Author Topic: Fire Howl ~Chapter 1~  (Read 1406 times)

Offline DungeonSiegeWolf

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Fire Howl ~Chapter 1~
« on: January 10, 2012, 12:24:32 am »
Bet you guys are happy to witness another of my failed stories ;D

~~Chapter 1~~
~~Abuse Games~~

 I walked down the sidewalk bored. I enjoyed the peacful sounds of nature until I could hear the yells of laughter and the yelping of a dog. I walked a further and saw three young 13 year olds beating up a dog tied to a stake. I leaned over to get a better veiw of the massacre. The dog was lying on the ground, it looked skinny and badly beaten. I wanted to break up the fight, I did not want to see a innocent animal to be a victim of abuse.

 I walked slowly toward the boys, who were much smaller and weaker than me. "Now. What are you boys doing?" I said in a broad voice. The boys froze and slowly turned towards me. One small boy had  a baseball bat, one with a stick, and the tall one with a bloody wrench.  The tallest one spoke "Nothing. And if we were, what are you going to do about it?" I striaghtened up and walked to them. Pushing the smaller ones to the side I was then staring down at the tall one. I leaned to the left and saw the dog with it's eyes closed and mouth open and toungue out panting. I looked back at the boys "Can you give me a reason for what you are doing?" The two small bys looked at each other, slightly shaking and hearing one of them say "Don't tell him Jeff!" Jeff looked at me with a sarrcastic smile and cheery voice. "Well. We found her tied up and seemly belonging to nobody. We were very bored and layed a smack down on her." I gritted me teeth and crouched down a little lower to be face-to-face with him. "And I am going to lay the smack down on you if you and you're gang stops threatening this dog. Now get out." Jeff nodded. He and his gang fled to the streets. I stood up and yelled "And don't ever come back!" Again, I crouched down to the dog. I looked in her eyes, her brown, innocent yes. I layed my hand on her dirty orange fur. Her tail wagged in gratitude. Then a our shadows began casting longer ones. It began to grow dark. "Uh, I'm sorry girl. I wish I could keep you but I don't know if you're owned or not." I got up and ran to the house and turned my turned my head. "I'm sorry." I said to the dog, waving goodbye.

(May I write some more? O3O)
« Last Edit: January 11, 2012, 03:22:21 am by DungeonSiegeWolf »