Author Topic: Small wishlist of helpful/fun/aesthetic upgrades.  (Read 1498 times)

Offline Maska

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Small wishlist of helpful/fun/aesthetic upgrades.
« on: January 05, 2012, 12:18:45 am »
1-either an option to lock your character's current location in order to click on another for their details/bio. Or Making a new tab/button that brings up a window that shows everyone's name that is online at the moment with an auto update or a refresh button. Upon clicking on the username it would show the bio, add, and whisper options. This Would be helpful for not disturbing rp's less and would lessen the aggravation of trying to find the hit-box on a character's model.

2-When moving in flight, the form of a player's character would be more straight (parallel to the earth) when moving with it's tail sticking out from the rear of the model. It's hind legs should be stretched out behind it as the forelegs would be tucked under it's chest area, and it's head ducked down some, trying to look as if the character is trying to lower it's profile, becoming more aerodynamic. The opposite to the character in it's idle flying state (hovering) would be kept the same as it is now. (Hind legs low along with tail, forelegs slightly stretched out. This aesthetic upgrade would be a bit nicer for those looking up to the sky, seeing the other winged animals fly above them, soaring through the wind. (Just for a descriptive/rp point of view)

3-The weather. Or lack there of it in the non-user-made maps as well as the values of both snow and rain in particular. Yes I've seen snow in "The South Pole" map outside of "The Lonely Cave" map that your new character arrives in. But it has nothing to interact with for the most part except that one cave which the snow just seems to phase right through. Even Notch (the creator of Minecraft) has the rain and snow actually collide with surfaces. Weather it be rain or snow, it all just seems to phase right through anything it touches. Now I am not talking about rain nor snow accumulating, All I'm saying is that it looks off to me whenever I'm under/in a den or anything else and the ' particles ' just fall over my characters even though I'm sheltered. I'm not trying to use Minecraft as the ladder here. It's merely an example of what I'm talking about. Having snow and rain in actual particle effects and coiled with everything else instead of only the ground geometry would be nice for the look of one's surroundings.

4-And lastly... What you type in the chat box should really not have to be re-typed after you log back in from being dc'd. The ability to copy/paste/cut (ctrl+c/v/x) sounds like a very useful idea as well for irritating deleted bios/group bios. I nor the possible countless other players cannot stress this as it just seems to be a feature that is intentionally being prevented. If not, state otherwise, please.

!!!Again!!! This is only a small wishlist. (List of things to hopefully come to be) Nothing more, nothing less. I would however love feedback on these small ideas as I have been talking with several of the players on these ideas already. I know full good and well that Kovu is busy with the bigger and more important bugs in-game. These are just ideas for additions/upgrades for another time.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2012, 04:41:59 am by Maska »

Offline Moonwolf678

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Re: Small wishlist of helpful/fun/aesthetic upgrades.
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2012, 02:06:46 am »
cool i like the flying idea
I need a new signature.