Author Topic: It's time something is done about this  (Read 41117 times)

Offline DarkendStride

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #60 on: November 14, 2011, 01:41:14 am »
Okay, Big Black Bullet. The jest of you're posts (That I'm getting from skimming them) is pointing out that people have lives and that is why Kovu can't update the game.

Well, unless he just doesn't make time then there should be a update by now! I was and am, have been, I suppose... A game developer for a very long time and fixing bugs or adding a feature DOES NOT take a month, or two, or five, or seven. It takes a couple days, maybe a week or two if you're really trying or even working twenty minutes a day on it.

So, for a fact. I can tell you that Kovu hasn't taken a look at this game in a long, long time. You can basically see that by his forum absence alone.

Are your greedy "needs" blocking your way to see that the person who made this game what it is today could be dying and all you would be worrying about is your updates.
If he was dead, dying or his computer was broken; He wouldn't be ignoring us and making a facebook game.

But the reason Kov doesn't want anyone helping him with the game is probably the same reason that I don't like to be helped making my comic.

It's a case of self-accomplishment. And he doesn't want anyone to mess it up. No matter how detailed the instructions are, there will always be room for failure.
If he actually wanted to accomplish anything... He really would be down here "Accomplishing" rather than not.
Sure, I get that "Self-accomplishment" feeling. But, when you don't even look at something you've made and just let it die... Where is the accomplishment in that?

Maybe he HAS been working on a secret update or something.
I'll go ahead and compare this to "Notch" real quick, the single man that started the internet phenomenon we know as "Minecraft" and what I'm going to point out is; Not even he took this long for a "Secret friday" update! He took one week, added a couple (Or one) new feature to the game and had done with it. I wasn't there when he was doing it, I joined in the Beta release. But, again; Updating a game with any minor bug fix or feature does and should not take this long if that person is truly giving it they're minimal amount of effort.

What if he's working on an update that may fix all the problems at once.
What if he's adding all those things that people have been begging for in one huge update instead of small ones.

Maybe that would take a long time.
Just... No, seriously. Working on one large update is like pulling you're shield out right before the dragon eats you alive. (Skyrim? :3) Also, that is a lot of "What if"(s) you got there. Where as, Red seems to be talking in a lot of definants  from my point of view.

People need to come to the realization that the community has become Update-Obsessive.
And you can honestly tell us you wouldn't? If you're favorite game in the entire universe wasn't updated with promised (Promised may be a bit too heavy for that context...) updates from the start? Hunting and wings for example...

But I really find it kind of funny that no one's admitting the reason things have been slow lately may be because something could be wrong with kovu.
I find it hilarious actually.
Refer to quote #1...
I'm still wondering why you're using that for the base of a arguement when Kovu is actively working on a Facebook game and not FeralHeart.

kov doesn't even know the majority of his "team"

and I just came to realize something...Kov may not feel like he owns this game anymore. I mean, his "team" seems to go do things without him even knowing.
It's like he's not even included in anything.
That is really his own fault then; I never hired a team or asked for help with any of my games because I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up with different people, opinions and ideas. But, he did; So, he needs to help them like he should be doing. They go on without him because he's never here for them to go on with him.

And i know FOR A FACT.
That kovu never even wanted the mods.
I've talked to him about it, trust me, I know.
Can you possibly quote him? Hmm? How would he, the absent creator, keep his game alive without his wonderful mods?

I will keep adding to this post until I see fit to stop... Unless asked to, of course.
I think I've added enough to my opinion... And I actually just read Red's posts also. Sorry if I trode on you're paws a bit there, only just realized that you wrote reactions yourself.  :-X
Also, I'm not trying to insult Kovu (KovuLKD, the creator of IT and FH) in any way... I'd just wish he'd drink some sodas and get coding! I suggest root beer. <3  ;D

« Last Edit: November 14, 2011, 02:22:28 am by Kekitan »
This is not the wolf you are looking for.~ - Waves paw -

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #61 on: November 14, 2011, 02:22:36 am »
how do you know he is even working on the facebook game anymore.


I don't even wanna bother with this anymore but I know i feel like I need to.
And okay, game developer person. I've said more than what you think I have. And everyone's different. What you may think takes a week may take a month for someone else.
Heck, what everyone thinks takes a month could take a year for another.
How do you know what's going on.

And why was this whole post even started? I'm sorry but honestly. If you have a problem with someone go to them, don't start an entire rebellion against that one person.

It gives off bad vibes. And not to mention now because of this I can tell as soon as Kovu logs into fh there are going to be LOADS of people running up to him and complaining to him.

In my opinion, Kov's a good guy. Doesn't take everything too seriously like a lot of people tend to do.
And another thing...
It's not like Kov gets paid to do this.
There's no profit.
He made the game for fun because he likes the lion king.
So what's his drive to keep building on the game if people fire against him and no one supports him?
I get everyone tried to help. Maybe he feels he doesn't want it.

Where in the MMORPG rulebook does it say a game creator needs a team. Where. It's probably recommended, but im 99% positive that Kov has all rights to do this on his own and hold up as long as he wants.

And now look what it's turned into.

Offline DarkendStride

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #62 on: November 14, 2011, 02:36:21 am »
how do you know he is even working on the facebook game anymore.


I don't even wanna bother with this anymore but I know i feel like I need to.
And okay, game developer person. I've said more than what you think I have. And everyone's different. What you may think takes a week may take a month for someone else.
Heck, what everyone thinks takes a month could take a year for another.
How do you know what's going on.

And why was this whole post even started? I'm sorry but honestly. If you have a problem with someone go to them, don't start an entire rebellion against that one person.

It gives off bad vibes. And not to mention now because of this I can tell as soon as Kovu logs into fh there are going to be LOADS of people running up to him and complaining to him.

In my opinion, Kov's a good guy. Doesn't take everything too seriously like a lot of people tend to do.
And another thing...
It's not like Kov gets paid to do this.
There's no profit.
He made the game for fun because he likes the lion king.
So what's his drive to keep building on the game if people fire against him and no one supports him?
I get everyone tried to help. Maybe he feels he doesn't want it.

Where in the MMORPG rulebook does it say a game creator needs a team. Where. It's probably recommended, but im 99% positive that Kov has all rights to do this on his own and hold up as long as he wants.

And now look what it's turned into.

...okay, game developer person.
I do have a name, Big Black Bullet, thanks for asking.

I've said more than what you think I have. And everyone's different. What you may think takes a week may take a month for someone else.
If he bothered to get a whole game out that fast. He can do updates even faster with enough effort.

And why was this whole post even started? I'm sorry but honestly. If you have a problem with someone go to them, don't start an entire rebellion against that one person.
My argument pertains to this whole post and I'm with Red. Why aren't you criticizing him for picking your post apart like I did, eh? If your going to do it to one person, you mind as will do it to all of them.

Additionally, this is only a "Rebellion" if you want it to be. The only thing I see here is some level headed people trying to get something done.

It gives off bad vibes. And not to mention now because of this I can tell as soon as Kovu logs into fh there are going to be LOADS of people running up to him and complaining to him.
That's a bit harsh for one person's opinion, don't you think?

In my opinion, Kov's a good guy. Doesn't take everything too seriously like a lot of people tend to do.
And another thing...
It's not like Kov gets paid to do this.
There's no profit.
He made the game for fun because he likes the lion king.
So what's his drive to keep building on the game if people fire against him and no one supports him?
I get everyone tried to help. Maybe he feels he doesn't want it.
I never said he wasn't a good guy and IF he was still having fun with this, he would be developing it; And if he's not, he could at least be kind enough to pass the golden carrot to someone that would have fun with it.

Where in the MMORPG rulebook does it say a game creator needs a team. Where. It's probably recommended, but im 99% positive that Kov has all rights to do this on his own and hold up as long as he wants.
Sure, he can procrastinate all he wants. It won't get him anywhere.

And now look what it's turned into.
If you're referring to this thread, it's turned into a nice conversation over tea and crumpets (Maybe a bit of cake? :D). I'm not trying to start a war here, just give my opinion and is it a crime that I chose your post as a basis for my opinionated answers?

Could I have some more tea please, and a bit of strawberry cake? (I'm attempting to be funny...  :D I do love cake.  ;D)
« Last Edit: November 14, 2011, 02:39:50 am by Kekitan »
This is not the wolf you are looking for.~ - Waves paw -

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #63 on: November 14, 2011, 02:42:40 am »


Alright, enough.
Behave; this is not a fight; it's simply stating your opinion and feelings.
There are things we disagree on and agree on this topic,
that doesn't mean you go bashing on other peoples' opinions.

Please guys, be polite to each other; some safe ranting, if you please.
Thank you.

Now then, I've said enough. If I decide to add a bit more to what I say, I'll be editting my post.

^ Sofas are awesome.

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #64 on: November 14, 2011, 02:53:48 am »
smh. You people aren't understanding what I'm talking about.

It's still his game. His rules. His ideas. He can do whatever he wants with it and no one person can change it (no offense, red.)

And I was referring to the game, not the post.
It started out as a game because he loved lion king. But now because of the demands there are the wolf models and everything else. Now I'm not hating on the wolf models, it was a nice touch. But the game is a hollow shell of what it was meant to be. It's barely even what it was meant to be anymore because of the demands and everything.

And I wasn't referring to you for the rebellion thing.

I meant kovu.
Red, I'm sorry but really. This whole thing could of been avoided if you went to Kovu directly instead of posting on here about him.
In my opinion, again sorry, it's a bit rude :/ cause honestly it's making people hate the maker of the game just because you have problems with him and how things are going.

And before you say "he would never respond to me if i went directly to him"
What would make anyone think if he wouldnt respond to a direct message, he would respond to a rant on his forums? Try and tell me that I don't have a point here.

And Kekitan. Let's see this game of yours then. I would love to see what you did in a month.

Offline DarkendStride

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #65 on: November 14, 2011, 03:03:06 am »
smh. You people aren't understanding what I'm talking about.

It's still his game. His rules. His ideas. He can do whatever he wants with it and no one person can change it (no offense, red.)

And I was referring to the game, not the post.
It started out as a game because he loved lion king. But now because of the demands there are the wolf models and everything else. Now I'm not hating on the wolf models, it was a nice touch. But the game is a hollow shell of what it was meant to be. It's barely even what it was meant to be anymore because of the demands and everything.

And I wasn't referring to you for the rebellion thing.

I meant kovu.
Red, I'm sorry but really. This whole thing could of been avoided if you went to Kovu directly instead of posting on here about him.
In my opinion, again sorry, it's a bit rude :/ cause honestly it's making people hate the maker of the game just because you have problems with him and how things are going.

And before you say "he would never respond to me if i went directly to him"
What would make anyone think if he wouldnt respond to a direct message, he would respond to a rant on his forums? Try and tell me that I don't have a point here.

And Kekitan. Let's see this game of yours then. I would love to see what you did in a month.

And Kekitan. Let's see this game of yours then. I would love to see what you did in a month.
Come on now, there is no reason to attack me directly. We're all just sharing our opinions here.  :)

And I was referring to the game, not the post.
It started out as a game because he loved lion king. But now because of the demands there are the wolf models and everything else. Now I'm not hating on the wolf models, it was a nice touch. But the game is a hollow shell of what it was meant to be. It's barely even what it was meant to be anymore because of the demands and everything.
I do agree with that. But, maybe he wanted to add wolf models? It's true, game makers are here to cater themselves and open they're imagination to the public. Not for the public to force them into something they don't want to do.

In my opinion, again sorry, it's a bit rude :/ cause honestly it's making people hate the maker of the game just because you have problems with him and how things are going.
Now, that was going a bit far; No one "Hates" (Hate is a very strong word) Kovu because of Red's opinion. We're simply sharing what we think, and would rather Kovu come along and tell us why he's been gone than run up and dump a bucket of (I'm going to use dislike... Hate, really?) dislike all over him.


I believe I've made my point and no longer see any reason for a back and forth between us to continue. I was simply sharing my opinion, sorry if you took it in a unintended way. So, let's not have this go any deeper, eh?

I'm still inviting people to a imaginary tea and cake party...
Meh, I'm changing it to soda!
A imaginary soda and cake party for anyone that wants to come!
« Last Edit: November 14, 2011, 03:10:20 am by Kekitan »
This is not the wolf you are looking for.~ - Waves paw -

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #66 on: November 14, 2011, 03:09:16 am »
how do you know he is even working on the facebook game anymore.


I don't even wanna bother with this anymore but I know i feel like I need to.
And okay, game developer person. I've said more than what you think I have. And everyone's different. What you may think takes a week may take a month for someone else.
Heck, what everyone thinks takes a month could take a year for another.
How do you know what's going on.

And why was this whole post even started? I'm sorry but honestly. If you have a problem with someone go to them, don't start an entire rebellion against that one person.

It gives off bad vibes. And not to mention now because of this I can tell as soon as Kovu logs into fh there are going to be LOADS of people running up to him and complaining to him.

In my opinion, Kov's a good guy. Doesn't take everything too seriously like a lot of people tend to do.
And another thing...
It's not like Kov gets paid to do this.
There's no profit.
He made the game for fun because he likes the lion king.
So what's his drive to keep building on the game if people fire against him and no one supports him?
I get everyone tried to help. Maybe he feels he doesn't want it.

Where in the MMORPG rulebook does it say a game creator needs a team. Where. It's probably recommended, but im 99% positive that Kov has all rights to do this on his own and hold up as long as he wants.

And now look what it's turned into.

You have a good point Jarei but so do they, in the end we need to come to an agreement and sort things out, what we should do is try to organize a list or note to come up with an agreement with kovu to try and straighten things out once and for all, this forum is good to get everyones ideas out thier but in order for change we need to take action, kovu is a good guy and he probably dosent realize the effect of his absence on everyone, I think that we should collect everything in a formal note,message,whatever, message him and try to compromise something. Now idk if you guys all agree on that but in my opinion I believe we needa say something in order for things to be done.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2011, 03:35:32 am by frankie »

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #67 on: November 14, 2011, 04:22:11 am »
Well this has become a HUGE debate... aye, Red. You saw it coming.
Instead of making an enormous post here and ranting at you all about stuff; I'm just gonna say I wholeheartedly agree with Red on everything that needs to be done. Don't create a game if you're not ready and willing to put some time into making it better. And if you must... turn the reins over to someone who cares more about it.

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #68 on: November 14, 2011, 05:54:52 am »
I wouldn't say we don't understand you BBB, I'd say it's more like not agreeing.

As I posted in the first thread, I could've gone to kov directly, but for the greater impact, this is way I choose, it's really my last try to make a difference here.

If things are really as you claim, that he doesn't need to do anything, he can just let the game lay there not care about it or the ones helping running it, then I was so wrong about how life should work and I should give my excuses for even starting this. I know there's some things that doesn't work as it should, but this is extreme to me.

As much as you know about him and what he might be like and going through right now, I'm not sure you realize what people have gone through here to do the better for the game, and it's far from enough. Without his help or "ok" to do something nothing will truly happens. He is the only one that decide what happens with the game, you are right, and that's one of the reasons why the thread was made in the first place.

If you look back on the posts you will see this is not here to create hate or rebellion. It's the love towards the game he made. If kov doesn't want to do anything with the game, I'm not sure how much more time I want to spend helping here. People will still play his game as before even if this thread were ignored or deleted and it will be that hollow shell until something happens if it does.

It's still his game. His rules. His ideas. He can do whatever he wants with it and no one person can change it (no offense, red.)

And he get help running a server, a site and the game, with people willing to spend close to a majority of the day to make it a better place for everyone. Not asking for much, but some help doing this in an easier manner.

...Hope, it gets you far, but not all the way.

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #69 on: November 14, 2011, 07:40:30 am »
Kov did the coding.
Delay, Tigg, Omega, Nala91, I and some other people did texturing.
Delay and myself did the emotes.
Red, Omega, Tigg, I and some others did the alpha testing.
Razmirz runs the server.
Razmirz chooses the staff, along with a little help from Red, Tigg, myself and some others.
The forum mods actually DO something with the forum (most anyway).

Need I say more?

Kov did the coding, a little texturing, a little developing. Without the admins/mods, FH WOULD NOT EXIST AND WOULD NOT BE LIKE IT IS RIGHT NOW.
It is NOT just 'his game'. It's OURS too.
And if we want something changed, our opinions should matter.

Kov originally planned the game for his members. The game is YOURS too.
It's not just his. Thanks.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2011, 07:42:21 am by Rak$ha »