Author Topic: Edhal Huan Species  (Read 12717 times)

Offline xShadex

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Edhal Huan Species
« on: February 25, 2012, 06:51:34 pm »
Edhal Huan
Translates to Elf Dog

EDIT:: The Group and Map are done!! I will pm you guys the link!!
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Kermen Island used to hold all sorts of magical, mysterious wonders. The species that even lived there were magical, including the Edhal Huan's ancestors, the Templa Huan, which means Magic Dog. They were a peaceful species, with beautiful bright color markings, but it didn't last. Another species arose and hunted the Templa Huan, the Gurtha Rauko, which means Death Demon. They hunted the Templa Huans to near extiention, but the remaining Templa Huans got together and cast a spell, with their dying breaths, they changed the species into the now existing Edhal Huan. The Edhal Huan chased the Gurtha Rauko off the island, claiming Kemen just for them. But will the Gurtha Rauko one day  return..?

Edhal Huan are a pack oriented species, the pack is the most important thing. They will defend it with everything they have. They are loyal, but not to the point to have blind trust. They are wary of other species, and rarely ever come to trust them. They can rarely ever exist peacefully in a mixed species pack, they usually must have another Edhal Huan near them. Nor will they usually go off on their own. They are intense fighters, and all Edhal Huan are fighters. With the island, Kemen, they hail from, they learned to climb trees, even grew to build cave and dens in or under trees. They prefer the sky to the ground. They do not bark, they can only yip, snarl, yowl, or chirp, much like a cheetah.

The Edhal Huan always have a brown pelt, and underbelly. They will usually have elbow and rump tufts, and sport a back and head mane. Their manes are either the color of their underbelly or pelt. They have many body and tail marking variations, but only a few face markings, (such as: Swirl, Spiral, Skeleton [RARE], Celtic, Butterfly, Diamond Back, Simple Stripe, Eye Stripe 1 + 2, Eye Blaze, Eye Patch, Cheek Spots, Orbs, Starry, and Freckles 1 + 2.) Their ears are always sharp, (Either Sharp or Pitbull). They have very slim tails, (Either Thin Tail or Cat Tail). Their noses are almost always black. Their eyes can be any color, and shape, and their tail tips match the eye color. They are medium sized, the males usually being bigger than the females. They are skinny, from their years of climbing trees. They can live up to 500 years of age, with immunity to many diseases and viruses.

Upon Kemen only a few species remain, and they were twisted by the island's magic long ago. The Edhal Huan only hunt the Taure, a deer like species, the Menel, a bird species, the Shae, a fish species, and the Ndor, a reptile species. They hunt in small groups. They hunt by stalking their prey, chirping instructions to each other (in a very low frequency the prey doesn't hear), and then attack as a group. Rarely do they hunt alone, or only when fishing.

Mating Season: (Warning: Might Be Graphic)
Mating season comes in the Autumn, when the weather is cooling down.

A male Edhal Huan reaches sexual maturity after their 3rd year.They will chirp, and fluff up their pelt to attract a female. Their tail color will become brighter, and they will put on some weight. They will hold battles to see who gets the best female. They will throw themselves at each other, biting ans snapping. The heavist male will usually win.

A female Edhal Huan reaches sexual maturity after their 5th year. Their noses will go to a bright red color, and they will chirp loudly. They will slim down some, and will usually get a fluffier tail.

The Mating:

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Code: [Select]
[img]Full body shot image url here[/img]
[b]Name:[/b] (Prefers name to be in Elvish, but it doesn't have to be.)
[b]Name Translation:[/b] (leave blank if not in Elvish.)
[b]Parents:[/b] Father x Mother
[b]Siblings:[/b] Sisters:   Brothers:
[b]Short Bio:[/b]
« Last Edit: May 17, 2012, 01:57:55 am by Tori Hall »
Edhal Huan Go here to see my species. :3

Offline xShadex

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Accepted Edhal Huan
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2012, 07:04:23 pm »
Accepted Edhal Huan:


Name: Maeve
Name Translation: N/A
Age: 12 years
Gender: Female
Parents: Mori x Dulin
Siblings: Sisters: Songbird
Personality: Maeve is a loner, a rarity. She hates being around other Edhal Huan. She also has a few trust issues, and hates being under any non-Edhal Huan.
Short Bio: Maeve left Kemen looking for adventure. The wild side of life. She found it when she was attacked by a snake demon called Shade. She was saved my a local healer. The healer put a sealing spell on the demon, centering it into Maeve's tail. Shade's eyes then changed color's to match Maeve's and her became more docile. Now they are a fighting pair.

Name: Songbird
Name Translation: N/A
Age: 8 years
Gender: Female
Parents: Mori x Dulin
Siblings: Sister: Maeve
Personality: Songbird is quiet, and shy. She seems to depend on the pack more that most Edhal Huan.
Short Bio: Songbird was born after Maeve left the pack, she only heard stories of her sister, then one night she decidable to set out and find her. She was still searching for her sister when she received news her parents had died in a fire on Kemen. After returning to Kemen their funereal, she still searched for her sister.

Name: Arrna
Name Translation: Storm
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Parents: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Personality:Arrna is very quick witted, intelligent and strong. She is one to be wary of most of
the time and if you get on the wrong side of her she will usually not let you back on her good side easily. Arrna is very caring and loving of the Edhal Huan she trusts the most. Arrna is very curious of things and finds many strange items when she goes out to explore.
Short Bio: Arrna's mother and father died of old age when she was only a helpless little pup, but the pack took the place of her parents and cared for her and they made her into the person she is today. Arrna has found many strange things in her life and has put on most of  her findings such as; A pair of spikey earings, a necklace and two feathers.

Name: Coria
Name Translation: Purple
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Parents: Kamen X Ninnith
Siblings: Two brothers, one banished one dead.
Personality:Coria is a snappy Edhal Huan. She is quick to retort, and would rather not get involved in the drama of female life. She hangs with the boys, and only fights if she absolutely has to. She would rather hunt for her pack, even if shes not that good.
Short Bio:Coria was born in an age of plentiful food and no fighting. She had a good childhood, but when her brother were 3, they fought. Endlessly. Eventually, her brothers fought to the death. One died. The other was banished for killing a packmate, and she lived alone. She learned to stay close to the friends she had and to be wary of new ones.

Name: Oira Nwalma
Name Translation: Eternal Torment
Age: 5
Gender: Female
Parents: Du x Kalina
Siblings: Sisters: Im (Dead), Atara Tinu (Dead) Brothers: Ten-oio (Alive, but enstranged)
Personality: Cold and uncharitable with a hidden conscience that she never lets others see. Oira Nwalma is extremely hard to make friends with, but once you do, she is fiercely loyal, even a bit possessive at times. Love isn't out of the question for her, but she's not particularly interested.
Short Bio: Oira Nwalma always knew there was something strange about her older brother Ten-oio. He was remote, cold, and uncaring, and you would have thought he'd been born to kill, with wicked claws and no conscience. A year into her life she was proven right when he killed her two sisters, Im and Atara Tinu, over a hunting dispute, mad because they had stumbled and rushed too early, so they'd lost it. One moment, Nwalma was racing to stop the verbal fight, and the next, Ten-oio's claws were red and her two sisters were on the ground, life bleeding out through their necks. Furious at her brother, she ran at him, teeth bared. They fought over their sisters bodies for near on fifteen minutes-a long time to fight on anger-before they both backed off, snarling. At that moment she vowed that he would never be her family. No longer would he be her own brother. He was a murderer, the most despicable of wolves. He would die-by her claws. And that was that. Four years later he still roams free, and Nwalma has kept her vow, hunting him to finally take revenge for her sisters.
(If anyone wants to play him, feel free)

Name: Kalina Sira (called Kal by friends)
Name Translation: Light Stream
Age: 14 years
Gender: Female
Parents: MorAgar x Vanima
Siblings: None
Personality: Kalina is very polite towards others who she knows have important ranks or roles. If the stranger is someone like an outcast or prisoner, she can act cold or hostile, but usually just wary. Otherwise, she's intelligent and calm.
Short Bio: Kalina's father was an outcast from society, you could say. Her mother was held in high esteem by many around, and it was pondered by many why such an unlikely couple would mate. Well, Kal was their only child, and because of her parents' varied importance, she became just an average 'citizen' and is hardly noticed.


Name: Arauka
Name Translation: Swift
Age: 15 years
Gender: Male
Parents: Lasse x Alu
Siblings: N/A
Personality: Arauka is very hot-headed, stubborn and hard-headed. He rarely ever listens to others advice, thinking he can help himself with everything.
Short Bio: Arauka was born after a fire ravaged Kemen, the Edhal Huan population just starting to gain numbers again. He still lived there protecting the island with everything he has.

Name: Menek
Name Translation: Sleet
Age: 17 years
Gender: Male
Parents: Unknown X Unknown
Siblings: He had 2 sisters and 1 brother. One sister dead.
Description:Dark tan fur with sandy colored underbelly. Markings a dark brown. Markings are: Head:Eye Blaze -Body:Merle Socks -Tail:Top Stripe(Not visible in picture).Eyes an ice blue same with tail tip.Mane a sandy color, a bit brighter than his underbelly.
Short Bio: Menek was born in a time of poverty when not much food was around. Menek was the runt of his litter, and he was picked on constantly because of his tiny size. When he was around 6 years old, he had many females begging to be with him. He was very shy back then and never spoke to any. Now 17 years old, his personality changed drastically.He is a very sleek hunter and almost never fails to impress others.He is the oldest of all Edhal Huan
« Last Edit: May 14, 2012, 08:29:54 pm by Tori Hall »
Edhal Huan Go here to see my species. :3

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Re: Edhal Huan Species
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2012, 12:59:05 pm »

Name: Arrna

Name Translation: Storm

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Parents: N/A

Siblings: N/A

Personality: Arrna is very quick witted, intelligent and strong. She is one to be wary of most of
the time and if you get on the wrong side of her she will usually not let you back on her good side easily. Arrna is very caring and loving of the Edhal Huan she trusts the most. Arrna is very curious of things and finds many strange items when she goes out to explore.

Short Bio: Arrna's mother and father died of old age when she was only a helpless little pup, but the pack took the place of her parents and cared for her and they made her into the person she is today. Arrna has found many strange things in her life and has put on most of  her findings such as; A pair of spikey earings, a necklace and two feathers.

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Offline xShadex

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Re: Edhal Huan Species
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2012, 05:18:17 pm »
Accepted! Keep an eye out for a map and rp. Coming soon!
Edhal Huan Go here to see my species. :3

Offline DoUbLeRaInBoW

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Re: Edhal Huan Species
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2012, 10:04:21 pm »
Thankies  :D

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Re: Edhal Huan Species
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2012, 11:31:05 pm »

Name: Coria
Name Translation: Purple
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Parents: Kamen X Ninnith
Siblings: Two brothers, one banished one dead.
Personality: Coria is a snappy Edhal Huan. She is quick to retort, and would rather not get involved in the drama of female life. She hangs with the boys, and only fights if she absolutely has to. She would rather hunt for her pack, even if shes not that good.
Short Bio: Coria was born in an age of plentiful food and no fighting. She had a good childhood, but when her brother were 3, they fought. Endlessly. Eventually, her brothers fought to the death. One died. The other was banished for killing a packmate, and she lived alone. She learned to stay close to the friends she had and to be wary of new ones.

Offline xShadex

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Re: Edhal Huan Species
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2012, 12:15:22 am »
Accepted. Welcome both of you. ^_^
Edhal Huan Go here to see my species. :3

Offline DeathHowl

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Re: Edhal Huan Species
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2012, 03:21:34 pm »

Name Translation: Sleet
Parents:Unknown X Unknown
Siblings: He had 2 sisters and 1 brother. One sister dead.
Personality:Menek is very content,mischevious,and bold.He likes being around other Edhal Huan, especially females. His bravery also helps him around others of his species if his kind was ever under attack.
Description(Just an extra I added :3):Dark tan fur with sandy colored underbelly. Markings a dark brown. Markings are: Head:Eye Blaze -Body:Merle Socks -Tail:Top Stripe(Not visible in picture).Eyes an ice blue same with tail tip.Mane a sandy color, a bit brighter than his underbelly.
Short Bio:Menek was born in a time of poverty when not much food was around. Menek was the runt of his litter, and he was picked on constantly because of his tiny size. When he was around 6 years old, he had many females begging to be with him. He was very shy back then and never spoke to any. Now 17 years old, his personality changed drastically.He is a very sleek hunter and almost never fails to impress others.He is the oldest of all Edhal Huan
« Last Edit: March 18, 2012, 03:35:29 pm by kierra »

Offline xShadex

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Re: Edhal Huan Species
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2012, 06:30:23 pm »
Accepted. :3
Edhal Huan Go here to see my species. :3

Offline Dunstan26

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Re: Edhal Huan Species
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2012, 07:56:11 pm »
This species looks interesting.. Might join :3
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