Author Topic: My 'character'... perhaps adding more soon.  (Read 1431 times)

Offline Flatsoda

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My 'character'... perhaps adding more soon.
« on: November 30, 2011, 10:09:05 pm »

C l i c k y
^ WARNING; BIG and it's a photo manipulation ^

C l i c k y
^ Lines by SquirtSapphire ^

N ame:: Embrastic
A lias:: Em, Brast, Emmy, Emily
G ender::
A ge:: 4.16 years (50 months)
M ate:: N/A
O ffspring:: N/A
S pecies:: Unspecified canine, preferably Wolf-Fox hybrid.
G roup:: N/A, probably never will have one.
S exual Orientation:: Straight
H ome::  Nomadic
T heme / F avorite Song:: Awake & alive; Skillet

L ineage:: ?? x ??


P ersonality

Embrastic is a very complicated canine personality wise. There's alot more to her then just being shy.

Embrastic is incredibly shy, she gets very nervous around any animals who are strangers. If she's with a animal she trusts she's less likely to run.

Embrastic will never howl or bark, as it will bring attention to herself and she doesnt want that. If she does bark, growl, ect; usually that's my fault.

Often in Solitude
Embrastic usually likes to be alone when incharacter and there's no one around she knows. However, deep down Embrastic yearns for company.

She will usually avoid most social situations, good or bad. In her mind, if she is stared at she thinks that others are staring at her scars or are being judgemental in general. She will then think badly of herself. She will almost always avoid physical or verbal confrontations.

When it comes to loved ones, she can be rather overprotective almost to the point in being blind to the situation.

Both in regards to the world around her or in conversation. She will usually watch animals from afar, and in conversation she usually bombards her partner with 'whys'. She's alot like a child in this way.

Self Conscious
Pretty much self explanatory. Embrastic gets incredibly uneasy if she's stared at for too long. She hates thinking about what they could be thinking about her; usually she thinks it's something incredibly negative.

Easily Intimidated
Also self explanatory. It doesnt take much to make Embrastic run away. A single communicative streak in her direction from far away will do it.

Embrastic will almost always think it's her fault if someone runs from her or if something bad is happening to them.

Most of it is explained here. She experiences most of the patterns under; Denial, Low Self Esteem and Compliance.

Embrastic is not a leader. She will generally follow her friends and do whatever they want to do.

Secretly Silly
When she's sure she's alone, or in some rare cases when she isnt she will mess around. If she's with her closest friends she will also let loose by dancing and playing around.


H istory



O ther

Embrastic has been 'diagnosed' with having Avoidant Personality Disorder. "..feelings of inadequacy, extreme sensitivity to negative evaluation, and avoidance of social interaction....People with AvPD are preoccupied with their own shortcomings and form relationships with others only if they believe they will not be rejected. Loss and rejection are so painful that these individuals will choose to be lonely rather than risk trying to connect with others..."   

Never, ever run up to Embrastic unless she knows you well. She will freak out and bolt otherwise.

A lot of patience is the key with Embrastic.

She never... EVER allows here mane to be swept to the side and for her eyes to be seen. But, she does sometimes with a bit of encouragement from a friend. Or if she feels that she is alone and it's raining.

When there's deep fog or fog in general she'll become a bit more sociable as she feels that the fog hides her. It's kind of like a security blanket.

She does not like large groups of animals. If a group gradually builds up, even if there are animals she knows if the majority are strangers she will back away.

Embrastic is incredibly self conscious about her scars.

She is very easily spooked. If she doesnt see you approach and there's suddenly a animal there, she will bolt.

She does not like couples in love. It triggers anger in her and she usually goes into a blind rage.( However, she will not physically attack the couple.) Why this happens, is unknown. Or she will become incredibly awkward and uncomfortable. Embrastic is usually blind to couples, she only reacts as stated if she is told although, on odd occassions she sometimes presumes that two animals are mates, and it also triggers that anger.

If she cowers and you cower back at her, she will see it as you mocking her even though you may not be.

Most of Embrastic's depression arises from a highly important friend leaving this world, her mood continued to downspiral in the events preceding it, leaving her incredibly broken.

Sometimes, in a VERY rare occasion, perhaps when she is 'happy', she'll tune up a metal / screamer song somehow. She'll sing, dance, maybe fiddle with a homemade harp, or even steal an Ipod to get to these songs. It's an addictive thing to her, and slowly, she is becoming very close to these songs; perhaps, in the future, she'll play and/or sing to these songs in public. This is the only way she can possibly open up to strangers.

Important Note:
When Embrastic becomes mentally unstable as she is now with death or any other occassion which makes her 'break', her mind is a mess and she will behave outside her normal personality. In a nutshell, she cannot think straight and will behave rationally.


L ikes

+ Alone time
+ Peace and quiet
+ Rain
+ Running around
+ Deep Fog
+ Spying


D islikes

- Random attacks/harrasment towards her
- Heavy magic;
- Loud, 'in your face' animals
- Being mocked
- Large groups
- Being around couples/mated animals
- Being called one of her aliases


F avorites

+ Awake and Alive , song by Skillet
+ Apples
+ Finding discarded bottles of Dr. Pepper with some soda still in them
+ Wandering
+ Heavy Metal / Screamer songs. In a rare occasion, she'll listen to these, maybe even sing them if she lost her Ipod, or there is no way to get to them besides said action.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2011, 11:51:21 pm by Embrastic »

Offline Flatsoda

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Re: My 'character'... perhaps adding more soon.
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2011, 11:51:37 pm »
Added IC appearence.