Author Topic: Technology, it changes.  (Read 1420 times)

Offline Redlinelies

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Technology, it changes.
« on: February 25, 2012, 08:55:05 pm »
So.. around a week ago I was diddling around with this extra video card I was going to use in my PC. When I first opened the package and saw the box for it I was surprised by how small it was, but it was first when I was about to put in the actual graphics card into the computer with the old one removed I got really stunned.

We are all probably to keep that thought in the back of our head, how a few years old phone or computer isn't that good anymore, how things become smaller, faster, throughout better when it comes to these magical items that's pretty much a big part of our lives. But when I saw this, it felt like an arrow to the knee. *Derp*

Now for you computer interested ones out there I want to explain a few things. Both these are graphics cards aye. But what makes this so interesting is that the big one was bought around 2 years ago for around 300 euro and has 898 mb of video memory. The small one on the left were bought a few weeks ago for around 45 euro and has 1 gb of video memory.

So cutting things short, the new card cost around 6 times less, it's about half the size, and it's just as fast if not a little faster than the brick next to it, and it all has happened in 2 years. It really worked as a reminder how fast technology moves forward.
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Re: Technology, it changes.
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2012, 09:49:35 pm »
Haha, I know the feeling, Red.
I am always constantly amazed by the new technology that keeps on rolling out, rendering our one year old products as outdated. It interests me, and makes me wonder how much more technology can advance, and what else they can do to thinks such as TVs and cellphones.

As for computers, this just reminds me how my almost top of the line laptop purchased in 2009 struggles to run Skyrim on medium graphics XD
Bring on the future! 8D
I'm not active peeps. I've moved on it life, so to say, managing a game community with over a million players. I hope you enjoy my maps, meshes, and presets I made in my time here.

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Re: Technology, it changes.
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2012, 12:54:20 am »
Well, the size and price of your graphics card depends on what class of card you buy. If you buy a high-end card it's still going to be big and expensive. Especially if you buy one of the dual GPU ones.

Your old one looks like a 9800/8800 card, so if you buy a AMD 6990 or GTX 590 today it's still going to cost you 300-500 euro and be as big if not bigger than your old one :) But it's going to be A LOT faster.

Computer hardware in particular moves at rocket speed indeed, but it doesn't really change the size of the components due to standards. Look up Moore's law.

But if you don't follow any standards you can indeed make a very small and fully functional computer today, just look at Raspberry Pi.
Raspberry Pi - Quake 3 demo

Haha, I know the feeling, Red.
I am always constantly amazed by the new technology that keeps on rolling out, rendering our one year old products as outdated. It interests me, and makes me wonder how much more technology can advance, and what else they can do to thinks such as TVs and cellphones.

As for computers, this just reminds me how my almost top of the line laptop purchased in 2009 struggles to run Skyrim on medium graphics XD
Bring on the future! 8D

We have OLED coming up for TVs/monitors ;)

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Re: Technology, it changes.
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2012, 10:29:35 am »
Just so you don't bump of the trail here.

It's a 520 and a 275 gtx and not cards released 4-5 years ago. Even though it differs depending on which price class you aim for this was to demonstrate the quick changes in a nice picture.

Prize, size, performance and release all matters if we are going to be picky.

But what's interesting here is this:
A card bought for 1/6th of the price today, has the same performance packed into half the size of one bought 2 years ago.

Which I find awshumz and a simple way to see how fast everything moves forward.
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Offline Redlinelies

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Re: Technology, it changes.
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2012, 11:58:43 pm »
//Replies removed because of pointless trolling
« Last Edit: February 29, 2012, 11:11:39 am by Red »
Former community manager of FeralHeart


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Re: Technology, it changes.
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2012, 03:55:46 pm »
I'm forever amazed by how advanced technology is getting, how fast it's moving, and the things that are possible, and the things that were once impossible, becoming possible.

If you think about how far the world's come in the past twenty years, a span of time that used to marked by, considered today, more simplistic inventions. I mean, the giant cell-phone bags that people use to tote around in the ninety's, and now my phone can serve as a visual window for me and a person over a thousand miles away? 

I bought an HD Television when they were first coming out, a small one, albeit, to play my Playstation on. Set me back close to about six-hundred bucks. (I actually believe it was more.) I went and visited my sister recently, and she had bought the same one last year, one that had much better quality than mine ever had, I was definitely four-hundred dollars in the hole.

I look forward to the future, just to see how far mankind goes with technological advances. Like you said, Red, even in a span of two or three years, people are pumping out better and smaller, more utilized versions of things of old that are simply mind-blowing.