Author Topic: {~***Seether_Carnage***~}[Mapless,Semi-Literate,Active,Semi-Real,CanineRP]  (Read 2679 times)

Offline CannibalWolf

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Blood Kin Of The Red Moon

Check out our website here~ Before doing anything else,we ask that when go to register for the website,please register as your *Characters* name.Please don't register with your username,that is all I have to say for the website part.WE HAVE AWESOME UPDATES!NEW RANKS/NEW FEATURES/NEW SITE!GO CHECK IT OUT!


A loner,trudges through the forest in hopes of meat,or any type of food.The cold darkin night slithers over you,making your fur wet with crystals of water dripping upon you.You shiver,and hope this night will go by fast.And as you go in deeper and stray from your familiar radius,your orbs locked onto the landscape around you.You stop every now and then,raising your nose up high for any scent.And though you try to stay strong,your dieing in the inside for food.

Just as you go farther into the unknown woods.You find yourself swarmed with crows,and ravens.They circle you,and land in tree's watching you like a hawk.They never take there cold and frighting gaze off you.And as the night grow's darker,you find yourself barely seeing the rest of the way.You try your best to flee from the hungry flesh thirsty birds that strike at your back every now and then.You try to shoo them away,but there cawing at there highest and making a racit.

And,just as you think you have escaped it all.You stop dead in your tracks,hearing voices.Not far from were your statued.The ravens,and crows land in there trees,still watching you,keeping there harsh orbs into your soul.But,they make no voice,no caw,no screech.Nothing at all dare escapes there beaks.You begin to shake,and cower wondering whats going to happen to you next.The birds falling over silence make you wonder what this creature as to make them do this.You knew,there loud and picky.Your voice escapes your maw queitly but scared like."H-Hello,anybody here?" You yell slightly,not wanting an answer so you could continue on.But,a small deep and yet not to far away voice answers you.They seem to be chanting something as the voices grew closer.You see small and large figures come near you,there eyes glowing.There teeth shining.

As the figures,get even closer to you.You lower your frame drawing into submission,your auds perked.You finally understand there chanting."We are,the children of the Blood Red Moon.So come and join,the murderious toon.We will eat you by the layers,so drop upon your knee's,and say your prayers."You cower scared to your fullest.You wonder,will they kill me?What does this chant even mean?A slight whimper escapes your throat as two large figures stand infront of you.The voices immadietly stop.There glowing and cold orbs locked onto you,and the two figures that stand infront of you."You seem you need assitance my dear rouge."The second largest figure said."Yes,indeed you do."The largest of all the wolves said.You draw your body closer into a submissive ball.You shakingling wonder what they wanted from you.But,hunger made you speak."Yes-Yes,I do..I mean no harm,im just looking for food is all."You try your best to get away from a conversation.Although you don't want to speak to them no longer,one more thing from you ask's the two large figures."What do you want from me?"You ask them nervously,waiting for a grumpy,and rude reply."We are the Seething leaders of our pack.And we,want you to join us."


Our type of 'orientation' is always filled with heavy gore,and violence.Just how our family enjoys it to be.What happens is,after your 3 days of being into the family,you are to be put through 3-5 minutes of hell.You are to be attacked by marked wolves,and you must not attacked back.Even if you really wanted too.This just show us how much pain you can tolerate,and handle.If you survive it,you are welcomed into the family and will be given a rank.If you dont survive,all you will see are the shining lights of hell.

Our bonding is very different then other packs.Our kind of bonding is killing,and splattering the guts of the hated ones.Our pack enjoys howling at our red moon.The one we worship.That is our way of bonding.

Red Howling
As demonstrated above,our pack always enjoys a good family howl at our Red Moon.It is said,howling to our Red Moon will give the weak strength and will give the strong more.The Red Moon is based off our packs ancestry.The ones that give us our meals,and give us our power.


1.)Respect the higher tiers,such as the Alpha/Beta/Gamma/Delta.Any disrespect or challenge towards these wolves will have killed,or exiled outta the pack.

2.)If a member is caught betraying the pack in any way seen.You will be killed on the spot infront of everyone.

3.)You CANNOT have mates with an enemy pack,or if you are marked as a LOW ranking wolf.

4.)No other pairs,besides the higher tiers cannot breed.As told above,only the Alpha-Delta and other high ranks can have blood kins.If you are not high ranking wolf.You may adopt kins,if any blood kins are seen by a low ranking wolf,they will be killed by the higher ups.

5.)As a Rouge/Recruit of the pack you cannot leave the territory that is given to the pack.If you are breaking this rule,you will be warned.If you do it again then you will be killed or exiled.

6.)If your caught stealing from another pack/pack member you will be severally tortured,or beaten,or possibly killed.

7.)Adoption is allowed in our pack.

8.)God-modding/Powerplaying is STRICTLY prohibited.

9.)Try to keep our semi-lit rp going.You may not be the best rper out there,but just try to atleast put a few periods,and comma's.

10.)Keep fights and sparring IC. Do not attack another against their will. Killing a character IC is allowed only if permission is passed both ways.

11.)Minor cursing is allowed,but major cursing is STRICTLY not allowed.Whether it be IC,or OOC it is still prohibited.

12.)If your going to flirt with any wolf,keep it at a friendly level.If not,move it to whisper please.

13.)Heavy use of gore,or killing's is welcomed into the pack.

14.)Fresh Meat's must go through 2 things before getting fully accepted into the pack.You can actually pick one now,you can pick:Carnaging-Were 2-3 picked members maul you,and you must hold out for as long as you can before time runs out.OR Blood Hunting-Were you go and kill a lifeform that is willing to agree with it.


1.)All members will have a C in there name tags,it goes with the ranks and what not.

2.)Please no OOC drama,if that every pops up.Move it to whisper,or use the block button.

3.)Trouble makes/Attention seekers will be removed,this also stands for In Character as well.

4.)New members have 3-4 days to be active,and they must go to our site and apply before getting Carnaged to achieve a rank.

5.)Trollings/god-modding is strictly not allowed/wanted.

6.)Harassment and land claiming of other people around is not allowed.

7.)Parent/mate begging is STRICTLY not allowed.

8.)If your a Recruit/Rouge you put this in your name tags (r) it MUST be lowercased.

9.)Try your bestest to be as active as possible.


Red Lord }LC{[/color]
A Blood Lord is the lead pair of the pack,they have the most freedom out of every rank/member.Not only do they make sure the pack is doing as they should,they also make sure there protected.A true Lord would die for his pack.

Blood Knight }LLC{
Blood Knight's are the second in command,they may show some submissive signs to there Lord's but they are an equal as an second Lord.

Dark Omen }LLLC{
Dark Omen is held as third in command.Unlike the Blood Knight's Dark Omen's are usaully the most trusted pair toward the Lords,they are considered Third Lords

White Knights }LLCC{
White Knights are held as last in command,towards the leading chain.White Knights are rarely put in charge,considering that the higher tiers are always around when needed to be.

Lead Sinners }LCS{[/color]
A Lead Sinner take the Exorcist's into dealing out punishments,and slaughterings.They are basically in charge of killings.

Exorcist's }CS{
Exorcist's are wolves that involve getting there paws dirty for the pack,what they do is once a packmate has disobeyed,and the higher tiers order a slaughtering,the Exorcist's kill a disrespecting packmember when ordered too.

Jokus }Cs{[/size]
Kin of the Sinner pair.They can upgrade when worthy enough.

Punk }pC{
A Punk is a a wolf that is to attack a Fresh Meat after there 3 days of being around the pack.

Shadow }sC{[/color]
A Shadow is a wolf,that hunts down marked targeted wolves under the exiled lists.Or,wolves under the Blood Hunt List

Blood Bishop}LCB{[/color]
A Blood Bishop is a LeadWarrior.The first born child of the Lord's will usaully take this spot until there given the Lord Thrown.

Blood Warrior }CB{ [/color]
A Blood Warrior is usaully the first at everything when it comes down to wars and what not.((You Must Provide a RP Sample in order to get this rank))

Titan }Cb{ [/color]
Young kin of the Warrior pair.They may upgrade once worthy enough.

Full Blood }Cr{[/color]
Full Blood is a Recruit that just got through there Carnaging,and are now under guidence from the higher tiers,so we can find a good rank for them.Or,just simply pulling them aside for a meeting.

Seether }Css{ [/color]
A Seether is a member that runs about going to any near by packs either forming an Alliance or hatching up an enemy.Basically,they never stick around for long.They can also help Recruit new members.

HellsAngel }LCA{[/color]
A HellsAngel is an aerial(Flying) Hunter/Warrior.This rank is usaully given to a canine granted wings.And also,gifted with bravery and a large blood lust.

FieryAngel }CA{[/color]
A FieryAngel is actually a HellsAngel in training.This rank is still granted to a canine with wings.And,a blood lust!

WingedAssasin }Ca{[/color]
Young kin of the HellAngel pair.They can upgrade once worthy enough.

Flesher }LCH{[/color]
A Flesher is usaully the third born into the Lord's Pair.Fleshers are LeadHunters.

Red Lurkers }CH{
Red Lurkers ussauly follows the orders of Fleshers,and hunt wolves,elk,and any other meat the pack is in the mood for.

Threshers }Ch{
Young kin of the Flesher pair.As told in the other ranks,they can upgrade once worthy enough.

BloodKeeps }LCX{
The Blood Keeps are the Elite Guards of the pack,if there were a threat there in charge to put the Warriors/Guardians into battle to keep the pack safe and protected from harm((You must Provide a RP Sample before becoming this rank))

[color=maroon[/color]Eagle Bloods}CX{[/color]
Eagle Bloods are the ones that have full gained trust of the pack,Eagle Blood's are also Guards,ussauly stay at the territory at pack outings/gatherings to watch and report posible threats to the pack,Guards the most dependent because they must watch the territory at all costs.And stick with the Guardian Sinners.

Scythe Sharpeners }Cx{
The name is in there rank title.They sharpen the weapons of the warriors.There also known kin of the of the BloodKeeps.They may also upgrade once proven worthy.

Mortal Kin }LCM{[/size]
This pair is the leading pair of the Red Immortals.They will lead and be put in charge of the Scouts,they do expect the Scouts to follow there command.((Must provide a RP sample for this rank))

Red Immortals }CM{
Red Immortals are Scouts of the pack,they are just like Guards but,they leave the territory and scout the whole perimeter told to go.

Seether Soul }Cm{[/size]
The young kin of the scouting pair.After proven worthy,they may upgrade to Red Immortals.

Care Guardians}LCG{
Care Guardians are the ones that heal any wounded soldiers,or packmates.Care Guardians rely on Herbalists to give them herbs,and creams needed to heal the broken.((You must provided atleast a semi-literate sample before becoming one of these.))

Herbalists }CG{[/size]
Herbalists usaully are the ones to be around the Care Guardians during healing time,Herbalists give the Care Guardians what the need to heal the members.They can upgrade to Care Guardian.

Plantiers }Cg{ [/size]
Plantiers ((Planters)) Are medics in training,they are the lowest medic rank.But,they may upgrade once given enough knowledge.

Guardian Sinners }CMS{
Guardian Sinners will watch over all the pups of the pack,they usauly stay back to watch the pups with the EagleBloods,during pack outings/gatherings.

Young Meat }c{
Whether Blood or Adopted there fate is already determined,pups will automatically be given a rank due to whatever rank there parents are.

Red Eye }CM{
A Red Eye is a packmate that well thinks out what a Recruit shall be after there few days of being a Fresh Meat.They also moditier the rouges and report back to the alpha.

Rouge }r{
A Rouge is a new member of the pack,Rouge can be treated harshly by some pack mates,but only for a good cause.Rouge must be active for three REAL days in order to get there Carnaging.

Elder Monster }dCb{
An Elder,is great for pack gatherings and can also stay with the Den Mothers during outings/gatherings,to help watch the pups and tell story's.

Omega }o{
Omega's are the most submisive of the pack,they are last at anything and can even get picked on by Rouges.They however CANNOT have any pups of any kind,whether it be blood or adopted.


Any rank having an "L" into its name is ranked a HIGH rank.Some are free to the public,and some are granted only to Alpha/Beta/Gamma/Deltas kin.For the free high ranks,you must be atleast semi-literate to gain it.

If an L is seen inside a members tag then it is a high rank.

If there all CAPS then its about high rank.((Not as high as a L ranking though.))

If all lowercased then its a low ranking wolf.

If CAPS in front and lowercased in back,then its an a middle ranking.Same goes for lower case in front and CAPS in back.


We really dont have a home.Were usaully chased out by rivals or annoying packs,threating us with reports.We usaully keep moving around until we finally settle in.


Enemy Packs

Willowed Redemption

The London's Aether


Silent Hunter's

Alliance Packs

Red Ra}V{age





[Put a picture of your character here if you want]

Character's Name:
Rank Desired:
How Active Are You:
Will You Stay Active?:

SHORT BIOGRAPH:                  

((Please excuse all the[/color] and [/size] I've tried to fix em.. :| But,they wont go away. Lol

« Last Edit: May 09, 2012, 07:28:28 am by CanibalWolf »

Offline CannibalWolf

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Re: *Re-do* {~***Seether_Carnage***~}Semi-Literate/Semi-Realistic
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2012, 05:02:27 am »

Offline CannibalWolf

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Also,we have up to like 50 members or 40. Half of em are active,we enjoy ACTIVE rpers..

Offline CannibalWolf

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Offline CannibalWolf

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