Author Topic: Is it just me or is this game full of cliques  (Read 5579 times)

Offline Thowra

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Re: Is it just me or is this game full of cliques
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2012, 06:00:10 pm »
There are a LOT of cliques within the community, which is why I always play with the chat off. And as to the illiterate/literate topic, my view of a "literate" roleplay is writing in paragraphs and full sentences with proper punctuation and no emotes. Such as:

'Panting heavily, she narrowed her eyes at her opponent. "You're going down, Generic Bad Guy Name!" the lioness snarled, and lunged for his throat.'

And the "lunge" for the throat leaves room for her opponent to either dodge the blow or take it, instead of a "*bites throat* *dodges*"

I have nothing against those who prefer to roleplay using "**" actions, but if you're going to godmod like that take it to a party chat, not in local chat like I have seen some people do. It's just plain irritating to log on and see that before closing the chatbox.

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Re: Is it just me or is this game full of cliques
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2012, 02:31:08 am »
I see cliques mostly in General chat in Fluorite. I was apart of a clique, and I guess we're still a clique of friends, but some people left, quit, and went against everyone in the clique xD I'll stay out of the whole literate and illiterate conversation.. :3
« Last Edit: January 25, 2012, 02:44:19 am by Dunstan »
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Re: Is it just me or is this game full of cliques
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2012, 03:44:33 am »
If you are new to a particular roleplay, sometimes you have to just sit back and listen to what is going on. Once you've learned enough about what is going on, then you can fully join in and take part. I think it's normal to be ignored at first, because the other players don't know your character yet.


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Re: Is it just me or is this game full of cliques
« Reply #13 on: June 10, 2012, 06:53:05 pm »
This is why I'm angry. Well my computer's laggy so when I type when I'm trying to say hi it says hhii or something and looks weird. I think people ignore me cause I'm "illiterate" like I'm an idiot or such. Only a few people for example someone named Bow Murderer (if you see this I wanna thank you for the good time we had?) has accepted me and the fact that my Windows XP is laggy.

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Re: Is it just me or is this game full of cliques
« Reply #14 on: June 29, 2012, 10:36:06 pm »
oh there are so definitely cliques.
allow me to explain using highschool cliques and explaining what they are in fh.
(these are all in my opinion)

the preps (FH General talkers)- these are the people that are WELL KNOWN on general chat in fluorite. as in if you said general chat, these people would come to mind.

the Freshmen (FH Noobs)- these are just people who are either new to the game or act kinda clueless all the time.

the Jocks (FH Super RPers)- these are the people who have well known rps or are very well known around the RP universe.

the Outcasts (FH Invisible Rpers)- these are the people you rarely see and probably dont know exist, for they pretty much live in their maps with their rp group or friends.

Class Clowns (FH Trolls)- pretty self explanatory. these are the people who just go around trolling all the time. trolls stick together ouo and i mean ALWAYS trolling.

the Nerds/Geeks (FH Hackers)- Either actual hackers or people who know every glitch trick in the book, know the coding for the game or how to do mods like the back of their hand, and LOVE talking about it. Generally, they all try to outdo eachother with who knows the most.

the Seniors (FH MODs)- well dur. the mods run everything and everyone listens to them because their word is law xD

the Stoners (FH Mutes)- these are the people who come online and just kinda sit there watching everything quietly or just go online and walk away from their computer doing god knows what xD

the Flirts (FH Mate Beggars)- i mean overly mate beggars. or the people who hoard mates on every character.

The Fail Jocks (FH Godmods)- dont even get me started.

The Artists (FH Mapmakers/modifiers/coders/ect)- people who do a lot of art for the game and are well known for their maps, meshes, mods, or things as such.

the Popular Crowd (FH Popular FHers)- you know who i mean. those people who EVERYONE knows. and i mean everyone. the people who are either loved by all or hated by all. as long as everyone knows who they are, they fit in this group.

the Gangsters (FH troublemakers)- people who are always with their little group of people who tend to cause trouble. these would be the extremely annoying trolls who overkill it.

the Groupies (FH Groupies)- people who are always with their rp group or whatever group of friends. they come on, go right to their group. if their group isnt online, they arent online.

the Floaters (FH Floaters)- these are the people that are kind of in between the lines and get along with everyone but dont really fit into any specific clique.

the Workaholics (FH Committed Peeps)- these are the people that are so extremely committed to the game or their group that they do everything in their power to make sure that they can be on as often as possible to make sure everything goes right as well as possible in whatever they do.

the Honors kids (FH Mods in training/MOD buddies)- yep. these are the people who are best friends with all the mods or are the mods in training.

the snobs (FH No one likes you)- yes. these are the people who somehow managed to get ALL OF FERALHEART to despise them or have a reputation for being a complete jerk. they tend to flock together and are either being constantly banned, banned for life, or somehow manage to keep themselves from getting banned or caught.

and thus they are all subcategories of the 4 main cliques.

THE CANINE PEOPLE- "ew. lions suck. wolves are better. canines ftw" (aka wolfaboos)
THE FELINE PEOPLE- "ew. wolves suck. lions are the best. felines ftw" (aka antiwolfaboos)
THE MODS- "I AM LAW. now stop spamming me." ouo
BASIC FHERS- "I am just your average joe."

i just realized.

fh is kinda racist in a way :D cuz of the wolfaboos and antiwolfaboos xD its almost like theyre being racist towards eachother.

segregation is wrong D:

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Re: Is it just me or is this game full of cliques
« Reply #15 on: June 30, 2012, 04:49:50 am »
I think a sub category for the Snobs would be "the butthurts" these people after being banned or who have been banned either come to the forum and preach why their banning was wrong, regardless if they actually should have been banned or not XD

Offline JayCloud

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Re: Is it just me or is this game full of cliques
« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2012, 06:39:21 pm »
I had the same problem. You just need to find the right group of people. And hang out with them for awhile.  If people still aren't talking to you, just try to go and sit in, in their conversation. :p!