Author Topic: Sun clan:book one: the winged cat:chapter seven to nine  (Read 1530 times)

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Sun clan:book one: the winged cat:chapter seven to nine
« on: November 14, 2011, 03:58:51 am »
Chapter seven: lost battle: lionstar woke up after he lost one of his lives. Blood was spilled everywhere and body's were laying around. " frog-pool, mossleaf, whisper-stream, bearclaw, Braveheart!!" lionstar yowled very sadly as few of his clanmates and mate got killed in a worthless war. " ha ha, now I rule your clan now!" brokenstar meowed. " you....can'" lionstar meowed weakly as he was bleeding to death. He fainted as he lose his seventh live.  " now I am taking the rest of your clan as prisoners until they learn the way of swampclan!" brokenstar meowed. He left sunclan's territory and leaves lionstar behind. Lionstar quicky put cobwebs and other herbs on him before he lose his eighth life. " two more worthless life's lost and two more lives left" lionstar meowed. He padded to the dead tree that has a hole for sheather. He curled up inside the tree and sleep. He woke up in starclan, seeing his mate and two other cats. " lionstar..... We need to say something to you" meowed a black and white Tom. The young Tom-cat walked to lionstar. " swiftpaw, what do you,bluestar and mossleaf want to say to me?" lionstar meowed. A blue-silver she-cat walked to lionstar and mossleaf followed her. " snow with fire will save the clan" all three of them meowed. The silver-blue she-cat looked at her paws sadly. " bluestar, why are you upset?" swiftpaw meowed. " swampclan......that mouse-brained leader has more power than us" bluestar meowed. " you need to save your clan" mossleaf meowed and she gave lionstar a lick behind the ear and then lionstar woke up.

Chapter eight: snowkit's fight: lostear dropped snowkit inside swamp clan's nursery, filled with scared kits and angry queens. " what.....what is wrong with you mouse-brains?" lostear meowed as the queen's hissed at him and they covered all the kits with their tails. " you monster!, beetle brain!,fox hearted mouse-brain! You attacked sun clan just for the kits and territory!" hissed a angry light brown tabby she-cat with lighter stripes, paws, chest and tail tip. " oh leafbark, queens are helpless rats with no things to do expect for being lazy and eating!!" lostear hissed at leafbark. " no one calls a queen rats and lazy! Queens also protect kits no matter what!?" leafbark hissed. Her claws shown and she started to attack lostear. All the good cats and all the kits watched leafbark fighting lostear. They were happy instead of being shocked because brokenstar and all the evil cats don't really care about helping queens and elders and they always fight almost everyday for land and new members.
Leafbark is pinned down by lostear and he started to bit leaf bark's throat. " no!!!!" snowkit yowled as she sank her claws and teeth into lostear's throat. Lostear letter go of leafbark and he started to fight snowkit. Snowkit's claws sank even deeper into lostear's throat and then, blood pour out from his throat. Lostear fainted as he is about to die. Snowkit bite and clawed lost ear's throat and then lostear died. Everyone was wide eyed as one kit killed a deadly warrior. " yeah for snowkit!!!!" all the good cats meowed and cheered. " hey.....snowball!" bloodpaw meowed evilly. " I am going to be a warrior tonight along with three of fire kit's brothers!" bloodpaw meowed. Bloodpaw is acting strange and he is acting like a swampclan warrior. " all cats old enough to kill their own prey gather benign bone hill for a clan meeting!" brokenstar meowed. All the cats gather around the bone hill and they whispered about the meeting. " tonight we are welcoming four former sunclan apprentices, and they learn our ways and we will name them. Bloodpaw will become bloodclaw, vinepaw will become vinedeath, deathpaw will become deathberry and clawpaw will become clawthorn!" brokenstar meowed. " bloodclaw,vinedeath,deathberry,clawthorn!!" all the evil cats meowed and cheered. Did bloodclaw forgot about his litter mates?

chapter nine: brokenstar's plan: all the kits returned to the nursery sadly as four former sunclan apprentices became four dealy swampclan warriors. skypaw hissed at her brothers as they forgot about their sister and their little brother. " why would you follow the pawsteps of a former darkforest cat!?" skypaw hissed at her older brothers. " because we like him and lionstar is a weak cat! plus, firestar, mistystar, onestar and blackstar are also weak!" deathberry hissed. brokenstar padded to the four new warriors. " tomorrow we are going to attack skyclan and take them prisoners!" brokenstar meowed. " but skyclan is far away and there is no need to kill leafstar.....she is a leader but also a queen" skypaw meowed. " i don't care if leafstar is also a queen! i'll kill her and her deputy!!" brokenstar growled at skypaw. a  dark red-brown tom with darker paws and tail tip padded to brokenstar. " why you want to attack skyclan? they did nothing wrong" meowed the medicine cat. " mousefoot! you don't need to know why! you deal with hurt or sick cats and herbs while i take care of battles!" brokenstar hissed. " bloodclaw,vinedeath,clawthorn,deathberry,tigerscar, crowdeath, lighteyes,skypaw, stripepaw and mousefoot will come to a war with me!" brokenstar meowed. lighteyes was looking at her paws as half of her litter became evil. all the cats went to their dens but mousefoot ran away from camp to go to the moonpool. " i need a guide to get rid of brokenstar" mousefoot meowed but he saw a starclan cat. " snow with fire will save the clan" meowed the starclan cat. " s-sunstar?, what dos this mean?" mousefoot meowed. sunstar glowed even more as he padded to mousefoot. " don't worry mousefoot, snow with fire will save the clan" sunstar meowed and he disappeared. mousefoot quickly ran back to camp and he curled up at his nest to sleep.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 07:16:24 pm by Stephen »
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