Author Topic: A little bit about me  (Read 1128 times)

Offline WolfBrother

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A little bit about me
« on: April 12, 2012, 03:45:10 am »
Name: Jessica
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Siblings: 1 older brother
Relationship: Single (Good)

Hey peoples of the Feral Heat world! I come in peace :P Anyway, whats up!?! Just thought it was time for ya'll to know a little about me.... Lets see, I was born in L.A California, in 1998, we moved to SC (South Carolina) when I was 5. Ummmm, wait let me go back a step xD! (Never mind :P ) Anyway, my favorite activities involve Softball, Volleyball, Track, Acting, and Soccer!!! I have actually been in a film (Small part, but oh well) I was in the movie called Taken, an actually I will be in the movie Catching Fire (As an extra, still counts! :P) I have hung out with Jennifer, and Josh on set (My father is an agent so I get to meet a lot of cool people!) Me and Josh used to go out and shoot hoops in between sets... He is like the funniest dude I have EVER met! Anyway, also one time when we ate lunch with them, I got into a little food fight with Jennifer, it wasn't our smartest idea I can tell you that xD!
  (Goes back about a year)
   About a year or 2 ago my mother past of brain cancer (I actually don't care cause she never loved me and my brother and I never loved her.... She was a *****) Also, its really sad, but a few months ago my friend got in a car wreck, her mother looked down at her phone for a split second and ran a red light, thats when another car hit the side that she was sitting, the car flipped a few times...... To get to the end, my friend went into a coma, and about a month ago she pasted :( We knew each other since K5, an I will NEVER forget her!

I have to get off now, I'll finish it some other time! Bye