? IT'S ABOUT THE GAME WE ALL PLAY, the reason why we are all here. Feralheart has been out for a while now and we have spent time with the game, the site and the community, but wherever we freaking go there's always something needing fixing, something causing arguments, something starting a storm. The game we love to play, is also something that clearly doesn't work out that well as it could.

Dear KovuLKD, creator of IT and FH, I have never been a long nice conversation with you personally and I should've probably tried to contact you somehow with this subject, but for a greater impact this is the way I choose.

Why can't you help, give the tools, let people help you with this FeralHeart game that you created?

There's tons of people here for your disposal to help you, people that spend hours each day to help with FH, hours making various addons for your game, taking care of the game you created, helping eachothers out.

We have a well working staff team here taking care of the rules guiding people with the game, yet everything from the actual game gets shot around all over the place, we never get any proper updates, there's obvious fixes the game needs and there's tons of things that could be done to improve the game and community by just placing the care in someone elses hands for a while. Yet, it seems like nothing is done about this?

The staff here on the forum, and the people around will not be able to do anything for this really to happen, YOU KovuLKD are the one in control of your game and what goes into it. The staff here simply help you with the game you created, keeping it clean and a more organized place for those who needs it. I myself in return only want the game to actually move somewhere and not work as a dead mammal in which we force adrenaline shots into to keep alive.

We love the game you've created, we only want it good, we want it to get proper updates, and if you don't got the time, don't have the energy, or just don't care, give the torch to someone else for a while that can make this happen. And if not that... Some cooperation with the staff that helps with your game? People should not need to come begging crawling for it, asking a few times should be enough.

I myself has been around since the start of launch now, trying to help with various things around FH, and I do not like one bit what I've seen so  far when it comes to making this game move forwards, and this has been going on for months. I take respect in making things and updates takes time, but not everything does so, and when there's what I though obvious choices to make this game better, the choices always seem to go the other ways and it ALWAYS tend to make FH a harder place for the staff and the people that actually TRY TO HELP YOU.

There's changes that can be done to the game without even any need to really "work" on it. However, things like
-Group/chat glitches
-Mods not being able whisper
-Chat functions added
-Removing and possibly replacing the not working report button etc.

Are never getting sorted? When problems occur in the game, people come here, it doesn't matter if it's a problem with the game, or if there mods actions or the game lacking something. We have to take care of it even though in the end, you are the one that are able to make changes. Going around and making Facebook updates when you might aswell take a few extra clicks to post a proper new update on this site also confuses me. Not even a PM is sent out to the staff here about your plans. If you are going to run a game a certain commitment is needed.

Are the forum staff really that horrible that you don't want to come on the forum anymore? Also, are you not interested in knowing what the staff thinks needs to be changed or fixed for the game to work better and what actually needs changes? If it's not the community itself that knows what they want, they staff can see the demands and spend time here to make changes! Improve and perfect.

I have not seen a greater update since months back, and all off a sudden we get a FH+ game out of pretty much no where. I know the intentions were probably for the greater good, but to me it seems like a big lazy work. This has nothing to do with me or any other person wanting a finger in everything, by why was not the staff asked about what they'd think about YET ANOTHER VERSION of the game? I mean, we're the ones needing to take care of the things it causes afterall, but also the ones taking care of your game since day 1 after the release.

We got no questions asked about this FH+, neither what was truly needed for the game to be improved by this, instead we get 2 versions of the game we need to monitor and more problems in general. Also, no offence to Simba(TLK4EVER), but what exactly are the thought of FH+ and why does he get the go to make this version when the staff was never truly informed about this? A few maps, remakes and texture updates, there's no "true" need of it's own version. THESE COULD HAVE BEEN APPLIED DIRECTLY TO THE ORIGINAL FH., and if not that, replaced now. Problems from the first version still exists, and we got more problems coming and going because of FH+.

2 versions of the game and people are magically expected to move over to a different version just because the choice is there? It wont happen..

This might sound like something dumb to say in a way, but if the staff here that actually works helping with your game and takes care of this forum would get power over such a version as FH+ is, we'd be able to take community input easily from what we see and update the game with maps and markings, emotes as we please and you wouldn't even need to do anything for the actual game. But instead we got this, and someone not even on the staff team not involved with what's going on here work on a new version? it's almost as if you try to provoke something at times.

This needs fixing non the less. Better communication is needed, more effort must go into fixing or adding things into the game that keeps it alive instead of kicking it to move, when we can let it walk on it's own if something is actually done. I myself got tons of ideas alone which isn't too hard to make, but would make wonders for the game, there's probably loads of others out there with even more of them.

I love FH, and being a part of the staff here knowing why I'm here, but I see no signs of things moving right now, and so far I've gotten disappointment after disappointment with calls I thought were clear as the sky, instead leaving me in complete frustration since I know very well which heights the game could be able to reach even with the most tiny effort and I will do one last try here to make something happen. I'm not going to sit around and pretend everything is perfect. See me as non fitting admin of the forum for posting this if you have to, but I'm here for the game afterall and I want it's best.

This had to been said and I really hope you read this kov.
Former community manager of FeralHeart

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2011, 04:42:31 am »
Dear KovuLKD,

I, as a simple user who has only been a part of this wonderful creation you've started for a mere few months, want to commend you on your work. It takes a lot of compassion to create such a game that is completely free and available for everyone. For that, you have my adoration.
But I've seen dear Red rant a few times more than a moderator should, seen him frustrated to a higher degree than someone should be over a game, despite how purely addictive and alluring the game may be. Red cares deeply about the sake of your creation, and the community that follows it. Sure he maybe be a considerably strict mod when it comes to enforcement, but it's not for power or self-righteousness. His concern for the FeralHeart community's happiness is genuine, and I personally feel it's only right to return the favor.
As a fan of your creation, I do request that you take the time to consider the voices of your supporters, being both the moderators that protect its integrity and the users who dwell upon every hill and plateau you have crafted.  
I feel these moderators deserve more credit than they receive, and this comes from a person who has had a lifelong struggle against authority figures. We understand you're busy, you have a life of your own to attend to. So in your absence, perhaps you could share the responsibility with a few trustworthy mods of your choice. Allow them to make some updates, fix some errors, and work for you. Above all, the main thing I ask is that you please hear us out. The public is speaking, giving you feedback, and we want to know that the words we type, the messages we pour our hearts and minds into, may mean something to you.



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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2011, 04:44:39 am »
You have a lot of guts to actually say all of this, Red.
I agree on what you have said; The bug glitches need fixing. Kov has said ingame once that he has no clue how to fix the bug on why the groups disappear after a while, and that's not his fault, so he need time to work out how to fix it - but he does need to fix it. Someone can't just go "I dunno, I give up", it just doesn't work that way.

I have heard from people that Kov refuses to actually let them help him with Feralheart.
All he needs to do is add a few things in once every few months; Or even better, make an auto-updater the staff can have to add in markings and emotes when we feel we want/need too.

The members here all love Kov's game. But how long will it be before they're completely bored of it? I can't remember what game it was, but it didn't get a small update in years, and the member rate dropped from 1,000 online a day to 5 at most. We don't want that happening to FH.

So, what do you members think? Will you sooner or later get bored of the current FH we have and want bigger updates in the future? We got told Wings and Prey are coming. Is that still happening, and if it is, how many months until it actually happens?

I have sent this thread to Kov. I'd like you members to post your opinions on the current FH and how often you would like to see updates so he can see~

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2011, 04:49:38 am »
I couldn't say it better my self Raky and red, nicely said you two. I agree with all of you.
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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2011, 04:55:26 am »
as a loyal member of FH (and King of All Wolves, still no one complaining), i Greyblood do indeed care for the future of Feralheart. Things have happened to me, altely, so i'm not exactly in my normal mood. but i want kov to see what i have to say.

Look, Kovu. Feralheart is turning into IT. and look at all your staff members. i know you didnt want them, but stop being a lazy bastard and start being someone we can begin to look up to. FH has such great potential, but it'll end up dying if you dont start kicking things up. Fluorite Plains is causing all the Bad Tokens, because 75% of FH's patrons are there. FP should be broken into several smaller maps that would be less of a load on the system, and it would add more explorability than a giant manhood shaped island that looks like a runway, a massive boring plains, a tunnel made by a mole, and a Yin-Yang rapist paradise. Also, as Raksha said, what about those Wings and Prey? i dont give a care for wings, it ruins your original "Realistic Anatomy" idea for FH. but Prey is definitely something needed. RP would be grand with prey to actually kill, making things alot funner. there are so many easy as hell things you can do, Kov, you just need to show you care. FeralHeart -will- die, and if you ever want to be a game creator, 2 failed games due to overall retarded ignorance wont look good on a Resume. You need to kick things up, KovuLKD. You need to listen to the people who use your game, and the people who monitor it for your sorry behind. Your members are loyal, but their loyalty only goes so far. and authorizing a new version of FH to someone who does less crap for FH than you do for no fee while everyone else cant add beneficial things to FH doesnt help the smallest bit. your p***ing us off, Kov. your p***ing us off.

With Respect; barely,

King Greyblood

(Pardon all inappropriate language. it's 11pm)
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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2011, 05:05:33 am »
    I'll be honest. Yes. I stand by every bit of what has been said here. If something isn't done to fix glitches and if updates aren't made, FH is going to lose a lot of it's players and even more reliablility credit. Kovu, you need to pick it up. Actually pay attention to this creation. There's no point in making something as great as this very game that I've come to enjoy over the past two weeks only to let it die slowly due to your own lack of interest in it. You either need to pull it together or pass the torch to someone who can and will handle it before this entire operation goes into the garbage disposal whether it's permanent or not. Think about it and don't disappoint your fanbase, Mr. Creator.

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2011, 05:08:50 am »                                                               

Offline Meiari

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2011, 05:10:23 am »

So, what do you members think? Will you sooner or later get bored of the current FH we have and want bigger updates in the future? We got told Wings and Prey are coming. Is that still happening, and if it is, how many months until it actually happens?

I'd like you members to post your opinions on the current FH and how often you would like to see updates so he can see~

Another moderator who seems to care much about the sake of your creation, Kovu.

FeralHeart's biggest problem is Flourite. It's big, and that's a good thing, until it becomes bigger than the server. You want to switch characters in Flourite, or bring one in there? The question is, are you willing to be patient through six Bad Tokens and Failed To Connect To Map Server messages? And General chat. It was made for talk of the game, such as roleplay advertisements and asking for game-related help. But few questions get answered there, and many of the most clever advertisements are pushed beneath the rubble of conversations perching on the border of spam. Yet when someone suggests politely that they gather and converse in Local, they're met with an onslaught of unnecessary insults.
Bonfire Island has become known for public displays of some kind of virtual sexual intercourse. I'm nearly an adult, with just two weeks left before turning eighteen, and I don't even want to see that. What someone does privately is their own business, not something for all of the community to be exposed to.
And when seeing this, how does one report it if their computer lacks a Printscreen feature? Common sense would suggest the report button. Not everyone leafs through the forums, so many would grow to assume that nobody cares about this repeat offender, whom they've reported harassing them or their friends multiple times.
As for FH+, it's a wonderful tool for creating maps, with the new textures and meshes. Otherwise, it's riddled with bugs, crashes often, and is utterly useless. I've yet to talk to a single person claiming to enjoy Endless Plains better than Flourite. An alternate game is not a replacement for an update to the one everyone knows and loves. Why not have TLK4EVER create some new maps for the FeralHeart people actually -want- to use? He's very good at it, it's a shame to see his talents wasted to FH+. Let him work on the real thing.
And as Rak$ha mentioned, updates with new markings, features, emotes, and actions are a wonderful way to spice things up. A limping action would be a nice asset to many roleplays. Look around, Kovu. There's suggestions all over the forum that implore your attention.

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2011, 08:29:44 am »
I just have one question.
KovuLKD, if you created this game...
Why do you not help it or it's community?
I understand you have a life but you are literally never on, nor do you even seem to be trying to be, and that is unacceptable for a game host. :C

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2011, 08:31:11 am »
I agree with you all... !

I'm not here since ... since the game started or something...
But I've seen times there were over 1.000 members on.
Now there are usually maybe 200...
I don't want FeralHeart to die, just because people get bored or maybe are just tired of BadTokens and FailedConnectionToMap messages...!
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