Author Topic: Should Age really matter? (opinions please)  (Read 15108 times)

Offline antherax

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Re: Should Age really matter? (opinions please)
« Reply #50 on: July 05, 2013, 01:30:42 am »
I have played with 24 year-olds, and I'm 10. I never tell my age most of the time because people are so judge-mental. They are like, "You're 12? You're underaged get off the internet!" That SERIOUSLY ticks me off. They act like age makes a person's personality and knowledge, uhh... no, I doesn't. In all, age is just dumb.
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Offline Lady_Alizarin

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Re: Should Age really matter? (opinions please)
« Reply #51 on: July 05, 2013, 01:35:32 am »
I don't think age should really matter here on this game. As stated in the FH main page, this game was made for people of ALL ages. There are times when I think this game is only appropriate for people 13+ because of all the things that can happen here. Since the chat here isn't filtered, people can say anything they want to others... even if it's not child friendly. Also, if someone does tell me they are younger than 13, I really think nothing of it. There really is no major rule that says they are forbidden to play this game.

As I've stated in a topic I made a long time ago, I don't like to see my age group being discriminated against by younger players all because they think we are too old. It's just as bad as when they start calling us pedophiles all because we are roleplaying and chatting with people of younger ages. Honestly, I don't think they really know what a pedophile even is. Often times the ones pointing fingers and calling older players pedos are just ignorant kids who really don't know what they are talking about, and don't know any better. Calling someone a pedophile all because they are older is a really big insult. It's nothing to joke about, either. Being falsely accused of pedophilia in a society like ours can ruin someone's reputation and someone's life.
Think of it this way.... the Feral Heart community is like a community out in the real world. There are people of different backgrounds, different beliefs, different nationalities, different walks of life, and different AGES. Kids interact with people of all ages in their real life communities every single day! They interact with older people all the time; parents, teachers, church leaders, coaches, etc. They interact with adults in real life, what's wrong with interacting with them in this community? You tell me?

The many friends I do have in the Feral Heart community range in different age groups. Some are 10, some are 12, others are around 13-17, some are my age, and then some are older than I am. Does it matter to me? Of course not! As long as they follow the rules of Feral Heart, and are respectful to others, and fun to hang around, their ages aren't going to change my thoughts about them.

Does age matter to me on this game? No it does not.

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Re: Should Age really matter? (opinions please)
« Reply #52 on: July 05, 2013, 01:37:26 am »

Just no.

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Offline avomeir

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Re: Should Age really matter? (opinions please)
« Reply #53 on: July 06, 2013, 02:46:18 pm »
Personally, I don't believe age matters in this community, for age surely means nothing these days. Age is but a number is what they say, no? For as long as you are mature, and act reasonable, I see no issue in age.
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Offline Cecilia~

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Re: Should Age really matter? (opinions please)
« Reply #54 on: July 07, 2013, 01:31:37 am »

I can say that in some ways, age really does matter.

I know there are individuals who claim to be "intelligent" for their age group (what a laugh) but to be honest..

No, just no. There are a lot of things you have yet to learn. With age, comes responsibility and wisdom and all that other crap. Most people who are 10-14 are really, really immature (not saying there aren't stupid 18 or 20 year olds, but still). You don't know until someone points it out, but really, the majority of those age groups are pretty bad. I know that I myself as a 14 year old can act pretty immature sometimes. Whiny, close-minded, it just goes on.

Nothing wrong with admitting it. Instead of pouting you could be more open to learning ways to be more "mature".
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Offline BlueKinTsukiko

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Re: Should Age really matter? (opinions please)
« Reply #55 on: July 07, 2013, 06:27:16 am »
Sadly it seems that the community doesn't go downhill by bullying people who are younger on here, but rather people whom are older. And its really weird because you would think that the "older teens" or "adults" would be the ones to pull such stunts, but nope, not in feral heart it seems. I turned 18 not that long ago actually and someone dared to call me a pedophile. Not the most pleasant thing to hear when you just got in the group too I might add.
However, many blocked members on my list later and I was able to find some mature people to talk too, thank god there is some people whom actually play the game for fun, not just for kicks or a chance to troll.

Offline Chapawee

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Re: Should Age really matter? (opinions please)
« Reply #56 on: July 07, 2013, 06:29:42 am »
I don't think age should matter; the whole point of FH is to have fun!
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Offline Cecilia~

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Re: Should Age really matter? (opinions please)
« Reply #57 on: July 07, 2013, 10:40:36 am »
I think age should matter, but if it doesn't, then I guess it just doesn't. If there aren't any rules or restrictions on FH then, not my problem.

Even if this game did have age restrictions, people would lie during registration anywhere just like other places. x_x

Also, I know what you mean, Blue. I know I've seen people get called pedophiles before in Bonfire and such. It's horrible. I've also seen people say "OMG dumb little kids" before too. You don't have to like a certain age group, but you don't have to really bully them either. Age isn't something you can change, so calling someone a pedophile or "dumb little kid" can really have an impact.
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Offline Lady_Alizarin

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Re: Should Age really matter? (opinions please)
« Reply #58 on: July 08, 2013, 06:49:47 am »
Also, I know what you mean, Blue. I know I've seen people get called pedophiles before in Bonfire and such. It's horrible. I've also seen people say "OMG dumb little kids" before too. You don't have to like a certain age group, but you don't have to really bully them either. Age isn't something you can change, so calling someone a pedophile or "dumb little kid" can really have an impact.

That is so true, Muani.

I don't get why people have to throw such insults at each other like that. Just because someone is 18 and over, and playing on an RPG game that kids like to play, it doesn't make them a pedophile. Adults want to have fun too, even if most don't like to admit it.
Whenever I hear someone say, "OMG dumb little kid" it makes me facepalm. I've once been called a little kid by a random, ignorant someone. How does a person even know what age group someone belongs to? You don't know who is on the other side of that screen, and you certainly don't know how old they really are (unless they truthfully tell you their age). I've even seen a familiar active member call other players "dumb kids". (Not going to say who it is) But you know what the funny thing is? This person is a KID himself/herself, around the 10-12 age group! How do I know? They have repeatedly admitted their young age on general chat and in the forums. Why would you go around calling others dumb little kids when you're just a little kid yourself? Besides, you don't know who you're even talking to. How do you know what age they really are? Who are you to pass that kind of judgement? Those people you called "dumb little kids" are probably alot older than you. Calling someone a dumb little kid isn't going to make you any more mature than they are. In fact, it makes you look like the childish bully on the playground.

Sadly it seems that the community doesn't go downhill by bullying people who are younger on here, but rather people whom are older. And its really weird because you would think that the "older teens" or "adults" would be the ones to pull such stunts, but nope, not in feral heart it seems. I turned 18 not that long ago actually and someone dared to call me a pedophile. Not the most pleasant thing to hear when you just got in the group too I might add.
However, many blocked members on my list later and I was able to find some mature people to talk too, thank god there is some people whom actually play the game for fun, not just for kicks or a chance to troll.

Whenever I see someone call someone a pedophile because they are in the adult age range, it makes me furious! Have they no respect for someone older than them? I've been called a pedophile once by someone I would roleplay with every now and then, and I pretty much lost all my respect for them. I've heard some players say things like "Anyone over 18 who plays this game is a pedo with no life" and such, and such. Guess what? Most of the mods are of that age group, does that make them pedophiles? NO!!! We need responsible adults to help take care of this game and community. I play this game and chat with people for fun, and to get away from the stresses of real life; work, school, etc. Unlike many of the kid players who get their internet provided for thanks to Mommy and Daddy, I got to pay for mine! If I don't pay, I don't play.

Offline Cecilia~

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Re: Should Age really matter? (opinions please)
« Reply #59 on: July 08, 2013, 07:10:11 pm »
By the way, all the people saying age is dumb and doesn't matter or determine anything, then how come we don't have 5 or 6 year olds acting like adults?

While you shouldn't call people "dumb little kids" or anything, just wait until they age and mature. People in our age group, which is around 10 to 14, maybe 15, maybe older than that, really AREN'T as smart and knowledgeable and MATURE!!1 as we think we are. Obviously you don't just suddenly mature when you turn a certain age but I'm sure you [people] get what I'm saying for the most part.

When you get older, you'll see it. I remember how I was when I was around 12, and a few times I thought i was so smart and mature and I look back and I'm like "what the hell". I'm only 14, so later in life I'll probably still look back and realize how, well, terrible I was in some ways.

It isn't something to be ashamed of or upset about. If you're immature or stupid in some people's eyes, think about the situation and try to learn from it.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2013, 07:26:45 pm by Muani »
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