Author Topic: Why hello there c:  (Read 862 times)


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Why hello there c:
« on: February 06, 2011, 01:30:17 pm »
Hi :D I'm Vicstar. My old username from Impressive Title is VictoryStar C: I'm 12 years old, which, for some reason, seems to surprise people... They always think I'm 14, 15, and sometimes even older o.o I've had many experiences in my short 12 years of life though, most of which have made me the person I am today. My real name is Crystal... You may call me that, or Vic, or Star. Any of those are fine ^^ I live on the East Coast of the US c: My main fursona is a white and green wolf named Hoku. Hoku means Star in Hawaiian, so her name really fits along with my username ^^... I made her in Impressive Title when I first started playing; She was the first real character that I ever got attached to. In IT she had a mate, Old Wise, but... I haven't talked to"Owner" for a really long time. :c So, that being said, Hoku is available ^^ I am NOT an auto-mater or whatever you wanna call it. I need to rp with you and your character for a while first c;
    My other character is The Mad Hatter. He's feline, and I haven't really decided what he's going to look like in-game. I usually draw him more then play him on FH, buuut I plan to change that soon c:

Well, I think that's all. C:


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Re: Why hello there c:
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2011, 02:05:49 pm »
Hey thar, welcome. C: