Author Topic: ♫♪ The web of life ♪♫ Now accepting members.  (Read 2265 times)

Offline Flatsoda

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♫♪ The web of life ♪♫ Now accepting members.
« on: November 19, 2011, 10:40:19 pm »
Human has not woven the web of life.
We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together. All things connect.
~ Chief Seattle


Powerplay. Nobody likes it and it shows that you are illiterate. !3 Warnings before kick.
Godmodding. Like powerplay, nobody likes it. This is like controlling another character. !3 Warnings before kick.
Game/Forum rules. You are expected to follow them. ! Breaking will result in instant report.
Pelts. Please have atleast semi-realistic markings, pelt, underfur, ect markings. You may have bright markings but please, no eyebleed colors. !10 Warnings before kick.
These Rules. You are expected to read these, and to notify me that you have, please put "derpaderp" somewhere small in your form. !Notification.
Maps. Must download all maps to roleplay with us. If you cannot download maps, you cannot join the group. !If cannot download maps, that is a kick. If you refuse to download maps, 3 warnings before kick.
Presets. Please download all presets to see characters correctly. ! No punishment.
Activity. Please be active. If you're going to join this group at least show that you're serious about your choice.!Inactivity for more than a week will result in a kick. If you are going to be leaving, TELL US.
Literacy. Have some form of literacy during roleplay. Illiteracy will not be tolerated. Text-talk (txttlk) is prohibited. !3 warnings before kick.
Maturity. Please have some maturity in your blood. Bringing OOC drama into IC is prohibited. You can be immature sometimes, but otherwise carrying it over your shoulders like a vulture hunched over a dead antelope will just result in negative circumstances. Respect and responsible behavior also go over this rule. Members will not be allowed to run about, and harass or act vulgar towards members or other players. Strong usage of vulgarity, such as raping, talking about rape lightly, buttsex, actions suggesting sex will result in a report. Perversion is not allowed. Any other misbehaving acts such as "buttswingng" another player are strictly discouraged unless it's someone you know. Responsible behavior also ties in with the game and forum rules.
!5 warnings before kick.
Species. Even though the introduction says "We do not care what species lay in our ranks", we do care. No mythical characters, like unicorns, dragons, gryffons, or hippogryffs are allowed. Prey characters (people playing prey; like named as "rabbit" or "elk bull".) are not allowed.! 5 warnings before kick.
Mating/birth No insta-mating. No highly-detailed matings or births. Take it to whisper. NOT PARTY, as it leaks. Group = everybody can see it. ! Insta-kick.



King The uppermost and most authoritive animal in the group. What he says, goes. Unless Queen or Heirs, questioning his power will be taken as an act of rebel and such member will be punished with death or exile.
Queen Second uppermost/most authoritive animal. The queen's words must be approved by the king first. Unless King, Heirs or Priests, questioning her motives will be taken as an act of rebel and such member will be punished with exile. Mate to King.
Heirs The children of the king and queen. The heirs' words, however, do not affect the group in ANY way. When the king dies, the eldest son will take the throne. The heir must prove himself worthy of being king by battling and defeating, NOT KILLING, the most experienced warrior in the group.
Priests This is the only rank of the group that can communicate with spirits and/or gods. He/she is placed at royalty because so. The priest can be an elderly healer, and the priest can move down to healer.


Technically everybody is at this rank, but some have a specific purpose.
Duke. The duke is responsible for going back and forth, grabbing things for the royal. If there are no present royal defenders, which is very rare, the Duke works very well as a living sheild.
Royal Defender. The defenders of the royal. They must protect the royalty at all times, taking shifts; AKA turns. They protect the royal from assassins, rogues, and other malicious animals.
Slave. This is actually the lowest rank of all, but is placed up here. The slaves do any form of labor. They can be beaten, scarred, ect; but they must not be killed. They are servants to all of the group.


Healers. The healers are to take responsibility for the health of the group, or just one selected member if all are healthy.
 • Lead Warrior. This person is the one responsible to keep the Warrior rank intact and clean. He/she takes out troops for wars.
Warrior. They are defenders to all of the group. Go out to war with the Lead Warrior.
Lead Huntress. Yes, this rank must be feminine. She keeps the hunter rank intact and clan, and she provides food to the group.
Huntresses. Yes, this rank must be feminine. They provide food to the group.
Scouts. Unlike others, there is no 'lead scout' for this rank. The scouts patrol and check borders each day and report back anything unusual they saw or smelled.
Assassins. The assassins must carry out the duty of going into hostile/enemy camps and murder selected members. They must be stealthy and expertise in assassination.
Apprentices. Apprentices are... apprentices. They have mentors to one selected moderations rank, and one only for nobody in the name of history has mastered two ranks in the group.


Omegas. This is second-to-lowest rank in the group. Whilst not as bad as slaves, they are used as pincushions to let out anger on. However, you cannot kill them.
Slaves. This rank is also a Servant, but nonetheless, they can also be beaten. They do any form of labor; but not give birth and have pups, nor have a mate. Slaves usually die quicker than others because most have deform/malformations that changed their physical/pyscological state before they were born. They also eat last and are not allowed to go to any meetings.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2011, 02:03:59 pm by Embrastic »

Offline Flatsoda

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Re: ?? The web of life ?? WIP, DO NOT POST
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2011, 03:06:00 am »



Preset coming soon.
[[ Abuun ]]
[[ Male(obviously...) ]]
[[ 4.16 years (50 months) ]]
[[ Abuun is not very stubborn as you think; he's actually wise for his age. He knows when to speak and reach out. Usually, when he wants something, he goes straight ahead for it; but not before pausing to study his surroundings. When he has something he likes, he tends to hold onto it unless leaving it is the only possible option. ]]
[[ Abuun was born into an ordinary wolf pack, in an ordinary forest, in an ordinary world. But that changed when the devilish, flea-bitten beast, formerly known as a bear, killed his parents. Startled, the pack fled in all different directions. Abuun also fled, and nobody other than himself followed him. The rest of the pack went north to the mountains, where the bear could not reach. Abuun didn't know there were mountains anywhere in the territory, and he truely was lost. Not long after he rummaged through the debris of the pack camp, he heard the faintest trickling of a nearby stream. He ran towards it; it eventually turned into a great, roaring river infront of him. Abuun, at that time, had no name. In his pack language, he decided to call himself "Great River", and of course, that is Abuun. After building a small den, he mentally mapped his surroundings. The river spread east to west in his direction. To the north, forest. To the south, you could see, just faintly, the mountain range the pack fled to (but Abuun didn't know where everybody went, so...). Southwest, you can see a waterfall, and upclose, the waterfall is very loud; louder than the river at high tide. Abuun decided to start a group, not pack, as he forsaw that many other animals besides wolves lived here. Now, present-day, Abuun still doesn'
t have any members and is slowly beginning to loose sanity and hope. ]]
[[ Mateless. ]]
[[ No pups. ]]


N/A; must be mated to King before applying.


N/A; must have both king/queen before applying.














N/A; must have atleast 2 warriors in group before applying.




N/A; must have atleast 2 hunters in group before applying.






N/A; must have enemy group before applying.


N/A; must have SOMEBODY in the group before applying.





« Last Edit: November 25, 2011, 09:28:06 pm by Embrastic »

Offline Flatsoda

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Re: ?? The web of life ?? WIP, DO NOT POST
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2011, 03:06:19 am »

Offline Flatsoda

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Re: ♫♪ The web of life ♪♫ WIP, DO NOT POST
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2011, 01:54:29 pm »


None, but a map is being made. If you would like to make a quick temporary map, just say so.


Presets will be put here so you can see characters correctly.


Banners that were fan-made by our members can be found here.

« Last Edit: November 27, 2011, 01:58:56 pm by Embrastic »

Offline Flatsoda

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Re: ♫♪ The web of life ♪♫ WIP, DO NOT POST
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2011, 01:59:14 pm »
And we are opeeeeeeeeeeen~


Code: [Select]

100x100 pic here

« Last Edit: November 27, 2011, 02:57:36 pm by Embrastic »

Offline Flatsoda

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Re: ?? The web of life ?? Now accepting members.
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2011, 01:10:36 pm »