Author Topic: *.::Rukia's little Demons and Angels::.*  (Read 2000 times)


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*.::Rukia's little Demons and Angels::.*
« on: December 13, 2011, 11:57:44 pm »
~ Rukia's Little Demons and Angels ~

Males: 2 || Females: 6

**If you would like to rp with one of my characters, just reply here or shoot me a message! Don't worry, I don't bite.


2 1/2 years

Species: Lion
Pride: none
Mate: none
Appearance: click
This lioness may appear fragile and shy, but don't be fooled. She can have the loudest mouth and the strongest mentality you'll ever meet. Rukia won't hesitate to point out your flaws and she certainly won't hold back calling you an idiot (if she really thinks so that is). Like most lionesses, Rukia is very protective of her friends and family. To strangers, she may be seen as cold and 'withdrawn'. At first she is known as an observer rather than being chatty. However, when she has something to say, she'll say it. It may take time to break through the ice, but once that happens, you'll notice that she can be very selfless, yet stubborn. A flaw in the glass, in Rukia's case, would be her stubborn streak. Some may admire her for it, others may find it annoying and childish. When she wants something, or knows something, her determination and stubborn side will show.


3 1/2 years

Species: Lion
Pride: trying to start one
Mate: looking...
Appearance: click
One of the most quality features of Teranus is the fact that he is very protective. This can most likely lead to being 'overprotective'. So any mate he has must understand his protective instincts, but if he begins to suffocate her while being 'overprotective', she has to let him know. Teranus loves a good battle, especially when he is bored. He isn't a complete idiot, but sometimes when he sees the opportunity he'll try and start something. This lion certainly isn't shy, but he isn't outgoing either. Though he can be a bit bossy, but a natural leader. Thickheaded as he is, sometimes he can be very opinionated. This is how his mind works, for example: a lion trespasses on his territory, instead of reasoning or questioning why he or she is there, his protective and territorial instincts will kick in and he will go right into--time to fight the intruder out of here--mode.

2 years

Species: Cheetah
Group: none
Mate: none
Appearance: click

3 1/2 years

Species: Lion
Group: none
Mate: none
Appearance: click
Athena is very strong-willed. She fights for what she needs and what she believes in. She is a true warrior (like the Greek Goddess). However, she tends to take things literally because of her seriousness. Athena isn't one to joke around, you're lucky that she'll get a joke or even know what a joke is. Therefore, one needs to be patient with her and to show her that not everything needs to be dark and serious. Athena is very independent. In a battle don't even try to shield her, she'll take it as an offense and will be spiteful in return. Even though Athena seems to always be serious, she doesn't like to show it, but she has an incredibly soft spot for cubs. She'll tell them stories of epic battles, past Kings and Queens, and she'll even play fight with them. Any other lion (who is not a cub) would be lucky if this soft side of her was turned toward them.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2011, 05:24:23 am by Rukia »


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Re: *.::Rukia's little Demons and Angels::.*
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2011, 12:14:33 am »

3 years

Species: Wolf (unless I can make up one for her I will)
Pack: none
Mate: none
Appearance: click
This female can be quite shy, especially toward newcomers. She doesn't seem to talk much, but when she grows more comfortable her shyness will fade away toward that particular individual. Despite that she is shy, Inka isn't very timid. Many mistake her shyness for being timid, and some take advantage of that or they are too kind toward her. Inka adores hunting, it's one of her favorite past-times as well as heights. Even though wolves do not possess cat-like claws, Inka has the determination that one day she will be able to climb a tree. You can count on it! Though this female has a very soft personality, she isn't afraid to fight if she has to or speak up for herself. A weakness for Inka, however, would be pups (cubs, foals etc. anything that's a baby!). She would love to have some of her own one day.

3 years

Pack: none
Mate: none
Appearance: click


4 years

Species: Hellhound
Mate: none
Appearance: click


age unknown

Species: Dragon/Psychic; Pokemon
Pride/Pack/Tribe: none
Mate: none
Appearance: click
« Last Edit: December 18, 2011, 04:57:02 am by Rukia »