Author Topic: .| Irregular Mainstream |. Pitbull Biography & Information  (Read 1365 times)


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.| Irregular Mainstream |. Pitbull Biography & Information
« on: March 27, 2012, 03:06:08 pm »
No vital information is going to be here, like where you can find me in the world or anything like that, just things in FeralHeart that might help you or give you a clue to what I do and who I am.

Name; Foxfang Missouri Pitbull
Alias (what you can call me if we're not "friends"); Foxfang, Pitbull.
Friend Alias (if I know you and we're on good terms); Fox, Foxeh, Pitbull, Pibble.
Age; In my early 20s
Nationality; Black British (Born in Nigeria, living...GUESSWHERE)
Sexuality; Bisexual. *dealwithit*
Plays; FERALHEART+ (only)

Okay those are the basics. Here's the rest, or whatever I can be bothered with.
I can't be described as anything normal. I can have what's known as a Jekyle & Hyde personality, but I don't take sides, especially over the internet.
Life, friendships and alliances are fickle and easily change, again, especially on the internet. I don't moan about others and I don't like being moaned TOO about others. You moan about me behind my back, and I could care less about your sorry hide. I'm not stupid or naive, I've been through too much to even start playing the playground game of "I'm better than you".
Many may find my "attitude" unpleasant, but you'll notice I don't go out of my way to troll or make any situation awkward. To find me doing that, means you've got up my nose. That takes years to do.

I like my personal space on FeralHeart, so if you randomly come and sit near me, or on me or something, don't expect my reaction to be anything less than vaguely hostile. Random whispers and friend invites are ignored. Persistent invites etc, unless justified are met with blocks and nothing else.
I have my fandoms which I like. They are many and sometimes vague as well.
Roleplaying for me isn't something I do often, since my standards are high. Literate and structured are the basics for me. Structured insofar as I have to have a posting order in the roleplay, or something close to that. Most other categories are  can be bent at will.
Matebeggers are dealt with accordingly as well.

I don't chat-speak, in fact, I loathe it. I refuse to hold conversations with anyone who insists on using chat-speak.
You address me rudely on FH, I will address you back in the same manner, if not worse, depending on how I feel. Manners are greeted with manners. I will never address an individual or otherwise rudely unless they do so first.

I respect authority and I know who is a mod on FH and who isn't.
If you're not a mod or staff, you hold no power over me. Deal with it.
I do not command authority or respect and will not attempt to correct anyone unless the problem is something huge. The block button is my best friend.
Racism, Sexism, Homophobia etc is not tolerated by me. It results in instant ignoring, but only blocked when and if the situation goes out of hand. Even homophobes and racists are allowed some say in whatever it is they want to spout.

I'm not looking for trouble, but I'm ready for it if and when it happens. Otherwise, I can be rather pleasant.