I know it's closed atm, but just in case you come back and re-open it~
Username: Ashanii
Preset Name: Ygga
Preset # ((optional, put preferred)): Preset 11
Feline/Canine?: Canine
Image/description ((Must be a detailed description)): Ygga is a redd-maroon colour with a deer and wolf-like skull for a face. The last half of her tail is all an offwhite mist and translucent. She also has a double row of three cenipede legs starting at her collarbone and going to about mid-ribcage. She can have whatever type of antler, but I'd prefer it be something impressive and blends in well with the skull.
Mane? No
Wings? No
Realistic or Plain? I'd like it to look realistic...
Animated? Transparent? Translucent part of tail
Extra Details not covered in reference? I'd like my prest not to blink, so if you could cut out the eyelid that would be great. Other than that, here's a quick sketch of what she looks like... Hopefully it'll help... Sorry for the crappiness of my art lol~