Author Topic: Sock's Subjects  (Read 4206 times)

Offline EvilSock

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Sock's Subjects
« on: February 05, 2012, 05:33:03 pm »
Because I felt like it.
In order from most used to least used.


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Dormin's Tribe
Tribescat (loner?)?

Pelt Color:
Sandy beige.

Eye Color:
Golden brown.

Cheetah 1 Head.
Cheetah 1 Body.
Cheetah 2 Tail.

Tyme appears to have a rather placid, poised and calm demeanor that rarely wavers under snide or harsh comments. Her voice is gentle, her eyes kind, and her tolerance seems to be quite high - but,
this is just all for show.

She uses a masquerade of passionate benevolence to influence those around her to abide to her desires; as such, this feline, though honest and loving she may appear, is actually riddled to the core with lies and deceit. Lying is just about her only talent, and she relies on it for just about everything in order to get what she wants. And because of this masterful talent, she can often assume when others may be lying to her; to which she finds absolutely hilarious.

Through her soft, compassionate golden gaze, she may listen to your sob-stories and pretend to sympathize, but deep down, she's drinking it all in and stirring it into a whimsical concoction for her own benefits, which emphasizes her willingness to back-stab anyone and everyone for her own ambitions and 'games'.

These games? They're nothing more than turning everyone against an individual, ruining their lives and hopefully driving them up the wall. She doesn't pick just 'anyone' for this, her usual targets are female, but will go for anyone that she generally doesn't like the look of. Sometimes she works quickly, sometimes she just sits back and takes her time; basking in the thrill of the climax and giggling away at herself inside her mind. Despite her cruelty, Tyme would never allow her actions to take a life. The thought of getting her recently-washed paws dirty is just revolting to her.

Her standing with the Tribe is neutral, she treats those higher than her with courtesy in the hopes of climbing up the hierarchical ladder, and leaves those below herself to be subjected to her subtle puppetry. Tyme has a firm disliking for females due to her competitive fondness for males - of any species, and often makes them her prime targets. She'd prefer a nice strong tiger to play and taunt with, rather than her gender opposite; which is blasphemy to the Tribe, but to her, it's just fun and games. Of course, she has yet to have that opportunity and can only twiddle her paws and wait.

She doesn't care much for Dormin in the worship-sense, but recently she's beginning to fear that her actions may one-day be punished severely; to avoid this, though lazily, Tyme often brings less than meager offerings to the Alter in the hopes to suffice her wrongdoings.

But all the above is just one side of a flipped coin. Her cold interior is just another addition to the entire enigma that is Tyme. Beneath the cloak of calculating menace is a lost cub, lonely and craving to be understood and loved.

Through all her cunning wit, and layers of fakery, once Tyme alliances herself with somebody, she'll never abandon nor betray them On the other hand, this is very much unlikely due to the female's attention span; as she doesn't get much chance to bond with others because she tends to flutter from one feline to the next like a moth to a flame. She's shallow, and refuses to see good qualities in most people. To her, she's in a fantasy world, where the inhabitants mean little to her unless they have something she wants.

All in all, Tyme is calculative, sly, confident, manipulative, deceitful, flirtatious, ambitious and intelligent- though extremely naive to the world outside the Tribe's territory. The news of lions entering the lands means nothing to her, for she doesn't even know what they are.

Tyme was born healthy into the Tribe along with her three male siblings. And right from birth, she seemed to be the outcast. Her brothers were always first to nurse from their Mother, making no hesitation in kicking her out of the way when it was her turn. Her Mother didn't seem to care, for in her eyes, if Tyme couldn't fight for her food, then she would be of no use to the Tribe.

Tyme survived long enough until she was weaned on meat, however the critical lack of nourishment at the beginning of her life had stifled her development. She was much smaller than the other cheetah cubs, and her immune system was poor; she was constantly coughing up filth and her eyes were watering and swollen. The adults, worried for their own health, ostracized little Tyme to a small hole in the ground, covered over by a protruding root from a nearby acacia. There she lay for two weeks, fed regularly by the tribes-cats who tossed their leftovers into her ditch. During this course, she often cried out for her parents, but was rebuked with harsh scoldings from the Tribe for being so noisy.

Being alone and rejected for so long at such an early stage in her life left its mark. Once she regained health, she kept away from everyone, spending her time just outside the outskirts of the 'city'. She found it awkward to be around her tribe-members; she lacked social skills, and was nervous of being yowled at for talking again. And when you're alone, well, you have a lot of time to think. Tyme thought about her parents, her clan, her brothers; they all seemed so important now - but what was she to them? A burden? Whimpering cub? Anger directed toward herself seethed and evolved into hatred for everything and everyone.

She continued to spend her time alone, so much so that it almost seemed like she wasn't apart of the Tribe anymore. She did nothing for them. She hunted for herself, and hid the remains to eat later, rather than share. They, for the most part, simply ignored her - with the exception of being called a 'leech'.

One-day, at the age of two, she was consulted on an out-crop of a ledge by her Mother. They both argued about trivial subjects, before her Mother threatened that Tyme would be booted out if she couldn't make herself useful enough. This seemed almost tempting to the young cheetah, but she knew nothing of the world outside her territory. She knew how to hunt, but what if she came across the Kokuru Clan? She'd never been taught how to fight, and even her speed wouldn't come in handy when it came to the almost endless stamina of a hyena. No, she needed the protection of her Tribe.

But first, she needed to gain back their respect.
Ideas kindled deliciously at the back of the cheetah's mind, and then, she had it.

Three days later, Tyme crept into where the latest arrivals of the Tribe were sleeping in their snug lichen piles. They were young. Less than a week old, and still dependent on their mother - they wouldn't remember a thing. Tyme quickly grabbed one of the dozing cubs and skadoodled out of the vicinity, keeping to the grove of trees to avoid being spotted. The cub had been almost listless in her jaws, blissfully unaware of what was going to happen next.

Once out of the city, Tyme made her way toward where the herds were last spotted. Once she found found her target, a cape buffalo, she quickly placed the wriggling cub down. She briefly apologized to the cub in a disdainful mumble, before sinking her teeth into it's shoulder, shaking it back and forth in order to create a decent puncture, but not enough to fatally wound it. Almost immediately, the cub had begun to wail out in pain with it's pitiful chirps. She didn't want to hurt the cub, but it needed to be done.

Her eyes swept over to the same ridge that her Mother had spoken to her on, judging the distance needed for her to run. Inhaling sharply, she charged the buffalo. It was huge, and it was obvious that attempting to kill it head-on would lead to her death. She latched onto the buffalo's hindquarters with her dewclaws, biting down on it's rump. It didn't take long until the bovine began to buck, and the young cheetah was thrown off. Acting on instinct, she quickly, but clumsily, got to her paws before the twisted horns could impale her and sped off toward the ledge's edge. There, she waited until the buffalo had came just within inches of spearing her, and then made her attempt to turn and flee.

Unfortunately, that didn't happen. As she lunged forward and twisted to the side, the buffalo's horn lanced through her foreleg. Together, they fell off the ledge and plunged downward. There wasn't much the cheetah could do, other than to hang onto the buffalo's back uncomfortably. He was large enough to cover the cheetah's fall, but as of yet, didn't know how badly injured her leg was. Once she hit the ground, she went unconscious.

Later, she awoke to the members of the Tribe surrounding her with menacing faces, believing that she had stolen the cub and been thrown off-course by the buffalo. Tyme twitched, the truth almost coming out before she stopped herself. Instead, she made an elaborate lie that she had seen the cub in the jaws of a jackal exit the territory, and that as she had pursued it, a buffalo came out of nowhere and drove off the jackal. In the canine's haste, it had dropped the cub. Tyme then went to go on that the buffalo had attempted to kill the cub, but she had managed to trick it by driving it off the edge. Finally, she added that she had done so, knowing that she would die, but that was fine, so long as the cub would survive. The thrill of her made-up tale gave her an almost pleasurable sensation; it was so fluid, and her honest tone so believable, that the Tribe after a brief hesitation, renowned her as a hero and she joined fully back within the ranks as a normal member, her 'rescuing' of the cub died down within weeks.

But after one lie, she found it almost impossible to stop. Lying had gotten her the life she wanted back, and now it'd be used to serve for a much greater purpose.

After a while, Tyme began to spend less and less time away from Cenobia, and without telling her brethern why. Tyme  managed to become 'friends' with Delia, a lioness, manipulating her into believing that her city is in ruin, and that the lands are plagued by curses brought about by the lions's intrusion into the Forbidden Lands. She plotted to lure Delia into the city alone to further gain the approval from her tribe in the hopes of a higher rank, but before doing so, she desired to know all she can about the lions' ways of life; the lay of their land and their worship status. But when Delia took her to meet the pride, she was shunned; as she was with her Tribe many years before. And of course, she needed to gain their trust.

To accomplish this, in an action mirroring from her past, she threw Inku, a very young lion cub, off a cliff. Upon jumping off to play her part, Tyme dislocated and fractured her paw. When Cloud, the king came along, Tyme lied and claimed she had in fact rescued the cub. With the injured cub, the two made their way back toward the ruins in which the lions stayed. Tyme received treatment for her injured paw.

One day, Delia found Tyme looking rather 'upset'. This in fact was a ploy to get the lioness to feel sorry for her, which was a success. Delia decided to escort Tyme back to her home in Cenobia City. Her intentions was to have the Tribe use the lioness to blackmail Cloud's pride into doing their bidding; but this backfired, and instead, the Tribe put Delia on trial for being 'unclean'. Soon after, she was executed on the alter to become a sacrifice to Dormin.  As soon as Delia's sentence was passed, Tyme felt the burden of guilt upon her shoulders and quickly made her escape; hearing her 'friend' screaming her name in the distance, a sound that still haunts her mind.

Since Delia's demise, Tyme hasn't returned to the Tribe for fear of meeting the same fate, since they were attacked by Cloud's pride soon after; the cheetah feels that she is to blame for all of the death that day. She rarely took the time to hunt or rest, and as a result, Tyme looks fairly emaciated and is much weaker than usual.

Tyme took advantage of her time alone, exploring the land outside of her homeland near Cenobia.  During this period, she met Vance; one of Cloud's heirs. The two often exchanged bitter, sarcastic words upon their random meetings, and Tyme is still unsure of what to think of him.

During one of her many explorations when she was lolloping in the territory of the Felid's Ordinem, Cloud came upon her. Noticing the danger she was in, Tyme quickly attempted to flee, but to no avail. Cloud knocked her down before the cheetah passed out in a mild state of shock and exhaustion. She was then dragged off to the ruins where the Pride lives.

Currently: Tyme is being held captive in the Pride's ruins, with Cloud guarding her. The cheetah understands that she is being used as a weapon, knowledge wise, against her Tribe; to help Cloud kill two cheetahs, Garland and Felix, that are also responsible for Delia's death. Tyme has no qualms with this, for she dislikes the religious duo; however, she won't make things easy for the King unless she can get something out of it that will benefit herself.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2012, 07:57:09 pm by EvilSock »

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Re: Sock's Subjects
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2012, 06:30:40 pm »
Wonderful character bio m'dall. <3
~ Z A R O Q U E ~
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Offline FireRonin

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Re: Sock's Subjects
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2012, 10:22:00 pm »
 I <3 the evil sock!


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Re: Sock's Subjects
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2012, 11:23:38 pm »
Wonderful description!

Offline EvilSock

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Re: Sock's Subjects
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2012, 07:09:05 pm »
Updated. Removed some of the biographies of characters I no longer usee.

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Re: Sock's Subjects
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2012, 07:50:53 pm »
Awesome. I like your description. very good. =3

Offline Larka13

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Re: Sock's Subjects
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2012, 07:54:07 pm »


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Re: Sock's Subjects
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2012, 08:04:46 pm »
you forgot the cloume babies in her bellyz?

Offline EvilSock

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Re: Sock's Subjects
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2012, 08:18:59 pm »
Thanks guys.

and lol fish. TFL rules say nooo.


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Re: Sock's Subjects
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2012, 08:23:50 pm »
i r changed them? (8