Author Topic: {Administrators and Mods I want you to read this please.} I HAVE SOME IDEAS!!!  (Read 4020 times)


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Erm I'd say only make the buttswing appropiate when the person is doing a good thing like some people make dancelines and use buttswing, and when the person would not use it properly I think the good idea is to make it disapear for that person who used buttswing in a inappropiate way. The swear filter in WolfQuest is annoying and neally made me uninstall it so the swear filter shouldn't be used. Maybe there should be a home for a rp and I really hate it when cape laggs and makes me unisntall the game and install it again so i think that would be a good idea. Spamming less than annoying, more than being banned. Maybe there should be 3/4 MODs in every map in FeralHeart. Maybe KovuLKD should hire some good MODs who dont ban people for no reason like I saw when I used to play another game and it said 'You are banned for 24 hours for bad words' but I just played.