The land of Tigu.Download Kirutiku of maps:Unzip the files, and put all of them at FeralHeart\exports folder
Map size: 4096 x 4096 (small)
version: 2.2
Short link to this thread: Report Bugs and crashes
Report glitchesCredits:Thanks to:
-Glave: For bringing and organizing Wombat stuff for FH and for your objects and textures, and particles.
-Hammilton: For your awesome meshes and textures.
-Jayfeather: For converting these meshes, and making awesome textures.
-Ingredient: For his sky maker tutorial.
-Lemonlollipops: For his meshes and textures.
-Jack: For finding these free awesome models.
-Saber: For his meshes and textures.
-The Wombat repository: to all people who published these amazing stuff at wombat.
-Simba and TLK4EVER for her FH+ stuff.
-To people who created Impressive Title meshes and textures.
-To each creator of meshes published at and
-To sivar and gr8sfx for publishing their sounds at and who published the fire sound at
-To for the textures.
-Thanks to all people who helped with a lot of stuff for the map, If i forgot to put your name in credits i'm sorry, please tell me.
Thanks to all people who helped me to test the map:
Kirutiku is a forest with a medium amount of rain, it has lightly days, very obscure Nights and spectacular orange sunsets.
During all the day and night you can heard the wind and birds singing not so loudly but enought to break the silence.
It has a big rock and you can sit in it to see all the forest.
It has a camp fire and you can get warm at the cold Night.
Here is the roof of the litle home
There are a sofa in a litle home where you can rest when the rain comes.
and a bed
Enjoy adventures of exploring kirutiku.
It has also a small rock den with a lot of clovers.
Tigu is a little young lion who has found the forest as his new home. Lonely he is in search of any feline living in this forest. Tigu is more sociable than agressive, even with other different species of felines and canines.
Other Downloads:(fhm, fho, fhs and fhw files)kirutiku for FH:
Fast computers <12.3MB>
Common computers (Recomended) <10.7MB>
Slow Computers <9.6MB>
kirutiku for FH+ (FH Plus only):
Fast computers <16.8MB>
Common computers (Recomended) <15.2MB>
Slow Computers <14MB>
Download original files: (only for map editing)(meshes, textures, cfg files, etc.)Download kirutiku <13.8MB>
Please read the important note about installing the mapmap info:Number of objects at map: ~2200
Total size: ~12MB
Music: No