Author Topic: A rant that will probably end with my death, since everyone will yell at me.  (Read 4608 times)

Offline shiftyglob

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Hello everyone! today, I will be ranting about problems I have seen within the game, none of them are actualy that serious, I just needed to like.. get this off my chest, or what ever it is you do when you rant.. If I get banned from this, I regret nothing!

Heres a list of all the problems I have seen, or been part of, throughout my time on
Feral Heart and Impressive Title, And I have been around since v3 of IT, meaning I have
seen quite a lot!

I think I cut all cussing out of this, but I might have snuck something in.. spur of the moment type of thing.

Everyone keeps to themselves, and they neve try to reach out to help the loner of the
I have seen this happen countless times, to me and to others. Sometimes the person
who everyone ignores is the best roleplayer, or has the best ideas, but no one listenes
to them because they are all either (A) to busy snogging each other to even notice
the existence of anyone else (B) sucking up to the leader, because this obviously makes
for good roleplay and character development or (C) you're being ignored by everyone else
aswell and you dont know how to join in.

(A) Dude.. seriously? I know some romance is good here and there, but if your
characters entire life is it being humped, or humping someone else, guess what? your character
will have no friends! Sure It'll have plenty of children, but who has actualy had their
characters children play with them after they had grown up? Pretty much every single one
will run off to go find their own pack, and their own true love. Meaning your character
hasnt gotten anywhere! I have hardly seen any characters with a best friend, sure the player
has friends, but does your character? I know this doesnt seem that important, but if your character
doesnt have friends, then your characters character is shallow, and boring!

(B) If your character is naturaly submissive, and scared, then fine, go ahead, suck up to
the boss! But be ready for that boss to ignore you, because they have better things to do,
like take care of their children and lover, because thats what everyone is obsessed over.
But remember, if your character is say.. An Omega in a pack, that means it doesnt only
suck up to the leader, it sucks up to EVERYONE! This can give you a much wider variety of
people to play with, but if your character doesnt grow a pair, it will keep having the same
interaction over and over again. So instead of having a 100% shy character, instead, try something

(name) is a timid young wolf who is terrafied of just about everything and tends to
keep to himself, but when he is with the rest of the pack, he feels safe, and will open up
to others more freely.

Or for something else

(name) is weak and gets pushed around quite easily by the much larger and stronger
pack members, but he is brave and has a strong will, wich causes him to get into a lot of trouble.

Now, I'm not telling you how to play your character, these are just suggestions. But EVERYONE
does the shy, pathetic, "I had a traumatic past" character. Why dont you try something different
for once? If you want a traumatic past, atleast make it something like "he was ignored by his mother,
since he was the runt" instead of "Her parents murdered each other right in front of her eyes, and then
she was taken away by the evil people so they could do horrible experaments on her, but
how she got away, no one knows." Because that is way over used! And everyone who does it
says their character is so 'unique' and 'origional'! I'm sorry, but it realy isnt.

(C) When this happens, dont just sit in the corner and make pathetic posts! You have to jump right in,
be loud, make everyone notice you! If you make good posts with lost of personality, people will want to
play with you and treat you like an actual person rather then a blank space or a machine.
For more help, try doing something small aswell, like giving your character an accent, or a small quirk.
It could be anything! Just add something that makes your character stick out of the crowd! I know this
can be hard sometimes, but if your character is the same as every other character out there, people will
become bored and ignore you. Just because I gave one of my characters a NewYorker accent, people actualy
came up to me, to ask to roleplay. And why is that? Its because its something you dont see everyday, its new,
exciting, and It makes the character seem more real.
If you're feeling ignored, the first thing to do, is to reach out to others, instead of waiting for them to come
to you.
Everyone is way to serious about every little thing that happens, and they dont know when to drop something!
When you are In Character, you have every bloody right to do this, But out of character, atleast try to sence
if someone is being sarcasstic or not! Not everyone is a stick in the mud, many people are just jocking around
becaue they a dead bored when they come up and scream "Cookie!", because they dont know how to get anyones attention.
They are getting on this game to play a game, not get lectured about 'proper grammar' and 'etiquite', what is this? A
dinner with the queen? I think not! This is a game, where we should all be having fun with each other,
instead of yelling at each other because 'susan spelt happy wrong'! Because guess what? you just spelt
'flying' wrong two minutes later. I know some of you are doing it to be funny, I understand, because sometimes spelling
happy as hoppy might make you giggle, or go 'aah! I cant believe i did that!'. But then theres all those bloody grammar
nazies who arent even trying to be helpful ,they are just being foul spirited. And you know what? Most of those grammar
nazies dont know the difference between Their and there, so they have no right to be getting onto you for spelling a word
like happy wrong, you finger could've slipped for alll they know.
Dang it! this is getting me all worked up.. let me take a second to breath..

Okay, back to topic. Like I said, when you are In character, be as serious as you like, but dont take something someone
said on here to seriously, they probably dont even know your real name, so they got nothing on you. Dont take things from
OOC to IC or vice versa.. I know, when you are In character, you may feel like you are the character, but a part of you should
remember you arent. This is why I suggest not making Fursonas, because if someones character insaults yours, it seems like they are insaulting you directly, even if they arent intending to.
I've seen problems with the mods, I know, this could get me banned, but please, hear me out first? I'm not trying to bash the mods, I'm just giving out ideas that might could help you with your jobs. Okay, I've seen this on quite a few threads asking for more mods, you say that you havent found anyone who 'fits the bill' but you never will if you stick to tightly to your loop. You cant meet new, nice, and responsable people if all you do is gossip with the other mods. I know plenty of people that could do a good job, a few that would actualy want  to. But you havent found these people yet.. I think its because you treat everyone like outsiders instead of equals. Yes, you hold the power, you're the boss of us, but no one wants to follow a boss who doesnt listen, or give good reason for follwing them. And not telling people why their friends  where banned created a gap between you and the comunity. You may not see it much on the forums, but in game, people are gossiping about you and the things you do, some good, but most of these rumors are BAD! People do not like being kept in the dark! They want to know what it is thats getting them banned, because many of them, as the stories go, didnt break the rules, they just made you feel bad about yourselves, so you decided to block them for up to a year? I know many of these arent true, but all of the players think they are. So you mods dont have a very nice image, and the main reasons are because you distance yourselves, making the average player think that you think lowly of them, even if you dont. Keeping them in the dark makes them even more nervous because they will believe the stories others tell them, so they see you as bad people. To fix this, all you need to do is give them a reason to believe in you, you're like the police of the comunity, and no one will go to you for help if they dont think you can. So try mingling with them, find new moderators, because those new people will know other people, and they will know others, and it will be a heck of a lot easier for you to find people you trust, meaning you will have a larger force, making the game more secure, and they will help keep the 'crime rate'down. This is a comunity like any you will find in real life, there will always be a rotten egg in the batch, but there are more good people on here then you think, you just have to give  them a chance, and they will never get that chance if you ignore them.
I know you all do your best, but dont forget, even the heroes need help sometimes!
Ugh.. Okay, I'm done for now.. I might Rant later on, but for now.. May I rest in peace.
If you actualy read the entire thing, I would give you a hug, but you're probably being angry at me, so I'll do that when you cool down. But dont worry, I realy dont mind being ranted at, it actualy makes for a good conversation, so feel free do add your own pointers, and opinions.

« Last Edit: April 23, 2012, 09:04:32 am by Shifty »
"Courage is not the absence of fear but the ability to confront fear"

I would like to apologize to anyone I have not offended yet. Please be patient, I will get to you shortly.

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Wow :o I actually think this stuff really needed to be said!

Excluding the Mod part, because it's not up to the Mods to pick new Mods, it's all up to the Admin/s. And it's not as easy as you think. The Admins really have to watch and observe a member closly to see if they're responsible enough to become a Mod/M.I.T for a game with loads and loads of demanding players like this game. Here, have a look at what Sameth said~

"It's almost scary if you think about it. One wrong person can turn things upside-down. Imagine. Even if the person is nice enough, what happens if they get angry, can they keep their cool? Even a MIT has enough power to trash the forum good."
((Link to the topic -

..... Did I explain things clear enough ;D? Sorry, I'm not very good when it comes to explaining things.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2012, 09:27:44 am by Sezirichi »
Yours truly,

Offline shiftyglob

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Haha, you explained it quite well, but the Mods do send in the suggestions, right? Of course nothing is ever smooth and easy, is it?
You know, they could create a waiting system, one thats a mostly mod, but not as much power, you know, only like the ability to ban for an hour (if thats possible), it would have to last awile, like a few months, and if they make a mistake, then they are removed from this position and all.. Never mind, I'm just spouting out ideas! haha!
"Courage is not the absence of fear but the ability to confront fear"

I would like to apologize to anyone I have not offended yet. Please be patient, I will get to you shortly.

Offline Kyugima

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I've seen problems with the mods, I know, this could get me banned, but please, hear me out first? I'm not trying to bash the mods, I'm just giving out ideas that might could help you with your jobs. Okay, I've seen this on quite a few threads asking for more mods, you say that you havent found anyone who 'fits the bill' but you never will if you stick to tightly to your loop. You cant meet new, nice, and responsable people if all you do is gossip with the other mods. I know plenty of people that could do a good job, a few that would actualy want  to. But you havent found these people yet.. I think its because you treat everyone like outsiders instead of equals. Yes, you hold the power, you're the boss of us, but no one wants to follow a boss who doesnt listen, or give good reason for follwing them. And not telling people why their friends  where banned created a gap between you and the comunity. You may not see it much on the forums, but in game, people are gossiping about you and the things you do, some good, but most of these rumors are BAD! People do not like being kept in the dark! They want to know what it is thats getting them banned, because many of them, as the stories go, didnt break the rules, they just made you feel bad about yourselves, so you decided to block them for up to a year? I know many of these arent true, but all of the players think they are. So you mods dont have a very nice image, and the main reasons are because you distance yourselves, making the average player think that you think lowly of them, even if you dont. Keeping them in the dark makes them even more nervous because they will believe the stories others tell them, so they see you as bad people. To fix this, all you need to do is give them a reason to believe in you, you're like the police of the comunity, and no one will go to you for help if they dont think you can. So try mingling with them, find new moderators, because those new people will know other people, and they will know others, and it will be a heck of a lot easier for you to find people you trust, meaning you will have a larger force, making the game more secure, and they will help keep the 'crime rate'down. This is a comunity like any you will find in real life, there will always be a rotten egg in the batch, but there are more good people on here then you think, you just have to give  them a chance, and they will never get that chance if you ignore them.
I know you all do your best, but dont forget, even the heroes need help sometimes!

  We DO get new moderators, not all of them are friends with other mods, the only issue with the people YOU know that would be good moderators is they don't SHOW it. If you don't offer help to the point you are well known enough that moderators or admins notice you and point you out, you really aren't helping enough to make a good moderator. Admins can NOT just promote any one who looks kind to be a moderator, they need to know they can TRUST them. Sure, YOU know them, but do the admins now their behaviour well enough to know they are trustworthy and aren't going to just ban people for annoying them? They do not stick to their circle of friends, but they do need to trust the person, and they won't trust someone they just met or barely see in game.

  Year long bans are given to those who have been given tonnes of chances and have ruined those chances, or straight up for rape. Or their behaviour is just so atrocious we just can not have them in game any longer. A year ban is a permanent ban for truly terrible behaviour.

  Perhaps if you would spend some time here on the forums you would see the proof that mods and admins commune with others, they don't hold themselves higher than others. Mods and Admins don't often reveal themselves in game because of the spam and harassment it causes. It is the people who do not allow themselves to talk with the mods and admins that think they hold themselves in high regard. We have introductions threads, we show all the details we feel comfortable revealing, and we hold conversations and RP with people here on the forum AND in game. It is just that when in game you CAN'T see that they are mods or admins unless you spend time with them in the forum, and even then, mods in the forum are not always mods in game, and mods in game are not always mods in the forum.

  Please, try and learn more about mods before you rant, there have been enough ranters who go on about how mods need to hire more people, before thinking about what that would actually mean, or even knowing how many mods there actually are. Don't just straight up rant before you learn about something, ask questions, get the facts, don't throw assumptions into the mix, sometimes you end up just looking foolish.

  And the friends thing... How do Mods and Admins really know you are "friends" with this person? If they do not wish to share why they were banned, they have every right to, and if the so called "Friend" really thinks they need to go to the mods or admins rather than their friend for the information, how do mods know they are trustworthy? Mods shouldn't have to go spilling the beans on everyone because some random stranger comes along screaming they are friends. You compare mods to police. Would you trust police that when someone comes long and says they are friends and demands to know what their "friend" has done wrong they just go and say everything that they have ever done wrong? Yes, sometimes you'll get an answer if it is seen as ok to do so, but mods can't just put a list up of every banned person and everything they have ever done just to satisfy "friends"

Haha, you explained it quite well, but the Mods do send in the suggestions, right? Of course nothing is ever smooth and easy, is it?
You know, they could create a waiting system, one thats a mostly mod, but not as much power, you know, only like the ability to ban for an hour (if thats possible), it would have to last awile, like a few months, and if they make a mistake, then they are removed from this position and all.. Never mind, I'm just spouting out ideas! haha!

that is what a MIT is, a mod in training, only just for the forum. And to do your suggestions would mean having a game creator willing to create those ranks for mods, but unfortunately, we don't, so the mods and admins have to do the best with what they have, even if that means they can't just hire random strangers of the game like every one seems to want them to do, because they feel it would be the perfect answer to trouble makers, when it would just cause more troubles than in the start when the moderators were limited.

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Signature: Kyugima, Rimfrost, Deafosho

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To Kyugima:

I dont get on the forums much, I admit to that, there are actualy a lot of people who dont, and that is because they get on FH to pay the game, not roleplay on the forums, they can go anywhere for that! People get on the game because its different then a forum, there are people who are both on the game and forum, but many of the people who look at the forums is to show off maps and presets they made for inside the game, not so they can keep track of the comunity, so there are many people who dont know whats going on. Of course, most of them dont care, me included. I'm just ranting for the heck of it, I dont care if I have my facts right or not, I dont care if I'm banned for annoyong the mods, I just.. dont care about any of that stuff. Especialy the getting banned part, but thats besides the point!

I did not once say you wherent getting more mods, I was just saying that if you reached out more, you could possably get more, this entire thread was mainly just suggestions, not demands. Actualy, most of the NUMBER THREE part was about how many of the peope in game, the ones who dont have all the facts see you. of course I am a sucky writer, so it probably didnt come out the way I wanted it.. To err is human.. and I like making excuses.

I was going with in game accounts, what I've learned from the views of other players, and almost all of them stated that the mods are abuing their power, some accounts said that the mods are actualy looking at their private massages because something someone in their group did! I know I didnt get all my facts right, and thats because I realy, realy dont want to go scouring the forums for one little piece of info, when I have better things to be doing. Of course, I probably shoulda thought of that before making a rant, since that wastes time aswell, there just isnt much anywhere to go to talk about this stuff, now is there? I'm going off of what I know, and when I know It, Thats what rants are for, is getting things proven to you that you didnt know before, and getting things off of your chest. If you dont want to be proven wrong, dont rant, right?

I was just using my friends as an example, I wasnt trying to say that 'hey, my friends should be mods!', I was just saying that there are tons of people who would actualy be good moderators. And i think the reason they dont show themselves, is because they dont know they can? But,  like I was saying through the entire post, EVERYONE, not just the mods, are keeping to themselves, they never seem to look around them, you can make a ton of friends on here just by having a small conversation in Bonfire, because how many people feel neglected.
I know you cant deal with everyones demands to know, but there are so many people that just dont know, it makes them frustrated. I personaly dont know anyone who has been banned, but I know people who know people who have been, and most of them are.. kinda pissed off? I know a lot of it is because it ws their friend and all, but still, no one likes being left in the dark.

Sorry, I've been seeing the MIT acronym around, but I couldnt ever find out what it meant.. I'm just realy horrible with that type of thing.

This feels like the crappiest post I've made in awile, but thats not saying much since I never post on here.

And your post seemed a little harsh, for something so.. small? as this. Of course I cant blame you realy, you probably get crap like this all the time. Dont worry, I'll try to get my facts right next time. But thank you for clearing that all up, it helped me understand all the stuff I didnt, sorry for causing you trouble. I can remove the whole section from the post if you want.. But personaly, I dont mind looking the fool, Nahaha!

Ah, I feel like I put the aproprate title on this thread.. I'm so happy TT_TT
"Courage is not the absence of fear but the ability to confront fear"

I would like to apologize to anyone I have not offended yet. Please be patient, I will get to you shortly.

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You won't get banned for this, trust me, you're stating your opinion XD It is when you are pointing at certain mods and swearing and saying what a lousy job they are doing and insulting that gets you banned XD And sorry if I come off harsh, I do have trouble with seeming polite in posts, I have noticed, I just blurt everything and any thing out. I don't have a filter, and I have trouble putting emotion or whatever in my posts, I try and stay informative, but sometimes annoyance comes through (Didn't help that I typed that up when mum was having one of her rants and spiels and I was very annoyed at her at the time XD)

the looking at private messages thing? Mods and admins can only see what every one else see's. They can not look at everything going on in local, and they can not see anything going on in  whispers or groups or parties (Unless you were unfortunate enough to suffer the group leaking chat, but that has been fixed XD) So if you get banned for something that has happened in one of those chats, it is not because you are being watched, but because you were reported by one of the parties involved.

Another thing considered when picking people for mod spots is reporting. If someone is sitting around, watching something happen, but does nothing about it but wish they were a mod to stop it, are they worth hiring? If someone reports and enforces the rules in game, and are known for it, they can be considered for mod positions I believe. It is just that so very few actually show that they are capable that those that are, are hard to find. Admins can not go by what someone's friend says about someone unfortunately, they need to be able to see their abilities for themselves.

The forums are not only for role play, there are sections dedicated for help, a feral heart radio, competitions, events, announcements, and such, personally I feel that those who only go in game are missing out on the true community, and wish that there would be more people coming on the forum to take part in it.

People do like to scream power abuse at mods, and mostly when they deserved the ban in my opinion. Anything to get them out of it really Of course that doesn't account for all cases, some people just haven't gone to a mod or admin and asked why and if possible to get it shortened or removed if they believe it was wrongly done or just don't understand that we have made a week the minimum ban now). Those that didn't do anything wrong come to us and ask, and get it removed or shortened if appropriate. We aren't stubborn mules who scream no at everyone, we know we make mistakes, and we know the banning system isn't perfect, plenty of people get banned when they share an IP with others or something similar. But there will always be those people who scream abuse, no matter how perfect a banning system is, unfortunately that is not something ANYONE can change, and everyone on any game will have to put up with. Some people just don't understand that playing a game is a privilege given to them rather than a right that must be enforced.

And sorry about the whole caps you thing, didn't mean for that to come of like I thought you were demanding admins made your friends mods and all that, When I was thinking it in my head the meaning came out different, but reading back I kinda wonder where my thoughts were XD My mind can be a jumbled mess sometimes XD

And I do have conversations with people in game, when I'm on myself, but I would not start them in Bonfire, the land of trolls and rapists... I would not get moderators from the people that frequent that area to have "fun" >.< XD Bonfire is not a very good place to go, and not a very good place to suggest people make friends XD

I get the feeling there was a whole other paragraph that I meant to write, but I forgot what it was, look out for it in a future post or here if no one posts >.>

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Signature: Kyugima, Rimfrost, Deafosho

Offline shiftyglob

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Dont worry, I'm not very polite half the time aswell, and I also blurt out pretty much everything.. I just.. Put a lot of.. personality into it? I dunno, I just add words that realy arent necesary! Though I guess it makes it seem like I actauly put thought into it when I didnt.

Someone mentioned it a few times, and about mods looking at their group and whisper chats, of course, no one knows if a mod was in the group or not. I wasnt saying it was true or anything, just posting a few rumors I've heard here and there.. oh no, I'm becoming a real gossiper, you know, that bad for friendships sometimes, makes so the people wonder 'what if they are spreading rumors about me?'.. that had nothing to do with the topic.

That makes sence, and I'm sure the reports help you find the bad eggs! I wonder if people make a seperate photobucket or imageshack account just for reports? Or if they delete the picture a little after its been reported. Though I know this doesnt make them qualified, far from it, I think the reason people dont report everything is because they either ignore it, or just dont mind it? Of course that would also help you find responsable people, since only the ones who notice and actualy care would send in the report.

Personaly, I would get on the forums more, but I always forget it exists, So I tend to stick with Deviant Art.. Though I did join a preset contest not to long ago (and not just for the points, that stuff is good practice!), But I kinda spend to much time in game to post on the forums! I know you probably need an admin for this, but If you put a small advertisement on the update panel on the sign in part of the game, you could get more people on the forum.. would you need an update for that?

Dude, no matter where you go, someones always screaming at someone else, wether it be about being banned, art, roleplaying, or someone got dirt on your shoe.. Though people realy do like to bash the moderators on things! It happens everywhere.. Though I dont say it out loud, I've even cought myself doing it every now and then.. I think its a 'gotta blame someone' type thing, and since people tend to see moderators as an orginazation instead of a group of indaviduals, they instantly target them. Kinda like blaming the govorment for everything bad that happens.

Haha, dont worry, I'ts partialy my fault, I suck at getting my point across. I tend to place things in the wrong spots, make people think the main topic is something else. It happens quite a bit! I should read my posts atleast three times before posting, but I only go over it once.

Haha, some of the most interesting people can be found in bonfite though! Its like.. a gathering place for all kinds of people, one of the only places you can get into a roleplay from just saying 'ello to people. Of course, not everyone there is great, and not all of them are bad. They probably gather there because they dont know what else to do.. I actualy should stop going there though, I keep making friends who are very.. Clingy? Though I guess Its cause everyone else ignores them. Probably why they gather at the adoption centres. Getting asked to do three roleplays at once is kinda bothersome though, but atleast when I tell them I'm busy they let it go and we can have a decent chat over PMs, keeps them occupied!

I always think that to.. but anway, Aye aye sir! I'll keep a look out!
"Courage is not the absence of fear but the ability to confront fear"

I would like to apologize to anyone I have not offended yet. Please be patient, I will get to you shortly.

Offline Kyugima

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Mmm true about the bonfire thing, there are some good people there, I met someone there I talked to a bit when I first joined the game, but I never saw them again and they were the only decent person I have ever met there, so it might just be personal experience XD

Some people post reports on Deviant art and all that, I post mine on Tinypic personally, much easier. the reports posted on DA tend to disappear I have noticed, or maybe I just can never find them >.>

We'd need an update, people would have to put things in place, not really the best place for advertisements, and I think KovuLKD, the creator, would be annoyed if an update was put out for something as simple as that >.>

And the blaming mods for things is something I just take as normal. It's just something that can't be resolved, everyone wants something to throw their issues at, and in online games it is more often than not the staff team. Unsolvable issue that one.

I think my mind might have been playing tricks on me before, I don't think there was actually something I meant to write and forgot...

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Signature: Kyugima, Rimfrost, Deafosho

Offline shiftyglob

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Bonfire is just random, with it being a small, largly populated map, with people passing in and out. you could probably make some poetry about how bonfire island is like life, but I'm no good at poetry, so i will leave it to someone else.

They probably dont add any tags onto it, so you'd have to.. go through every FH persons galery.. that would be a pain. Though! On the FH art group, you could have them make a art file thing just for reports. Though It would just be easier if everyone sent them in to you guys, so thats kinda a stupid idea.

Yeah, that'd be a hassle. You'd just have to somehow convince the people ingame to get on the forums more.. An almost impossability!

Yeah, its like one of the great mysteries of the universe, though it involves a lot more yelling, and people getting angry. Though sometimes its like the people are just pretending to be angry, to get attention. Oi! I think I'm going off topic.

Eh, there probably(i like that word) was something, but then your mind erased it, and in a few days you'll stand up suddenl and go 'thats what I wanted to say!' but then you'll know it'll be to late.. :'(

I need to stop saying Probably and I think, I used it so much in these posts today.. Right, I think this has gone from ranting to jut chatting..
"Courage is not the absence of fear but the ability to confront fear"

I would like to apologize to anyone I have not offended yet. Please be patient, I will get to you shortly.

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Personally I cant even see tiny pic images...
But yeah. I would report people more but I'm usually playing with people who cant wait a second with me not replying to them.. so..
cant really report people
I am ashamed.