Author Topic: THE HUNGER GAMES [Inactive since 19/04/2012]  (Read 15635 times)


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Re: THE HUNGER GAMES ((Literate-Accepting Applications))
« Reply #50 on: March 29, 2012, 11:04:42 pm »
((OH MY GOD NARUJEN I'M SORRY xD I had a derp moment. -blondeplz-))


My stomach lurched as I watched the bloodbath unfurl. I'd found someplace safe to hide and watch the Cornucopia. I watched as both tributes from District two lay motionless and still by the Cornucopia--supposedly where the weapons they were after once stood, and as the other tributes fled from the scene. Smart. The Careers were still fighting it out somewhat but had noticed where the other tributes had disappeared to. I bit my lip. No doubt the Careers would head here first. "-Removed by Moderator-..", I cursed quietly under my breath, brushing myself off. I hadn't seen a stream or a source of water anywhere, so I supposed it was better that I leave quickly.
The short rest I had was rewarding, rejuvenating my muscles and willing me forward once more. So far I was lucky. I hadn't come across any other tributes, nor any traps from the Game Makers. I'm panic stricken. Yes, there were cherries here, and that's most likely the only source of food--I hadn't heard a single bird chirp since I stopped running--but since so many other tributes had come this way I couldn't risk it. So now where? The rocks? The field? or the desert? I don't exactly know what happened but my legs had turned and steered me back down the mountains. If this was to be the end of me...
On my way back down the mountain I found my legs were steering me in the direction of the desert. BANG. Another one gone. I found myself thinking that it was the frail young girl from District 3, her light hair making her an easy target. I cursed again, remembering my hair was white and how easily I'd have been spotted if I'd stayed in the mountains. Well, that's it. No going back there. I stumbled, thus, falling. As I fell to the ground I let out a yell of agitation. I quickly covered my mouth with my hand. Had any of the others heard that? I got to my feet, hissing in pain. I'd twisted my ankle. Despite the pain I continued running. If I survive this, my mentor's going to give me hell about running on a twisted ankle. He's a medicine freak. But whatever. I continue running, eventually getting used to the pain and learning to ignore it...

((That makes three dead guys. Both tributes from District two, and whom else? You vote the female tribute from District three? OTL.. Otherwise known as the girl Kai stole the weapon from?
Plus; I'll be sure to put GAMEMAKER in bold then the Game Maker's post if I see any interference needed. What's an arena without traps, eh?))
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 03:25:40 pm by Kynvuu »

Offline xXKitsuneNinjaXx

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Re: THE HUNGER GAMES ((Literate-Accepting Applications))
« Reply #51 on: March 29, 2012, 11:47:20 pm »
(I'm in the trees, but that's OK. My post was so long I probably wouldn't have read the whole thing X3)
I whip around, backflipping and gripping onto a tree, the bark digging into my soft palms. I spot a young man about twelve or thirteen-around my own age.
   'Why should I tell you?' I say without feeling, holding my backpack up as a shield to any attacks.
Then I spot his pistol. I'm surprised the game-makers actually included that. I stay on guard, my hand instinctively inching toward my kunai knives. On the other hand, he looks like the kind of person I was suspecting would be a good comrade...but I really hadn't assessed his skills yet, and that gun set me on edge....
   'Tell me who you are...and I'll tell you.... Although I will tell you I'm the Tribute from District 11'
I smell cherries...they smell sweet, but for some reason, their scent is little bit off from the ones in my orchard at home. I also (like Lithium) do not hear any birds, and notice the occasional dead rabbit or squirrel around.
Lame post, but I can't think of anything else to include when I'm replying to someone D:


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Re: THE HUNGER GAMES ((Literate-Accepting Applications))
« Reply #52 on: March 30, 2012, 12:12:13 am »
((That's fine Kitsune. c: ))

Offline xXKitsuneNinjaXx

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Re: THE HUNGER GAMES ((Literate-Accepting Applications))
« Reply #53 on: March 30, 2012, 01:30:05 am »
(Thank you! C: You're always OK with my lame/rambling posts X3)


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Re: THE HUNGER GAMES ((Literate-Accepting Applications))
« Reply #54 on: March 30, 2012, 03:45:30 am »
((They aren't lame, and certainly aren't ramble-y. <3))


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Re: THE HUNGER GAMES ((Literate-Accepting Applications))
« Reply #55 on: March 30, 2012, 10:32:04 am »
(@xXEmo_CookieXx: It's all right. Everyone has their derp moments. XD

@Kitsune: I agree with xXEmo_CookieXx. Your posts aren't lame nor ramble ^^)

After running for about 40 minutes Junko stopped and wiped the sweat from her brow. 'I should be safe... For now,' she thought as she breathed heavily.


Junko turned to look back in the direction the Cornucopia is.






"Three already, huh?" she mused after a few seconds of silence. Good. That meant there was going to be less blood on her hands after this stupid game was over. Sighing, she got down on her knees and placed the backpack down in front of her so she could go through it. Glue... String... Buttons... A thin beige blanket...

"And a...pair of socks," she muttered, staring at them. She huffed in annoyance. "Great. What can I use this stuff for? To make a sock puppet?" she grumbled before she stuffed the useless things back into the backpack, followed by the rest of the items that were in it.


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Re: THE HUNGER GAMES ((Literate-Accepting Applications))
« Reply #56 on: March 31, 2012, 11:28:11 pm »
(Kitsune: I also agree's! ^.^)
Kai continued dashing towards the rock area until he came across a rather tiny cave, sure enough it would be cramped but would prove a great hiding place and shelter. The main problem was that it was not large enough for more than one person, so if Kai gained any allies they would have to find a resting spot elsewhere...
The dark haired youth sat beside the cave and began to rummage through his rucksack, finding that it contained: a small bottle to carry water, a pair of rabbit traps, and bandages. Not a bad gathering... Kai thought to himself turning each item over in his hand carefully before stuffing them back into his rucksack along with his knife.
Unsure of what exactly to do, Kai decided to look for water and gained higher ground to get a good view of the arena. The only water source he could see was that beyond the desert, which seemed like quite a good long trek to reach. Maybe that where they want us to go...we all have to go there to get water, and that how they get us to fight... He let out a snarl under his breath, reminding himself that this was some stupid sick game set up by the capitol and he shouldn't be here waiting to die anyway. However, Kai was not planning to sit there and die. I'll head there at nightfall, and get some rest now...everyone else will be ready setting up camp... 
A sudden dull cry echoed around him, it was clearly from quite a while away. But it meant someone was wounded, and that someone was now weak. Maybe its time I started playing this game the bloody way they want me too...But could I really...Kill?


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Re: THE HUNGER GAMES ((Literate-Accepting Applications))
« Reply #57 on: April 01, 2012, 01:41:40 am »
((Just got back from seeing the movie. It was good and a little fast paced with minor mistakes, but other than that it was glorious.))


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Re: THE HUNGER GAMES ((Literate-Accepting Applications))
« Reply #58 on: April 04, 2012, 03:25:51 pm »

@xXEmo_CookieXx: I enjoyed the movie too, but the only problem I had with it is that it seemed too fast paced to me. Like, everything was happening so fast that I didn't get a chance to become attached to the characters. Katniss's little sister? I wouldn't have cared whether she had been replaced by Katniss or not. Rue? I was attached to her a little bit but by then she was killed off. Of course, this is coming from someone who hasn't read the book yet so I haven't gotten the chance to get attached to the characters as much as the fans who have read the book.)
« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 06:07:00 pm by Narujen »


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Re: THE HUNGER GAMES ((Literate-Accepting Applications))
« Reply #59 on: April 04, 2012, 06:00:50 pm »
( ^ Agreed. By the way, love that Siggy :3

Awh why nobody possttyyy! : ( Pleeeaasee dont let this RP dieee)
« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 07:42:09 pm by LunaSpirit »