Author Topic: It's time something is done about this  (Read 40918 times)

Offline Jitters

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #70 on: November 14, 2011, 08:15:48 am »
Thanks for making that point Rak$ha.

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #71 on: November 14, 2011, 01:52:19 pm »
im am not putting any hard feelings down but....

dear KovuLLKD,

i have to admit this game is really cool but, it does get boring. i would normally love to go on but then, doing the same things over and over just doesnt seem fun. and i love the FH+ and how everythings diffrent yet you chose someone that doesnt DO much for FH. to me(and no hard feelings) its like your saying that you dont TRUST your staff, just by chooseing a random deviantart person to do an update for the game. and the prey and wings idea i love the ideas. but remember what you said about keeping it an accutal RP by adding items however, you "destroy" the idea that you had. and like Red said you update the FaceBook but not FH its self, like Red said again, its kinda weird. to me its like your saying that YOUR game is not important and that its some "misshapened mistake" that you never want to be part of. i styill and will always love FH and what has become of it, yet, everyone here is right. you need to update this game too, you need to take pride in your work. i understand that everyone here has a life that needs to go on, but as you, being the game host, you got to be able to "take care of" the game. just by fixing the tiny little errors and bugs can make the game better for people that play it. i know that you probally have all these great ideas and you probally dont even have the time to do them. coming from all the fans of FH who look up to u and wonder how does Kovu do it. you probally have all this hidden potential for the game that will never be shown because theres barley any work thats taken into it. i know that by creating this game, making it FREE for all of us, shows alot of comitment but, we would love to see what else you could do.

coming from a loyal FH fan,
The thought of being lost, The thought of being broken, The thought of being let down.It lingers in everyones mind, In everyones soul, In everyones heart.The thought of turning into a monster is a little to  late for some of us. Since some of us are already too far gone.

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #72 on: November 14, 2011, 08:19:49 pm »
Kov did the coding.
Delay, Tigg, Omega, Nala91, I and some other people did texturing.
Delay and myself did the emotes.
Red, Omega, Tigg, I and some others did the alpha testing.
Razmirz runs the server.
Razmirz chooses the staff, along with a little help from Red, Tigg, myself and some others.
The forum mods actually DO something with the forum (most anyway).

Need I say more?

Kov did the coding, a little texturing, a little developing. Without the admins/mods, FH WOULD NOT EXIST AND WOULD NOT BE LIKE IT IS RIGHT NOW.
It is NOT just 'his game'. It's OURS too.
And if we want something changed, our opinions should matter.

Kov originally planned the game for his members. The game is YOURS too.
It's not just his. Thanks.

People, you have yet to realize that something may be wrong with Kovu.

To Big Black Bullet, consider Rak$ha's post. These mods are his team, they've helped him every step of the way. Don't you think it's only fair that they should know if there's something wrong? The biggest problem here is lack of communication, and what appears to be lack of Kovu's will to listen. As I've said, I'm in no way against Kovu. This isn't war. We all love the fact that he's created the game, is it wrong for us to expect he'd be around to maintain it? Personally, I don't care much about new crap. Yes, markings would be great, wings might be fun, hunting might give a new thrill. But six - nine Bad Tokens in a row, on any given night, just trying to get through Flourite? This could easily be solved, possibly by resetting the server as well, but why not add another map or two? Give people more places to congregate rather than Flourite, which stands in the way of two smaller maps, including Cape which is necessary to enter to get to private maps. I'm sure many people would volunteer to make the maps for him. All he would have to do is ingrain them into the game.
I do see what your saying, and I commend you for defending the side that you see everyone else as attacking. But you need to see it from all sides as well. I've considered some of your points even before this thread was made, while listening to Red in Cape. It seems that Kovu really needs to communicate with his staff and members. Even if he didn't want the moderators to begin with, surely he realizes that its them who maintain the game's integrity.
And again, no one should be BASHING Kovu, that won't solve anything but make you look like a selfish brat. If you log on to the game, you should respect what he's done so far. However, when being enlightened to this thread, these points straight from the team that's been assisting Kovu, perhaps you might realize that things do need to change. We love Kovu. We love FeralHeart. It's because we care that we're doing this. I think it's safe to say that no one here wants to watch FeralHeart die, but the possibility is there. We just want to protect what Kovu (and the others) have made.

Hehe, and Kekitan, may you please pass me a pumpkin latte, maybe a slice of that coconut cake? Thank you kindly. :3


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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #73 on: November 14, 2011, 10:02:05 pm »
While I've read every post on here, I feel the need to post my thoughts aswell. Even if it is a tad bit late.

I'm going to start off with the fact that I understand how everyone feels, even if they disagree.
I'm part of a huge community ordeal on a touchy subject, and being in a traditional town that hates change, I get alot of feedback from all different sides and walks of life. Even attacks on some people. It's a hard thing to deal with, different opinions. However when dealing with things like this, it's important to keep an open mind, and respect people, even if they don't respect you. And from my seat in my overly cold room, there is alot of head-butting currently. However that's expected, so I'll leave that matter be. But with a last note; I'd strongly advise that we all play nice, because in the end, pointing fingers at eachother on this matter isn't worth it. However this is just my opinion.

I'd like to say, Red, I agree with alot of things you've said here. You've pointed out many things that need fixing, and I understand you're frustration, and where you're comming from as a person in this community as we all want this to get better.

I strongly believe each and everyone of us need to contact Kovu directly, in any way we can, even if it's just a Facebook post. If that's the only way to contact him, then we should jump on that, but not in a bad way. Kovu checks his Facebook often enough, as he accepts friend requests from people every now and then. Even if he doesn't reply, at least we're trying. If he doesn't visit the forms, then we should atleast try that. In no way am I trying to say we should all jump attack him with hateful comments, but express are frustration in a professional way. Because from my experience, if it's not expressed in a professional way, nobody seems to see it.

In my opinion, Kovu needs alot of help bringing this game back to life like when it first came out. He needs to let people help him. Because when you're making a game, and a good one at that, you need alot of help. Whenever you're doing something that's going to be big, that has a big community, you can't possibly do it all yourself. Even if you planned on it in the first place. At first it's fun, and you have tons of energy going you're way. However, overtime it becomes stressful, the fun has left, and it becomes another job on you're belt that you don't even get payed for. And that's when you start to slack-off, and start a new project. Such as Kovu's Facebook game. It's new, and it brings back the fun. But then you leave all the other people in the dust with you're original project, and things become chaotic for them. [Speaking from personal experience.]

So yes, there are some things you can do yourself. However when there's a community involved, it's better to have help. Otherwise things go haywire, such as things have gotten now.

I strongly believe that the issue here is communication. We have to sides here. There's us, and Kovu. And sadly, Kovu has slowly flown from are community here, and that everyone, is a very sad thing to happen. Yes, he may be sick, or have some other personal issues in his life, but if he wants his idea's to grow, and have a strong community, communication needs to be in order. Because without that, we're both stuck, and everything dies.


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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #74 on: November 15, 2011, 02:54:34 am »
All I can say is between Red, Rak and the rest of the staff team. My hat is off to you, every word you have said is bang on the nose. With out you and your work, FH would be an empty idea, just a flake in someones mind unable to be reached. The stress and the hate, that some of you see is sicking, why? Simply becuase there is nothing you can do... As said, you cant update the game, you cant add markings, other then moderate it and keep it running smooth, there is nothing alse you can do. Kov keeps them in the dark guys... So maybe they are the ones that need people to lay off....

@Red, *claps* Your preaching to the choir on this one, And I cant find the words to say for posting this. You are brave very brave. Look at how many people stand behind you. And most are just members who dont see this side of Kov. You are in no way a "Bad" admin in my eyes. And if someone decides you are or no longer deserve to be where you are, I will be dissgusted and that will be the end of me in this game. That needed to be said, and its about time it did. Maybe Kov will smart'n up and actually show he still cares.

@ Raksha, thank you for that post, people need to see that Kov, was not the sole contributer to the creaton of FH. Without your work and the work of the other staff members FH would still be in the making, or completly different. Even though you stepped down from your position and gave it to Red. My respect is still there and it always will be. I give you coutos for sticking around as long as you have, and not throwing in the towel, like im sure many would have.

@Big Black Bullet, not sure if this was already stated but... Yes Kov has a life. BUT so does Red, and Rak, EVRYONE of us. Yet game mods still seem to be made, new emots, meshes etc. He keep stating that he is adding wings and what not. Well were are they? Hmm? where are the progress reports? where are any records that things are being done. Many have offered to help Kov with the game.. He says NO. Even though the game is failing day by day. Once AK is out as red said I garuntee FH dies.... There just isnt anything to keep up with what AK is promising. Look at how many people have left for IT servers. You ask why most say "FH is a fail..." Why wont he give the staff access to modify and add to the game? If he did FH would be sitting in a way better possition then it is now. Look at how many staff members have left... because of this type of nonsense that is happenhag here. Kov needs to make his presence know, and show he is still here for the comunity he created. If he doesnt well its plain ridiculous and saddining. That some one cant face the mass mess he has made. All it takes is him being more active, or giving the admins access to update and modify.

As for FH+, yes its beatiful and well done. But like Red said why didnt they know about it... Why wasnt it just added to the original FH. What is the point of having the two.. That just started more FH+ is better the plain old FH drama... Again a pointless addition. Had it have just been modified to FH, there would have been nothing said and it would have looked like Kov actually did something noticable. But instead you were in the dark, and boom out came FH+.
(In no attemps to bash simba)

FH Staff, Thank you for all you have done to help keep the game alive and going. And sorry for any doubt and hate you recieve because, there isnt anything you can do. You ahve all put in your best effort and it shows, this will not go unnoticed by the community. That finaly some one had the guts to say what many wanted to.

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #75 on: November 15, 2011, 07:58:52 pm »
i do believe that kov isn't doing much for fh and it will die like impressive title if kovuLKD doesn't do anything, here is a short story about my experiences with fh:

at first i NEVER even heard of FH before, IT was my only interest because i thought it was the newest and biggest thing not that it was dead. once i found out about FH i begged my mom to let me have it and i downloaded it right away without a doubt in the world about this game...but i got some when i entered the feral heart world for the first time. bonfire island was lagging beyond belief on my computer and when i got to the plains i tried to make some friend but they just pushed me away and some even began to power-play on me when i didn't mean any harm i just simply said hi. just then when i learned how mean people on FH could be i just knew that i had to do something about it even though i was a newbie and had no power over anyone in-game but i went on top the the mountain or whatever it is on cape island and i said in general and local that i'm going to do something about what's going on with fh and try to improve it. after that i went straight to the forums and read a whole bunch of tutorials on how to make things like maps,presets,emotes,mods and so forth. i can't do anything about the people but i can do something about the features and make awesome maps,addons and mods,tutorials and just simply things to make FH better....i care about FH but kovu NEEDS to do something to help his game. do things that will make people happy but you members mustn't forget that the game would be nothing without us. and if FH does start to die and you see one person online it's going to be me hanging onto what could've been.  (sorry i know that's not a word XD) kovuLKD if your reading this topic please think of it as a letter to you saying that you need to take care of your game and don't see it as a angry letter from some useless people and think "if they don't like it the way it is then why bother with this at all!" and take the game down. i hope you don't see it that way

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #76 on: November 16, 2011, 02:14:40 am »
 As a member of FH, I can understand what your all saying. Red,Rak, and all of the members who helped create this wonderful game known as Feralheart, I can believe that your doing your best to keep FH a fun and a problem free game. Although I've seen what your trying to say, the game does infact needs some fixing.
I'm not sure what "exactly" needs to be fixed, but Red named the basics. All the staff member's that helped create it should get the chance to fix it. Since they did help create it, so they should have the right to change it and make it better. KovuLKD you may be working on that Facebook game you talked about, not to be rude, but I believe you should put that aside for a bit and come back to FH. So we can get something done about the major issues in FH. Yes, I'm very positive you have a life and I respect that, but if you do ever have some free time just check up on FH. Just to see what you need to fix.
Perhaps you should think about what is best for You and FH. Many players and Staff members do infact, need you to put this into your consideration. Me and perhaps many others are trying to say that, you need to help fix these problems.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 02:28:20 am by Frostpaw860 »

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #77 on: November 16, 2011, 02:23:14 am »
Ok, I've read all of the posts from page 1 to page 8 and I agree with what's been mostly said.  It's not that we don't appreciate KovuLKD, in fact, if it wadn't for him, we wouldn't even have FH.  But think about it like this.  Feral Heart is like Kovu's dog, and if he doesn't take care of it, it will die.  I thank all the mods for keeping FH up and running as much as you can.  Nobody 'hates' Kovu, they just don't want Feral Heart to die.  And for those of you that think this post is about updates, yall wrong.  This post is about all the bugs and glitches that have been in the game for quite a while now.  I'm very patient and can wait on updates because I know that it might take a while.  And yes, I know Kov has a life.  He's not the only one, just as Jolt said, we ALL do.  Everyone from the newest member to Red, Raksha and all of the other mods.  The way you want to live your life is your choice, but if you have made a commitment, I believe you should stick to that commitment till the end.


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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #78 on: November 16, 2011, 04:13:32 am »
Could I just say, this conversation is very interesting.
I joined here not long ago and am having all sorts of problem left right and center, im not saying I dislike the game, its filled with interesting people and fun times to be had!
But, if something is not changed for the game (fixing glitches, repairing report button, upgrades ect..)
I may very well forget FH.

I support all of you who demand a better game...but in the state its in I dont think it will go far without help.
Like red said, keeping alive a dead mammal with adrenaline.

Now, im off to re-re-re-re install FH+ and drink some soda.

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Re: It's time something is done about this
« Reply #79 on: November 16, 2011, 08:07:51 pm »
I fully agree with Coony! Not being mean, but you need to support YOUR game more than the other SUPPORTERS!!!! Your the CREATOR! You need to be on feral hearts instead of making your mods do the work for you...... ( in my opinion, your being a big lazy drama queen) i know you have a life, but these peps even nala needs you in this game. This goes for Impressive Title as well.