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Author Topic: The Lone Rain(hoping to publish oneday)UPDATE!  (Read 3235 times)


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The Lone Rain(hoping to publish oneday)UPDATE!
« on: February 19, 2012, 01:26:36 am »
(the prologue is very short)

It was very far from home, you noticed a strange, dark mist shrouding the damp forest, the leaves turned pale, and even the treebark was nearly colourless, you kept walking, till you heard the soft sound of a song, sorrowful and sadenning, as you creep closer, the mist seemed to form the faces of crying cats, there horrified eyes staring straight at you, you shudder, and try to block out the despairing screams, you open your eyes, to see two ice blue eyes staring at you, the mist thins, and you see a black she-cat, unblinking, unmoving, and seemingly; unbreathing, her long curved white claws had dug deep lines in the colourless earth around her, her tail; long and thin. Her fur; short and ungroomed. Then her eyes; cold and sad, scarlet streaks formed a tiger-stripe pattern in her eyes, and her voice was like the wind "I know you seek us; The Lone Rain, Your family has disappeared, and your heart is broken. Welcome to your new home"

The Storm In The Pond
Lone Of The Dark Mists, leader of The Lone Rain, padded out into the open, she looked up at the sky, forever night. And jumped when her Deputy; Cassie Of The Deep Forests, padded up to her, Lone sighed in relief when she noticed her brown tabby pelt, and deep blue eyes "morning Lone" she mewed cheerfully, "good morning Cassie, have you got Thorn to check out that scar on you eye?" Cassie looked at her paws "no, not yet" at that moment, Thorn Of Prickly Bramble walked out of the Healer's den "you know, you really should pay more attention to yourself Cassie, I don't want that cut to get infected" he warned. Lone watched as Cassie followed Thorn into the Healer den. "can you show me how to climb trees today? PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!" Lone's apprentice; Blizzard came jumping up to her "not right now Blizzard" she sighed "WHY NOT!?" Blizzard yowled "I have to go to the Mist Pond" only leaders and deputies were allowed to visit the mist pond. Cassie Of The Deep Forest padded out of the Healer den "the cut is fine" then she noticed the look in Lone's eyes "Mist Pond?" Cassie asked, Lone Of The Dark Mist nodded, and the two cats padded out of the camp and towards the Mist Pond. It was extremely dark, but something shined in the distance, growing bigger as they padded towards it, it was a beautiful shining pond, but it darkened when Lone and Cassie looked into it, large drops of black rain was falling, and there were screaching cats. "trouble is coming, meowed Lone, urgently, she raced through the forest, trying to forget the reflection in the water.

Two little apprentices ran around like little balls of energy, "Storm, Blizzard, come here at once!" Lone growled, the apprentices jumped, then walked over to Lone "yes?" they asked simultainiously, Lone Of The Dark Mist sighed, she flicked her tail towards Luna Moon, the poor little thing was staring at them, her one blueish purple eyes gleaming "Luna Moon was scared off by her parents because she was the runt, she is very new here, can you two keep her company?" Blizzard and Storm nodded, bolting off towards Luna Moon, their always-cheerful faces seemed the best thing for the kit, even though Blizzard and Storm's past was sad, they somehow could always smile, the two of them had their family killed by rogues, they met as kits, and stuck together ever since, they are a great aspect of The Lone Rain. Snowflake ran over to them "can I play? can I play?" the excited kit bounced around the group. Lone smiled, then she heard Venom's voice as she spoke "my Lord, anything I could do?" she had asked, Lone nodded "could you hunt and check the border for newcommers?" Venom dipped her head and wandered off. as Venom of The dark and Shadows approached the border, she smelt a faint trace of cat, pinpointing where it was coming from, she stalked towards it, leaping out at the unexpecting cat, the cat, Who's name was North Wind, spun around "don't make me kill you" she growled, her redstained claws cutting the ground, her sad green eyes had a mad, murderous glint in them "never, ever, anger me!" then Mist leaped through the trees "Enough! Lone said to check the border for newcommers!" she growled "not intruders!" Venom and Mist lead North Wind to the camp, but Venom had been looking at the river the whole time, there was a cat, in the clouds, laughing madly at them. Lone sighed when she heard of the sight "it seems our ancesters are still against us, then there was a loud clap of thunder, Lone Of the Dark Mist raced out of her dens, a light was gathering in the clouds above Cassie "NO!" she yowled, dashing over and kicking Cassie out of the way, then the lightning struck, there was a sickening crack, and an agonised yowl, then Lone was lying on the ground, the earth around her scrorched.....

the beginning, or the end
Lone awoke, the storm raged, she saw Venom outside, hissing at the cat in the clouds, she yowled as Venom leapt from the tree, she scratched the cloud with her claws, then plummeted to the ground, the storm started to go, and Blizzard and Storm dashed out form the apprentice den, they helped Cassie bring Venom into Thorn's den "Venom!" Lone meowed, Thorn was muttering under his breath.....as usual.....then Lone blacked out again.....when rewoke, she saw VEnom "no! she gotta be ok!" she got up, running over to Venom "come on Venom! you saved us! you can still save yourself!" although it sounded cheesy, Lone really meant it, Venom was her friend, she couldn't let her die! then Venom stirred "you know Lone, I'm not dead yet" the cats gathered around Venom smiled, except Thorn, who was trying to make Lone and Venom ly down, although he wasn't succeeding very well, Blizzard and Storm walked out of the den giggling "Thorn will NEVER be able to get Lone to listen" BLizzard meowed "I know, Lone won't listen, but she will survive!"

(sorry, short chapter XD)

unexpected company
Lone called her cats to gather, she must spread news of venom's bravery, but Thorn was running out of the healer's den, yowling at Lone that she shouldn't be running around everywhere, Lone just rolled her eyes, and Thorn, annoyed but not defeated, sat down to listen. She looked down at the gathering cats "we are lucky to have no casualties after that horrific storm" as soon as she finished her sentence, there was a gasp from one of the dens, Storm dashed out of the den, scarlet blood dripping from her shoulder, then another cat walked out, he shoved a mangled body out in front of him, the body was North Wind! the new cat spoke "this cat tried to kill that young apprentice" he growled, Storm nodded, still shocked. the new cat had a blue mask over the bottom of his face, and bloodstained markings; fire around his eye, and the mysterious shape of a dragon curled up hi left leg, there was a peice of fur missing on his tail, and a massive scar over his right eye, the eye with no flame, that eye had a silvery colour, it was that blind eye, that seemed it could see, it was disturbing, this cat was strange, he sat down "I came to join you, Lone of the dark mist, of The Lone Rain, my past is as follows........." Lone sat down to listen to his story.

(short chapters right now, but there are gonna be heaps!)

the story
"when I was just a tiny kit, I had owners, humans who looked after me, but then, one night in a dreadful storm, strange humans came into our house, they grabbed their knives from their pockets, and killed my owners, I ran out from the shadows, yowling in rage and sorrow, they thought it was funny, they thought it was hilarious to see my grief, so they took me, they took me to their houses, and torchered me, first my eye, then, they found another cat, a cat identical to me, that cat was my brother, and together we escaped, but the evil humans came after us, and, to get away, as we came to a road, I saw my chance, I pushed my brother in front of a speeding car, it was as if in slow-motion, as he was dying, he looked back at me, one tear fell from his eye, but this tear was not clear, it was red, red with blood of betrayel, to fake my death, I had to kill my brother, but now, I wish I had died instead, but I didn't, I was blinded by my own selfishness, and intent to kill. I left his body, then came back to the house where my owners had died, I stole the silver daggers out of their bodies, using them as my own weapons, my want for revenge is unmatched by any cat, that is my story, but it hasn't ended yet."

(hello again! now, this past, and a lot of the character, was requested by a school friend called Tate)

Lone was shocked at how horrible his past was, then saw the glint of the silver daggers, tied on his right leg, he lifted his long claws, one was broken, he pointed it at Lone "let me join your ranks"
~to be continued~

« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 07:42:13 am by Laura »

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Re: The Lone Rain(hoping to publish oneday)
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2012, 02:26:11 am »
good story -kamras-
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Re: The Lone Rain(hoping to publish oneday)
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2012, 09:07:52 am »
Hello Stephen ^^, your character is coming into the story now ^^


Offline Silverwolfeh

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Re: The Lone Rain(hoping to publish oneday)UPDATE!
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2012, 12:27:49 am »
It's doing great so far Loneheart =D
I mean... Laura XD

Offline Emberflame

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Re: The Lone Rain(hoping to publish oneday)UPDATE!
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2012, 02:33:09 am »
this is cool! must find out what happens next!


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Re: The Lone Rain(hoping to publish oneday)UPDATE!
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2012, 03:43:07 am »
thanks.....(*!GASP!* is it Rainshaddow?!)

thanks Firespirit, the next part is coming very soon! ^^

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Re: The Lone Rain(hoping to publish oneday)UPDATE!
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2012, 08:31:44 pm »
cool :D

Offline Silverwolfeh

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Re: The Lone Rain(hoping to publish oneday)UPDATE!
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2012, 07:40:42 am »
(Yesh. It's rainshaddow ^^)


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Re: The Lone Rain(hoping to publish oneday)UPDATE!
« Reply #8 on: February 29, 2012, 07:49:39 am »
there is a new rank for anyone interested in having a character, and Rainshaddow has made a beautiful title

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Re: The Lone Rain(hoping to publish oneday)UPDATE!
« Reply #9 on: February 29, 2012, 08:27:40 am »
What title?