Author Topic: Felines VS Canines: who would win?  (Read 44233 times)

Offline TrollFace123

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Re: Felines VS Canines: who would win?
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2012, 08:57:35 am »
I say canines, remember not all felines are large lions tigers or cougars, oh my. I have seen more warrior cats then lions nowadays so you can't say that it depends on size any more. :P

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Re: Felines VS Canines: who would win?
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2012, 09:01:57 am »
A wolf wouldn't stand a chance against the strength of a lion. Why would you think a wolf would defeat a lion?  :P
Anyway, felines all the way! (Even though I barely play them on FH, what a shame. ;_;)
« Last Edit: February 06, 2012, 09:08:42 am by Raoran »


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Re: Felines VS Canines: who would win?
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2012, 10:04:31 pm »
Go cats go!!! *cheers*

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Re: Felines VS Canines: who would win?
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2012, 06:22:25 am »
Canines XD But thats proly just because i love wolfs. In Real life fight though feline would proly have the upper hand due to size and strength. I still vote Canine though ;)

Offline XxRavenpawxX

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Re: Felines VS Canines: who would win?
« Reply #14 on: February 11, 2012, 05:34:56 pm »
In the real world, a wolf would just run away, better safe then sorry.

Felines have claws they actually use for battle, and large teeth. However, they have low stamina, and don't typically work in groups, unless they're lions or something.

Canines have fairly good stamina, and work in groups, so that gives them the advantage of speed, teamwork, and confusion. However, their only fighting weapons are their teeth.

Ultimately, it varies on the species, weaponry, size, and stamina. If it's a coyote or jackal against a housecat, the canine would win. If it were a wolf against a tiger, the feline would win. Both species are cowards when you think about it, though.

But given he amount of godmodders on FH these days, neither would win! Unless it's a literate, realistic, RP with smart, educated people in it, of course.
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Re: Felines VS Canines: who would win?
« Reply #15 on: February 11, 2012, 05:44:10 pm »
wolves, i think that if there were a pack of 30 or so wolves aginst a pride of 10 or so lions, the wolves would win. and its not just one breed of wolf, it could be any breed of wolf or dog.


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Re: Felines VS Canines: who would win?
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2012, 05:46:29 pm »
actually nevermind, i agree with XxRavenpawxX, she makes a good point so lets just agree with her!


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Re: Felines VS Canines: who would win?
« Reply #17 on: February 11, 2012, 05:52:05 pm »
I think it depends entirely on the situation given, for both to be cowards as Raven said.

If it's a male lion and he has a pride, I'm pretty sure he'd protect his pride. But yeah.

There's absolutely no way a wolf could win over a lion.

Dog against cat? There are very equal chances. I've seen cats take down dogs, and dogs take down cats.

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Re: Felines VS Canines: who would win?
« Reply #18 on: February 11, 2012, 11:48:17 pm »
Dog against cat? There are very equal chances. I've seen cats take down dogs, and dogs take down cats.


Again, definitely depends on what canines and felines we're talking about here. Domesticated would go either way. Heck, when I brought home my cat, she immediately put our dog into submission. In the wild, the same thing. But overall, felines would have the upper hand, regardless.
Whenever there's a debate on Felines Vs Canines Vs Hyaenidae VS Dragon VS etc., people always say their favorite animal. Not a good excuse, aye? I asked someone once on a Tiger VS Wolf fight, they said "I vote for teh woof!" I asked why, and they said "cuz the wolf is my favorite animal." Not that I'm bashing anyone or anything, just saying that voting for your favorite animal in a fight doesn't always cut it. Take gladiator fights for example, you never know which warrior will win. But with animals, it's very different.
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Re: Felines VS Canines: who would win?
« Reply #19 on: February 12, 2012, 03:31:29 am »
I absolutely hate it when people do that Raven, when people try to say one would be able to defeat the other based solely upon what they like. Canines and felines arent a football team, you're being asked to be honest about which you think would win. I adore canines, slightly more so than feline but who do I think would win? In terms of wild animals, felines most definately. Why?

For starters, both have powerful jaws. But in terms of claws? With the exception of a small sliver of the cat family, all felines have retractable claws. What does that mean? Their claws remain sharp. Canines? ...Not so much. In addition to that, wolves are not built to smack with their forepaws, their claws are just meant for gripping.

In addition to that, this entire talk of lion prides versus wolf packs. Um... what? Take into consideration that canines are NORMALLY social while felines are solitary. Lions are the ONLY felines to live together in large groups of both genders. I believe that a feline's ability to survive WITHOUT the support of a group and prosper exceed's what the wolf pack can do. Consider a mother tiger who gives birth to three cubs versus a wolf mother who gives birth to three cubs. The wolf mother relies on her mate to deliver food to her, and if its availible, support from the rest of the pack (though in the wolf's defense, it isnt always availible) The mother tiger must rely on no one other than herself to get those three cubs to adulthood. And for NEITHER mother, is there ANY guarentee that any of their cubs will make it. In addtion to that, if a lower level wolf were to say, produce offspring, those offspring will impede on the needs of the first mother's offspring. For the tigress, given that she is solitary, that will never happen.

But, before we get too far along, consider this. Many of you are comparing wolves to lions and the sort, just as I compared wolves to tigers. But, had anyone considered something such as.... a fox versus a bobcat? Or a jackal versus a pallas cat? I think things would become rather shakey in those terms, but you have to look at individual species to really speak for those battles.
As for domestic pets, Im thinking of this less as the petty little fights we see between our house pets and animals acctually trying to kill each other. I have to say canines win here. Most domestic housecats arent that big, and when a dog has an intent to kill, I doubt a little hiss and smack to the nose will ward it off, at least, more often than not it wont. Because how often do you hear "Oh someones cat killed my dog" You dont, right? But you most certaintly hear "Oh my neighboors dog killed my cat or killed a cat."  Most domestic canines are larger, but even disregarding that, I think even some of the smaller canines, again, if the opposing side had the intent to kill, would win.