Author Topic: It's time something is done about this  (Read 40873 times)

Offline wolfgrrl13

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #50 on: November 13, 2011, 10:24:00 pm »
Definition of community- a group of people with a common background or with shared interests within society

I read every single one of the posts made so far and I agree with every one of them except for one.  "You have abandoned us Kovu."  KovuLKD, if I were you, this message would tear me up.  You got a perfectly good team of horses but nobody to steer them.  I suggest you step up in the wagon and take the reins.  If you really cared about the community, you would stop makin a Facebook game and get busy fixin the real Feral Heart.  Facebook has plenty other games and most of the people that I know don't even play FB games.  There are so many bugs and glitches in FH, but you want to go make another game that might have more bugs/glitches to worry about.  You really need to start carin, cuz you been quieter than a rat peein on cotton round the forums.  And I hope you take the time and read every single one of the posts made by all of these members who actually don't want to see Feral Heart die, because Arokai is all I hear about in-game.  And also, not trying to be mean or nothing, but you really need to stop being so selfish and give others the chance to help out with the game, cuz if you don't, FH will go down the drain.  And I have a website for a pack that has no members AT ALL, but I still go around and check to see if I have any joining applications and edit it to make it better.  That's what you need to do.  But, unlike my site, you have hundreds of members that want to see Feral Heart improve, not die.  You need help.

And lookie here, I took the time to look up some quotes that MIGHT inspire you to get help.  Thanks to   for the quotes btw.

"Many hands make light work." ~John Heywood

"Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success. "
~ Henry Ford

"Teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success. "
~ Unknown

And here's one that I really think KovuLKD should read, I think it's my favorite. v v v

"It is amazing how much you can accomplish when it doesn't matter who gets the credit. "
~ Unknown

So Kovu, listen to the people, and I'm sorry if I offend you, but you should have fixed these bugs before you even started the FB game.

« Last Edit: November 13, 2011, 11:15:37 pm by ~Brittany~ »

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #51 on: November 13, 2011, 11:17:40 pm »
^^^ I agree with Brittany. I came to FH at the very beginning O_O (the creation of my addiction) XD looking for a fun-filled game with a friendly community. I even wanted to MEET Kovu because I thought he was so amazing for creating a game like this but now, I've started to lose interest and so have my friends, Kovu is NEVER on, there are no updates and now he's creating a Facebook game? I don't know I think:

1. Fix errors/bugs
2. Skip the Facebook game until Feral Heart is working properly (bad tokens are my worst enemy >:( )
3. Have the community think of ideas for Feral Heart, ask them what THEY want.
4. (Like Ringo said) If you can't handle it Kovu, I understand it's a lot to hang on to: give it to someone who would run it :)
5. MAKE MORE MAPS!!! I would love it, look at all the maps on Impressive Title compared to Feral Heart and besides it would help tone down the bad tokens.
6. Markings markings markings. I know we have quite the selection but if we have more to choose from, it'd make us all more unique (Sorry, i've sort of turned that into a suggestion but it would keep the members more entertained)
7. Add other actions/ interesting parts of the game. This is ALWAYS what I look forward too but there's hardly any updates
LAST BUT NOT LEAST: Kovu, you made Feral Heart, you should be proud of yourself and we are just looking out for you. I don't want it to die out and hopefully neither do you :) so hopefully you take somethings into consideration and TAKE ACTION!! :D trololo

Happy FeralHearting


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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #52 on: November 13, 2011, 11:56:46 pm »
Okay. People.

I got one thing to say to you guys.

Lay. Off.
Honestly people. Kov has done so much for us. Sure, he's having a slow time recently getting updates or fixing bugs but you all know just as well as I do that without him WE WOULDN'T EVEN HAVE THIS GAME.

You all complain so much about this.
"Oh where's our wings?"
"We want hunting!"
"I want more markings!"

Honestly, you all need to sit back and realize something.

Kovu HAS A LIFE away from making this game.
Sure, in a perfect world, we'd be seeing updates back and forth.

But tell me.
Tell me how easy it would be to update a game like this all the time...
-When you're in college.
-When you have a life away from this
-When you may be having problems out of the game.

People, you have yet to realize that something may be wrong with Kovu.

Like what if his computer broke or something?
Are your greedy "needs" blocking your way to see that the person who made this game what it is today could be dying and all you would be worrying about is your updates.

You guys have yet to realize that Kovu doesn't even know half of his mods.
Why don't you tell me.

Because I would LOVE to know the reason why the OWNER AND CREATOR of a game doesn't even know the people that work for HIS GAME.

I'll admit, red, you have some points here and there.
But the reason Kov doesn't want anyone helping him with the game is probably the same reason that I don't like to be helped making my comic.

It's a case of self-accomplishment. And he doesn't want anyone to mess it up. No matter how detailed the instructions are, there will always be room for failure.

And you people who have yet to admit that this game is absolutely amazing at the moment, think back to a long time ago.

Before we had roar and howl.
Before we had the party chat.
Before we had the lip-sync

Think back to the first edition of FH and compare it to now.
And sure, FH+ came blatantly out of nowhere, but that isn't Kovu's fault. He let Simba do it because maybe he thought it would be nice for the game.

Or for all we know FH+ may just be a test run of an update to come.

Why can't you people think of both sides.

-SHIEKRA (because my forums account fails me, I use this one o3o)
though you all may better know me as Jarei the Lioness 8D

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #53 on: November 14, 2011, 12:21:48 am »
I didn't think everyone would just go "whey! I agree", and some posts do seem more like a complete "I want stuffz for dis game!".

I don't really think you realize what's going on here though, the majority here knows people has their lives, but that's not excuse for trying to get things to work.

So listen closely now.

Not every single thing that would improve FH requires a whole afternoon.

Even though every thread might trail of slightly no matter what subject, this has nothing to do with greedyness and "Ohhh so sparkle updates" that the majority probably wants but doesn't need. Function is a part of this.

About thinking from "both sides", I don't exactly see how you do this right now. I think about the first version of the game more than you probably assume, and also what's been going on between this.

It's a case of self-accomplishment. And he doesn't want anyone to mess it up. No matter how detailed the instructions are, there will always be room for failure.

This I understand, but thinking that way doesn't work for a game like this, comparing a game with thousands of members to a comic doesn't cut it.  Give a few minutes away of your day and let people do something and it probably wouldn't be as bad.

What I really can't understand is going through all this trouble making this wonderful game and then not do something about obvious issues.

And these issues 90% lead back nowhere but here, and as mentioned, they can't be dealt with or not even tried to be fixed if people aren't allowed to.

Not everyone in this thread comes here as they see their chance to beg after updates with wings, fighting or nice things that do in fact require some work and time, but to let out what is needed.
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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #54 on: November 14, 2011, 12:34:24 am »
Okay, before I start, I just wanna say this;
Red, I am really friggin' proud of you. I know I'm just a member and all, but really...

I have been a member of the Impressive Title/Feral Heart Legacy since August of 2008. Never before had I seen a staff member speak out on the game, and for the wellfare of users and staff.


Now that I said that, I shall state my opinions, on defense of both sides.
And forgive me if I offend any of you guys.

Now then, Big Black Bullet here has stated some pretty good facts. I don't think I need to repeat them. No matter what, there's always something in life that might delay us from other things; and there's a lot of big stuff out there that will serve as delays...but for good reasons.

And for Kov, there's probably a lot of stuff out there that are probably keeping him busy, and just as BBB said; there's a lot of things out there that is more important than a game, Life especially.

Now then, there are plenty of things that I have to agree with Red on.
If it is true that Kovu prefers to do things himself, (I'm not saying it necessarily is,) When it comes to specific things, like Multiplayer games, or just anything big in general,

It's gonna take a team, and it's really unlikely that Kovu created the game ALL on his own. Sure, maybe a staff member did just a few textures for the game...that counts as working as a team. In the world of business, a big project can't be completed by one person alone. And in the gaming world business, let's remember that it can take a while for a game to be completed or updated.

Although, FeralHeart isn't exactly like that..Online games naturally take less time to update.
So it's fine with me if it takes a while for the game to be updated. It's really not an issue for me.

Now then, for the random things I must say.
No offense to Simba or FH+ fans, but I did find the new version to be rather uneccessary. Plus, it was rather unexpected. Eye candy is awesome and all, but really, instead of incorperating it into an entirely new game, why not discuss with the staff about putting it in the new update? It does save the trouble;

A couple days ago while I was playing on FH+, someone asked me to help with repairing their black screen. The problem still persists, and even finding that it takes the user's help to fix the problem (And not having a simple readme to appear for the game when installed..) It aggrivates me.

Anyways, I think I've said enough here; since a lot has been stated already from all sorts of folks here.

^ Sofas are awesome.

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #55 on: November 14, 2011, 12:43:07 am »
red I don't wanna argue with you but I just want to prove my point, so I'm sorry if this annoys you.

But seriously. How do you know if Kovu's even okay right now.
Maybe he HAS been working on a secret update or something.

I mean sure, it's pretty much a 50-50 shot that he may just be lazy versus something being wrong or going on.

And red, lets say he did want to get some help. How could he pick someone to help him when he doesn't even know the majority of who works for him?
Because one person may be better than the other and that one person may be a mod of his that he doesn't even know exists.

And so what if this isn't like one of those big games like World of Warcraft or SecondLife or whatever.
The game isn't even a year old.

It's going through a slow phase most likely.

Do you know how long it took the WOW team to actually get the game up and running right?
They were working on it for YEARS before releasing it.
They made sure to update it to its final point before releasing it.

But FH came out much faster.
But now here's another thing.
How long did it take Kovu to make feralheart?
Now I dont know the exact time but I'm sure it was more than half a year (I actually forgot to be honest)
So what if kovu is working on a HUGE update.
What if he's working on an update that may fix all the problems at once.
What if he's adding all those things that people have been begging for in one huge update instead of small ones.

Maybe that would take a long time.

People need to come to the realization that the community has become Update-Obsessive.

It's not exactly normal for a game like this to be having updates on a monthly basis or whatever. Especially when it comes to bugs and stuff.
So is the problem really the stuff going on or is it that everyone just wants an update because they're used to something new on a regular basis.

What happens when the game is finished. Like when it doesn't need anymore updates or anything
People will want things.
But they won't get it.
But since they're used to getting new things all the time, they will get bored of this final FH.
And they will complain.
Much like what's going on now.

And no, I'm not saying that the bugs shouldn't be fixed. They definitely should.
But people can't expect things to happen right away.

I know the recent bugs have been happening for awhile, but kov has tried to fix them. And now were on a slow run with the updates probably. Honestly. Like I said. For all we know, Kov may be working on one HUGE update to fix and add tons of things that can, and will, take more than an afternoon.

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #56 on: November 14, 2011, 12:58:44 am »
Maybe he HAS been working on a secret update or something.

You had me at secret. This is going to be short and to the point. BB (can I call you that?) let me tell you something. Kovu has  a wonderful staff team. Team. Team.

  • Team: A group of people who work together to acheive a similar or same goal.

Secret update just shows how little he utilizes his staff. They are stuck mucking it up with the trolls with the little power they have, while he is off making a facebook game. I actually am excited for the facebook game, but it should not be priority for him. Kovu already has an up and runnning game.

We do not need a huge update. We need a series of small ones. You know why? Because I bet you that if Kovu releases a giant update, there will be more new problems than solutions to old ones. Just saying. Do things slowly and in small bits.

And I may be wrong on this, but I believe it took Kovu a little more than a year to create FH. I could be wrong.

I feel I must agree with Red, on part of his post.


Thats not what this thread is about, it is far more important.

P.S- Don't even begin to compare FH with WOW. Just don't. There are so many reasons why I cannot even begin. The main being that WOW has millions more players, costs money, and is far more advanced than FH.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2011, 01:03:35 am by Shima »                                                               

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #57 on: November 14, 2011, 01:03:35 am »
After reading Big Black Bullet's post, I just want 2 say I'm sorry if I offended anyone with their beliefs.  People believe what they want.  My post wadnt about updates, cuz I'm pretty patient with those cuz I no it takes a while. It was about the bugs and glitches.  I've read around on the forums and some of them have been in the game unfixed since FH came out.  And yes, Kov could be working on a huge update.  But the FH+ deal, I think he should at least post somethin on the website to let the mods know about it.  And even when I'm really busy, I make the time to come and look for any updates, news, etc.  I mean, I'm not on all day, but when I am, I dont see any posts from Kov.  But dont get me wrong, I thank KovuLKD and all mods for Feral Heart.  It's my favorite game and nowa days, it's the only game I play.

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #58 on: November 14, 2011, 01:13:05 am »
yes people you can call me bb or whatever im better known as shiekra or jarei though >_>

but honestly what I meant by secret is that like... Not necessarily on his own. Maybe he's working with his team about this.

But I really find it kind of funny that no one's admitting the reason things have been slow lately may be because something could be wrong with kovu.
I find it hilarious actually.

And comparing FH to WOW, I didn't mean to compare it the way I did, trust me. I was just saying it seems like everyone expects it to be like that... Honestly.
Idk about you guys, but I'm happy with fh how it is. Every game is going to have bugs and glitches. If it didn't, then someone should be rewarded. But still. You all seem to bash on Kovu just because you CAN. I've seen complaints back and forth ingame about him. People act like he's never done anything for this game when in reality if it wasn't for him, none of you would be on these forums right now.\

and again.

kov doesn't even know the majority of his "team"

and I just came to realize something...Kov may not feel like he owns this game anymore. I mean, his "team" seems to go do things without him even knowing.
It's like he's not even included in anything.

The mods for example.
It may be razmire's job to get them, but don't you think that if you were the owner of a game that you would want your mod recruiter to maybe be telling you when mods are being recruited. Or to even tell you who they are.

And i know FOR A FACT.
That kovu never even wanted the mods.
I've talked to him about it, trust me, I know.

And I know what you're thinking "how did you get from one thing to mods."
Like this.
It's kovu's game.
Let him run it how he wants to and how he wants to only.

I'm sorry people, but in the end it's up to him. And people complaining won't make it any better.

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #59 on: November 14, 2011, 01:21:25 am »
Working on huge updates or not, that would be a completely blank space of why things were done a certain way since the start.

It's like you're hungry, the door bell rings, and there's a pizza boy standing there with food just for you, but instead you go and puncture their scooter so they can't get back to their work.

It's a very lousy excuse when it comes to not knowing the staff team, and this is the reason why they are never informed? easy fixes denied, help pushed away, and showing no particular interest to those that spend hours each day with helping the community because of their love to the game.

Yes, he might have busy times right now, he might even have something more going on than that, but then I find it very inappropriate to hear help given to other games and the few changes that are made, are never questioned about even though the changes will truly make differences to a certain amount that already try their hardest. I have some things I could bring up about this, but it would be like going very low to me.

As mentioned, some things do not take long time to sort. There's been pleas for help.

I understand the whole WOW argument, but we know this is not WOW, and they worked on the game more than just a few minutes each day to get it just right. FH was released and tons of people stormed onto it. Someone has to maintain the quality of every product yes? Doesn't matter what they're given, otherwise it will loose quality with time.

If he works on a problem that magically fixes "all" the issues at once, then I find it somewhat odd that small problems that could've been patched or helped to make the whole game easier to manage but also more friendly to the community, causing more than just a few issues for the staff. There's many problems that must be faced, and if there would be a help for us all soon, then we should've gotten to known this so there's hope of aid, I have not heard anything coming back to me or the staff about fixes right now though.

If you see the community update obsessive that's one thing, but this thread start was something different.

I'm not known to be a "do-er" but some things shouldn't take 6 months to address, when I have seen smaller things fixed the same evening because it was someone but the staff calling the problem out.

Even though my post mostly address kov and things that must be done, I understand where you are coming from and that kov is not there to be a punching bag.

But do I really have to make it about me as well? About all the time spent here doing nothing but helping and giving ideas and feedback, showing activity so others can see we are in fact working on things and want more than to show we have a flashy forum mod title. I'm not a tool either, here to help with the game, and bashing around in the glory of my forum title is not why I'm here.

You and me both has a life as well, but we use the time differently and do no live through the same things. We see things different, we work things different. I'd love to get everything, my thoughts, my complaints proved wrong.

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