Author Topic: About the Wings of FH  (Read 4091 times)

Offline Goldchocobo

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About the Wings of FH
« on: March 29, 2012, 05:57:57 pm »
I know this isn't a new topic on FH, but I still feel it hasn't fully been realised.

I know that the wings were 'rushed' because they were in high demand, but I question... why not make the players wait a little longer? instead of bringing out half-a-creation? you wounldn't bring out a half-finished film? I understand if their preveiws.. but.. still...

My main problem with the wings, is, like with everyone else- the model used. some claim they are 'better' than IT/IW's, I strongly disagree with that.

I studied art and anatomy, went to Uni and quit because the stress was too much, I've also had over 20 birds in my life, one with Angel wing (a diformaty) so I could pick him up and would regually check his wings to see if they were healthy and such... so I'm not just some random 'n00b' who knows nothing about wings or their structure.

now, a Wing is much like your arm... your arm has a shoulder, Elbow and wrist, so does a bird's wing, only their 'hands' are two small peices of bone reminisent of their Dinosaur ansestors (don't bring up relegion v evolution, this isn't about that)

see? much like your arm... but what if.. your arm had... SIX joints?
that's the amount I counted in the FH wing model...

(going by a standred bird arm)

some people may say "it's because the model is unfinished, and spiky!"
that may be the case, but my first question is my answer to that. I'm pretty sure we could of waited until it was finished.

And as the model for being two plane polygons... please don't get me started on that.

domstraited by this lovely Osprey, and the picture about birds having bones, muscel and skin on their wings, I was pained to see that the FH wings were flat like paper.

that is also why I didn't enter the bird preset contest... I was estatic about it- I love birds, then I thought... "my presets would look horrible with thoughs wings... I best not- I couldn't live with myself!" the only way thought wings look awesome, is if (sorry, I can't remember who it was) they were turned into sheet metal wings for a semi-steampunk dog.

If you are a realistic Game, FH meshers, coders and general Mods, pleas hear my plea, and PLEASE fix the wings. the make them more real- heck- I have a wing .Obj to go! rigged and natural, just need as UV map and to be converted! so if your desperate and would need a wing .Obj you have only to ask...

as for the animation... all I have to say is...

Fly Cycle Guide

please learn and study that... the characters themselves look dead when their in the air and as if a rope is in the sky pilling on them and all they do if flapp their fings like how a small child would when imitating a bird or over flying creature.

wing Rig Animation Test

and how to fold wings properly as well as over useful wing animations.note: this is in BLENDER- from my understanding, that is the same programme used (to some extent) to create the models and animation for FeralHeart.

oh- again, 5 month MAYA training, two years in art college,  once a month Life-drawing. and malnipulating the Tutors so I could include animals- namely birds in my work- I'm not a random Noob who likes to just draw birds...

sorry for my rant, I really do love FH and only want the best for it, and it's players.

Quick Note: I have Dyslexia so, although my spelling isn't perfect, I have a reason rather than "I rushed it".

Offline meowool

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Re: About the Wings of FH
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2012, 12:08:40 pm »
I really do agree with this!! XD (i actually prefer ITs wing to FHs, but even then I don't have any winged characters. I loved the videos. (Did you make them both!) They are very informative and I found it very simple to understand! XD

Offline okami129

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Re: About the Wings of FH
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2012, 12:36:13 pm »
exactly. And the thing I was bugged most was how the wings fold. if you look closely bird wings are a bit more on their back...

Or slightly on their sides but still kinda close to back.

Look closely to the ones with the sides. It folds forward and back and is more flat on the body.

Now to feral hearts. They fold outward instead of flat.

Now to compare the flying. birds leap forward not up and the wing flap is a little different.
? FLYYYYY!!!!!! Feral Heart Has Wings! ?
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Offline Goldchocobo

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Re: About the Wings of FH
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2012, 03:54:36 pm »
I really do agree with this!! XD (i actually prefer ITs wing to FHs, but even then I don't have any winged characters. I loved the videos. (Did you make them both!) They are very informative and I found it very simple to understand! XD

no- I didn't make them, but I used the Wing Animation tutorial alot ^_^'

and Yes, Okami- that's what bugged me too, and one of the reason I put the blender Wing tutorial here- to show the animators/model makers tht it IS possible to fold wings without makeing them look awkward xD