Author Topic: ~Elements of Cerrodelm~ (Semi-Literate+ Wolf Roleplay) High Ranks open, Maps up  (Read 1771 times)

Offline Achilles

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What are the elements of Cerrodelm you ask? The elements of Cerrodelm are wolves who have certain powers tied to elements. For example; an Ice element wolf can freeze objects at will....Shall I explain the plot? A'ight then.
Legend says that one day wolves and elementals had to come together. Eventually, some fell in love with each other and had children, these children were the protectors of Cerrodelm. They each had part of an element and part of a wolf fused into them at birth. Now you're wondering what the elements fused into them are? Great! I was just about to mention that.


The Elements
(***If an element is rare, there will be a limit on how many wolves can be that element. If there is enough wolves that are that element, no one can join as that element, they must be born to a wolf of that element)

Marking Color: Red
Power: Burn objects; catch themselves on fire for defense; can summon fire
Rarity: Common

Marking Color: Cyan/Light blue
Power: Freeze objects; can summon ice
Rarity: Common

Marking Color: Blue
Power: Can change the temperature in water; can live without drinking water for several months; can bend water
Rarity: Common

Marking Color: Brown/Dark green
Power: Can heal others and themselves; can grow and use plants
Rarity: Uncommon

Marking Color: Black/gray
Power: Decides whether a wolf is bad or good when they die; can use darkness; can become a shadow
Rarity: Uncommon

Marking Color: Bright Green
Power: Smart; Good at fixing things; Can hack into others; Metal inner body
Rarity: Very rare

Marking Color: Purple
Power: See into the past and future; warp time
Rarity: Very rare

Marking Color: Yellow
Power: Can fly; Can use light from the sun;
Rarity: Uncommon

Marking Color: White
Power: Super-speed, x-ray vision, pause time, or fly.
Rarity: Rare

Marking Color: No markings
Power: No power.
Rarity: Extremely rare

Read the rules!
1) No godmoding, powerplaying, or autohitting.

2) Wolves cannot change elements.

3) A pup must be the element that their mother or father is. An ice wolf and a time wolf aren't going to end up giving birth to a fire wolf...

4) Be active, be on atleast once in a three-day period. For alphas and high ranks and such, you must be on every other day.

5) Be semi-literate. No symbols or text talk (*eats food* or I gtg the wlf sed) Do it like this: Vlad eats a caribou, then turns to see Ava. "Hello Ava!" He said through a mouthful. But try to make it longer than that.

6) If you wish to mate, do it through whisper where it's invisible to others.

7) If someone tells you to stop, stop.

8 ) Listen to Tekuno and I (Amaleene), whatever we say goes. (I may add more people to this list.)

 9) Tekuno and Ama can change any rules if they feel the need to do so.

10) If a wolf has broken some rules, tell them to stop, if they don't, then take a screenshot and send it to an admin or myself.

11) Mating with a loner or rogue is forbidden.

12) Tekuno and I are not afraid to ban you from our map.

13) All rules MUST be followed.

14) If you read these rules, add "Tekuno rules" to your application. (LOL had to guys, had to. -Tek)

WEBSITE (Has the map and everything else. JOIN IT or you can't get the map)


« Last Edit: February 12, 2012, 08:37:27 pm by Cyell »

Offline Achilles

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Bump? ;-;

Offline Achilles

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Maps are complete, guys. Tek is uploading them now.

EDIT; I just realized, I said you have to join the site to get the download....Nah, if you ABSOLUTELY CAN'T join the site, then PM Tek. (His forum name is Paintbrush, and his FH Username is Synthaero) I'm too lazy to find it and give it to you, but Tek will XD
« Last Edit: February 12, 2012, 08:39:24 pm by Cyell »

Offline Achilles

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BUMP! For crying out loud DX