Author Topic: Map for a group W/specifacations *see inside.  (Read 1178 times)

Offline alyamh

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Map for a group W/specifacations *see inside.
« on: February 20, 2012, 05:52:02 am »
Welcome! Um... I've made a map, and want to have a Clan/Pride/Pack come and RP on it. But not just any Clan, a clan I create, but I don't want to be leader. I have no idea whether to have just wolves, just lions, or both in it, I'll let enyone who joins decide. I'll include some screenshots of what it's (shaping) to look like.

Shaman~ Male/female persons (up to 5) who guide the pack, they interpret what the ancestors say by rocks, water, grass patters, ect. Shaman also act as healers.

Guide (or other name)~ Much like a leader, but he/she only does what the Shamans' decree is okay (i.e. Shaman says they can't declare war, the guide cannot lead the persons into war). Ranked by oldest to youngest. Also preforms ceremonies.

Guardians~ They guard the Guide and Shamans/They also watch over prisoners and what-not.

Warriors~ patrol and protect the boarder (their isn't really one... I think I need help on the structure of this thing), warriors fight in wars.

Scavenger~ A hunter, but also scavenges for dead carcasses or anything edible when it is scarce.

Neophytes~ Pretty much persons in training to be any of those listed above.

Mothers~ Females expecting or nursing, help other mothers give birth.

Youngsters~ BABEHS!!!


Stone bridge, goes across the water (Yes, I used the WaterMill default.

Shaman's sort of hearing room, they'll listen to the guide's proposal or pass judgement of those who break the law. You can see the two rocks out of the circle, those are there for two guards to make sure the shamans are safe.

Basic camp, it's unfinished but you can see the nursing den and the plateau where the guide makes announcements/preforms ceremonies. Let me clarify that the Shamans will NOT reside in camp, they need istolation to preform their duties. Some persons never see the Shamans.

Good view of the Guide's den, his is set for himself and his mate (allowed) and his neophyte. The Shamans decide who becomes a part of the guard and who becomes a shaman/Guide neophyte

Nursing den looking outside, unfinished. In the end it'll look like it's completely covered in [soft] grass and few flowers.

Please tell me what you think/if you'd like to join. This is just a rough draft, I would like someone to assist me in completion/suggestions for a better looking map.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2012, 02:52:09 am by alyssa »

Offline alyamh

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Re: Map for a group W/specifacations *see inside.
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2012, 02:58:24 am »
Also I could use some assistance with rules, guidline, and revisions. If you're interested but see something you don't quite agree with just say so and I can change it.