Author Topic: Wolves of the valley - Complete  (Read 3175 times)

Offline _-Rain-_

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Wolves of the valley - Complete
« on: February 04, 2012, 11:07:35 am »

Renn ran through the forest, fear overwhelming her. She stumbled and fell, the bear stood on its hind legs and roared. She heard snarling coming from all around her, then she was knocked unconscious...

Chapter one
Renn awoke slowly, she wasn't in the forest anymore, she was in a den. A wolf walked up to her, "Are you ok?" she asked. "A little dizzy" Renn replied. The wolf picked up some herbs and put them in a bowl shaped rock, then she picked up a rock and dropped it in the bowl. She repeated the process until the herbs were a powder, then she took another bowl shaped rock and went to collect water, once she did that she poured a little water in the herb powder. The wolf then took a stick and mixed it together, until it was a smooth paste. She then went outside and came back with meat, she poured some of the paste over the meat and put it by Renn. "Have this, it should stop the dizzyness." She said camly. Renn lowered her head in both submission and thanks, she then ate the peice of meat.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2012, 05:33:12 pm by _-Rain-_ »

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Re: Wolves of the valley - WIP
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2012, 03:43:48 pm »
Chapter one (continued)

The next Renn was strong enough to go back home, she was not part of the pack that took her in. The wolf that had treated her had told her about what had happened while Renn was unconscious. After Renn was knocked unconscious, the whole pack worked together to chase the bear away. Renn realised she had not introduced herself, "I'm Renn, who are you?" she asked the medicine wolf, "I'm Citrus, your very far from home." the medicine wolf replied. Renn wondered why Citrus knew where she lived, then it hit her, Citrus used to be in her pack.

Chapter two

"Why did you leave our pack?" Renn asked, "I didn't, the very same bear that chased you here chased me here, i escaped with fatal injuries but somehow i survived." Citrus replied. "I didn't know the way back because i didn't leave the center of the territory much, so i was a lone wolf for awhile. I then found this pack and joined." She continued. Renn was amazed, "Do yo know how to get back now?" Renn asked, she didn't actually know the way back. Citrus paused, "No..." she said. Renn was stuck here. "But we could try." Citrus continued. Renn's hopes grew, "Can we!?".
« Last Edit: February 04, 2012, 11:38:07 pm by _-Rain-_ »

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Re: Wolves of the valley - WIP
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2012, 01:39:40 am »
Chapter Three

Citrus and Renn gathered their belongings, their journey through the valley would be long and hard. They would go by nightfall, Citrus and Renn lay down and slept until then. Renn drifted into a dream, she was back in the forest being chased by the bear, a soft quiet voice whispered, "Find the rock with the claw marks.". Renn awoke suddenly, it was night. Citrus was already up, "We better go now." she said. Renn nodded. They walked off into the forest, Renn looked around for the rock with the claw marks, she found it near where she was attacked. "Citrus!, look!" Renn yelled, Citrus padded over to Renn,"What is it?" Citrus replied. Renn gestured towards the rock, "The rock my dream said to look for." she said, "That's strange, i also had a dream to look for the rock, but i ignored it." Citrus said confused. "But why?" she continued. Renn picked up the rock, she noticed it glowed in the moonlight. They padded on until dawn, Renn leaned down to a nearby stream and lapped up some water. Citrus laid out two pieces of meat, she picked some mint and crushed it on a rock, she then sprinkled it on the meat. Renn nodded thanks and ate her piece of meat. Renn and Citrus slept until night. Renn had another dream, the same voice said, "Follow the fox tracks.".

Renn and Citrus awoke about the same time, they had some meat and set off again, they both knew what to look for. Renn heard a close roar, the bear appeared. Citrus fell over, Renn stood between Citrus and the bear, she snarled. Citrus got up, "You get the neck, I'll get the legs." she yelled. Renn nodded, she launched for the bears neck. Citrus snapped at the bears legs, narrowly missing being stomped on, she grbbed one of the bears front legs and pulled on it, knocking the bear to the ground, if Renn wasn't distracting the bear by biting its neck Citrus would not have been able to knock over the bear. Renn let go of the bears neck and spotted the fox tracks, she started to follow them,"Come on" she yelled to Citrus. They ran until dawn.

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Re: Wolves of the valley - WIP
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2012, 05:32:48 pm »
Chapter four
Renn finished her piece of meat and slept the rest of the day, only then did she realize why they travelled by night. The wolves in the valley only hunted by day, this was because of the night stalker. No-one knew what it was but it was said that wolves that hunt by night will be killed by it. They wanted to stay out of sight of wolves. Renn woke up and ate her piece of meat, she had had no dream. They padded on much of the night until they came to... Renn was suddenly being smothered by her family and fellow pack members, she looked over to Citrus who was also getting the same treatment.

She told her family about the bear and how they journeyed accross the valley. She had made it home, Renn was unbeleivably happy. Citrus was even more happy than Renn. Renn and Citrus had made it home.

The End.

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Re: Wolves of the valley - Complete
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2012, 07:45:59 am »
Nice story you wrote :) short but sweet. Continue the work, id love to see more!

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Re: Wolves of the valley - Complete
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2012, 04:39:09 pm »
Thanks :)